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Messages - KodeZwerg [ switch to compact view ]

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KodeZwerg happy, everybody happy?
With you on board, every day is a shiny day  :-*

(Image bonus: Why 7590, then 759? K = Decimal ASCII 75, Z = Decimal 90 --had to make this one for you here  :Thmbsup:)
-publicdomain (April 03, 2021, 07:32 PM)
Solution, do a "length(string) mod 2" check to choose a correct string to integer direction/translation :)
(if result is 0 you have something dividable by two, for example a string with length of 4 '7590', so you can add 2 chars from that string,
but i do not know how your program handle invalid integers like 75h 90m
(hours should just go to 23, minutes should just go to 59, everything higher should result in recalculation of wanted time amount),
have you got 90m -> [add to final time amount] + 1h 30m calculation integrated? ^_^

With my own little unfinished calendar thingy I do recalculate everything up to years, month, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, nanoseconds [last two only internal]
my base is milliseconds, from there I do add everything to have final time)

If that matters at all,
keep it up!

Join us on Discord ;-)

@vic: your fliesystem looks crazy "C:\DonationTimer\donationtimer\DonationTimer\..." did not tested program, just only curious looked at image  :huh:

But I bet it works like you said, never had trouble with your Applications so far!

You landed on MajorGeeks:
Thank you for warning me  :Thmbsup:
I do not understand why they put it up there and more I do not understand why they not share origin link.
If someone try to tell me something over there, I do not receive it.
Somehow I plan to make it part of distritbution license to have a origin link included, still free of charge etc... I do need feedback, bad or good doesnt matter. It just can get better.

I'm sorry that I can't really look forward to it / being happy about that.

A Master list of Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 10 reveals nothing about CTRL+SHIFT+R other than it is used to refresh a page in Edge (it is also used for that in other browsers).


Your example is not a global hotkey. It is internal shortcut that can not survive if proper application is closed. Global hotkeys are a bit different on that point ;-)

To find out which application hooks a specific hotkey, do it exact like written here and you have your answer.
One possible way is to use the Visual Studio tool Spy++.

Give this a try:

Run the tool (for me, it's at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\spyxx_amd64.exe)
In the menu bar, select Spy -> Log messages... (or hit Ctrl + M)
Check All Windows in System in the Additional Windows frame
Switch to the Messages tab
Click the Clear All button
Select WM_HOTKEY in the listbox, or check Keyboard in Message Groups (if you're OK with more potential noise)
Click the OK button
Press the hotkey in question (Win + R, for example)
Select the WM_HOTKEY line in the Messages (All Windows) window, right click, and select Properties... in the context menu
In the Message Properties dialog, click the Window Handle link (this will be the handle for the window that received the message)
Click the Synchronize button on the Window Properties dialog. This will show the window in the main Spy++ window treeview.
On the Window Properties dialog, select the Process tab
Click the Process ID link. This will show you the process (In my Win + R case: EXPLORER)
Great answer! Just a note that the 64-bit version of Spy++ catches only messages for 64-bit applications, so if you don't see the WM_HOTKEY message in the Message log after pressing the hotkey, you may need to run the 32-bit version of Spy++.

This still all works like described.

How about a generic GUI driven calendar tool that support date warnings (birthdays etc) and timer based things, that can perform execution tasks, like calling a .cmd file, or add individual tasks (commands) like a .cmd replacement?
Click icon to quick enable timer and then you turn off screen...
Editor to create tasks as usable preset would be included.
Hotkeys for preset are also an option.

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: March 31, 2021, 04:42 PM »
Actually I just tried it again and Chrome did not block it.  My antivirus did though.  Windows Defender I think.  I'm not an admin of my machine, so I can't 'whitelist' it, unfortunately.
Screenshot - 31_03 003.png
Post #1 contain now a uncompressed version. VirusTotal say: Nothing on any Engine found. I hope this will be working until I publish new version with above things fixed.

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: March 31, 2021, 03:42 PM »
Hopefully Chrome won't keep blocking this version :- /
I am really pissed off what your browser does. Please excuse me for this situation!
Screenshot - 31_03.png
No problems with Opera browser (virus check enabled) and active Kaspersky AntiVirus.

But I do fully admit that this
Screenshot - 31_03 002.png
is my bad!! Compressing executable was not best idea I had

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: March 29, 2021, 04:35 PM »
Thank you all for bug reporting,
I do finally put more time in this project and will rewrite from scratch, same workflow, proper multimonitor support, proper config file support.

Be patient and excuse my absense.

Living Room / Re: "Open in app" in Teams
« on: March 26, 2021, 04:38 PM »
Co-edit a file
Files uploaded and shared to a team are accessible to every member of the Team. In Office for the web, Office for Android or iOS, or the latest applications from Microsoft 365, you and your team members can co-edit Word, PowerPoint, or Excel documents, or comment on Visio files. No need to check files out or worry about if one of your colleagues has the document open. Just open the file you need to edit and if other team members are editing it too your changes will be seamlessly merged as you work.

I hope this helps you.

1. I realize now that Advanced Properties is probably not for me because I have no idea what most of the information it shows me means. :-[
2. But I do have a little bit of feedback on the aesthetics.
1. That is okay, it is not a-must-have tool. For me as a technican fan it is (^_^)
2. Makes me happy!

I really don't like the transparency effects. I feel I can't even concentrate on trying to figure out and use the app itself because I am too distracted by the transparency. I see that there's an option to disable the effects, but none of the options are enabled. Is it supposed to be that way?
In this progress state, yes. I was aware of such and just put non-functional controls everywhere around to not forget them ;-)
(first i plan features, then how to GUI them and finally activate them)

I also noticed that the Options window is "always on top" of other applications, even though the main AdvProp window can be hidden behind other windows.
Yes, there is a problem... if you open Options, running other applications, go back over taskbar icon the main window will appear and the modal option window is behind.
When you run into that error you have no chance to bring options back in front = terminate it the hard way or run another instance to let it work again.
So I decided to make extra windows OnTop, I will tinker a bit to avoid such in one of next releases.

I have a similar issue with trying to quit the program. The static/snow effect is really strange and distracting. That wouldn't be much of a problem if the option to disable quit confirmation dialog worked.
That I have not understand. You mean, on your system the quit dialog dont work?
Sorry for the static, I was just playing around with code ;)

Thank you for your opinion! That help to make it better!

Sounds good man! Happy to test out the file shell app and see how it functions. Should I use the original one posted above or the custom one you’re making?
As said, FileShell has already zpi file capability, try it with your xxl zip ;)
But I did not tested much... I did integrate a color scheme, red means file is not physical present, I guess that all files will be marked red.

The new info I provided  was when the app launched it would read the files in the zip files as folder structures and if I needed to launch one of the files, I just double click And boom it launches the PDF or RTF file in the default app in the system.
The Demo that I will soon provide, will have first of all "listing files inside archive" capability, extract files to run them will be no problem.

Hi @KodeZwerg! Thank you VERY much for your consideration!
You are welcome!

I'd like to ask one more question if I may.
Ask as much as you can to have the best result whats possible!
Let's create something perfect instead of wasting my time designing something that I like but you don't.
For developers there isn't too much information, rather the opposite, there is a lack of communication.
So let's work together to realize what you actually need, just don't hold back with questions!

Brace yourself, lol, I think this one is really out of the question since it is a big ask but I wanted to run it by you just in case.
Would it be  possible for the app to read the files inside a ZIP file as the data?  The reason I ask if copying 25,000 files is a real chore especially having to do it over & over a network; copy  1 large zip file would make things super easier.  I don't know what the performance would be like, but if it makes things super-complicated or slows things to a crawl just reading the files then I would cross this last point out. 

Let me know what your thoughts are about this and thanks again for even being willing to consider.
I am sorry if I may understand it wrong, thats why I reask to be sure.
If I unterstand that correctly, you don't want to have a normal explorer replacement anymore and everything said is obsolete, instead you want a GUI for one large zip container?
My first thought is, all my speed bonus is gone at once since I can not work with PIDL anymore.
(The FileShell tool from me can already look into zip files, but I do not have any control about content.)
I like to admit that I haven't have any experience with opening and displaying a zip container that contains 30,000 files!
I wrote that my high performance was due to the Windows PIDL mechanism, but I wasn't being completely honest about that.
The high boost comes from the fact that I only load and evaluate what can be shown on the screen.
Whether I can do the same with zip content is a rumor at first.
I can already think of a few basic tricks how I'm not the slowest on the market, but whether I can do it all ... phew ...
The problem with the speed is due to the fact what a zip file actually is and how you can address it.
The wish to be able to call up files from the zip is granted, although I still classify printing as problematic.

My suggestion would be to test my FileShell program with your zip file. so just double-click plus wait and drink tea (I have no Idea how long it needs).
Another problem could be icons, in the real file system I can read them out and display them without any problems, but how it all comes across in zips ... tell me
I will soon upload a version in advance so that you can decide how we should proceed. Deal?

Screenshot Captor / Re: Idea: ScreenshotCaptor QR-Code Scanner
« on: March 23, 2021, 10:26 PM »
It seems like it would be out of place in ScreenshotCaptor, personally.

That's nice that the tastes are different. I personally do not use RaptureReplica at all, that was just made by a request.
When I want to take a Screenshot I do use the state-of-the-art #1 product on the market. Take a guess what that could be.
Having QR readout capability within the product that start with my system would just be a cool addition in my humble opinion.

Before other say that stable QR software exist, that I know. I do not need advise for other products.
But guess what other products actual do to "scan" QR data.... exactly, they do a Screenshot.

My wish was to have it in SC integrated.

I am sorry that you feel bad if SC would have such inovative feature and maybe Mouser is with you (still no reply, he is always so busy helping others  :-*)

Some wishes will stay wishes.

Sorry for bad spelling and sentence errors.

Hello Sir,

I wanted to inform you that latest Beta version has a tiny display bug as seen on this image.
Screenshot - 24_03.png

IKR that it is beta, if you make it final you might adjust that.

Tested on latest updated Windows 10 64bit with Font Size at 100%.

Yes, I tried that app and it was very fast in loading the files, but the interface was a little overwhelming for my needs.
 I would very very much appreciate a customized version!!
Adjusting the surface as it is shown in your picture is the least problem.
Yes it is lightning fast because I use PIDL techniques. (the content shown comes directly from windows, my program does not have to read the directory)

Here's a picture of the design (see attached below) some technical criteria to consider:
1. Should list only files in a subfolder called "Data" located in its own directory. For example, a user places a folder called "Data" in the app's directory and the app reads it from there.
This is not a challenge, so yes, it can be done.

2. The main types of files that will be launched/printed:
  • RTF files
    PDF files
    LNK files (short to RDP file)
    .URL (web site)
Limiting the output to your desired file extensions is no hurdle.

3. No menu bar needed or desired as it will clutter the interface.  One can quit the app using top right X.
Read what I wrote above, so yes.

4. You can put generic names in the titles "AppTitle"  and I can modify those in the source code.
I can provide this option via .ini functionality.
(the source text for my program does not exist. this is my intellectual property and it stays with it)

5. Settings window allows to configure font, & font size & relative data path
I still have to think about that.

1. I assume since these are made in AHK there will be no dependencies or prerequisite software
My program was developed with the Delphi programming language and not with AHK.
But yes, it is independent and only requires basic WindowsOS resources.

2. I will be avoiding using MPRESS or UPX compression as I need to avoid the identification of this software as malware by McAfee AV. I checked splaylistmaker as an example, and happy to say
When the time comes, I can offer an uncompressed version.

3. Source code is needed to make very basic (non-programming) adjustments if needed.
That will not happen. It has to be enough that I offer my programs free of charge without asking for a fee.

4. I know this is a standard for all your apps, I would need it to be completely portable (store all settings in config.ini like your other brilliant apps). 
As already said a bit above, yes no problem.

5.  I would need to be able to launch the app via USB key so making the directories relative (e.g. \Data vs C:\Data) is of critical importance.
Being portable is and always has been my goal when creating applications.

6. Should not access network since all files will be stored locally
Since the wish was only expressed in a certain subfolder of the program itself to look for folders and files, this remark is obsolete.

Please read everything that is said in this letter very carefully.
If you have a problem with one of my statements, tell me.
As long as I don't hear from you, nothing will be done on my part.
That was it on my part for the time being.

General Software Discussion / Re: Backup my posts in any forum
« on: March 22, 2021, 01:23 PM »
You keep surprising me with your questions that others have never thought about.
I also notice that you are already looking for solutions on your own very well.
You impress me more and more, keep it up!

Living Room / Re: Movies you've seen lately
« on: March 22, 2021, 06:09 AM »
Wonder Woman 1984 - Trailer

I went to the drive-in cinema with my family on the weekend to watch this film together.
Unfortunately I can't say anything more about the content except that I fell asleep after 10 minutes.
In other words, the anticipation was greater than what the film had to offer.

Attack on Titan is, in my opinion, an even better story.
I just can approve that too. I like this series a lot too!

Living Room / Re: Movies you've seen lately
« on: March 20, 2021, 07:25 PM »
The Mandalorian - Trailer

For myself, I did liked it alot.
Story is about a bountyhunter that get into trouble while rescuing a little lifeform.
Placed in Star-Wars Galaxy.

One-Punch Man - Trailer

Too cool, cant be missed.
Story is about a guy that is overpowered. All Martial Arts Fans should see and enjoy.
Many fun fights vs monsters.

Overlord - Trailer

Every girl or boy that likes RPG should watch and love that series!

Screenshot Captor / Re: Idea: ScreenshotCaptor QR-Code Scanner
« on: March 20, 2021, 07:12 AM »
Maybe this link help if you ever plan to support my request.

Thanks for watching.

General Software Discussion / Re: Deozaan's Simple Text Editor
« on: March 20, 2021, 06:53 AM »
Opening Microsoft Word files = Application Crash.
But it probably shouldn't crash when an unsupported format is loaded.
I believe I've got this fixed for the new release.
Bad news.
On more testing, more things happen.
Errorhandling should be improved.
I did try open files that are not supposed to be opened by your program.
Program will freeze and can not be restarted after I terminate process.
I needed to go into my /user/.... folder and delete prefs.dat and logs folder, otherwise program is not able to run anymore. It simply does nothing.
My suggestion: limit file dialog filter to *.txt and not *.*.
Another suggestion: When opening Editor and try load a file, filedialog starts in my \user\... folder where the prefs.dat file is.
Let is open from \Documents\ or folder where the .exe is.
//end edit

Program messes around with my Registry/NVidia/OpenGL settings by creating keys.
But if you can tell me what changes it makes I can look into whether or not I can prevent that from happening.
No adjustment needed, I will apply image to that subject.
Screenshot - 20_03.png
That is okay. You do not have possibilites to avoid such, that is the used 3d-Engine.

Everything is a bit too dark. Dark Menu on Dark Background... (maybe add a lightgray border to have it more seperated)
Can you be more specific about this? Yes, the backgrounds are dark, but the foreground text is light, which should result in decent contrast and easy readability.
I will add Image to that subject.
Screenshot - 20_03_2021 , 12_22_38.png
If Border would be lightgray from menu, the visual content would not look "melted" (?)

All other mentioned things are fixed as far as i did test!!!

I hope this helps, no criticism at all, as said, crazy what you can do with a framework that is not designed to do such!!! Got my respect for that +1

This looks like it could be useful. I plan to give more detailed feedback later.
I can hardly wait to get more feedback and I am curious about what you have to say  :Thmbsup:

By the way, if you're getting a head start on the next NANY, keep in mind it will be NANY 2022. :Thmbsup:
Thanks for the NANY 2022 in advance.  :Thmbsup:

I'm always totally lost there and don't really know where to upload something. Mouser knows that when it comes to this, I am a non-instructable repeat offender 

Very Nice!

The first time it ran Avast slapped it while it checked if it was ok, which threw a few unhandled exceptions, then when it decided the program was ok it restarted fine. I moved the exe into a good place and added the content menu, very handy tool! Thank you!  :Thmbsup:
wow, after 10 minutes online first good reply, high appreciated that!!

Such is browser based.

Checkout https://chrome.googl...ammmilcgefonfh?hl=en if such fit your needs.

Just search for "Screen Size" or "Monitor Size" in your fav Browser addon store.

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