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Messages - KodeZwerg [ switch to compact view ]

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N.A.N.Y. 2023 / NANY 2023 - MouseSpy by KodeZwerg
« on: December 14, 2022, 03:32 AM »
NANY 2023 MouseSpy by KodeZwerg

Application Name MouseSpy by KodeZwerg
Version 1.0
Short Description Shows at any time your mouse coordinate plus color
Supported OSes runs under Windows

First two lines are realtime informations captured by just moving the mouse around.
Next two lines shows information when you press left mouse button anywhere.
Last line shows the last action you did with your mouse.

Unzip anywhere and run MouseSpy.exe

Using the Application
Move mouse or use mouse buttons

Close and delete MouseSpy.exe

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: November 17, 2022, 03:45 AM »
I have the same issue I've have before. Sorry.
While I update code for mousewheel/transparency support, I can start investigate your problem.
On your image I see a lot of lines from my rectangle but however I try, I can not reproduce that.
I can add a simple .ini switch to turn the drawn rectangle on/off.

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: November 11, 2022, 01:13 AM »
Regarding future features:  I was also thinking about multiple shots, but I just tried it, and it already will do multiple shots!  I'm not sure if it matters, but I have an AutoHotkey script with a bunch of hotsrings that is always running in the background, so I assigned Alt+Shift+R to run RaptureReplica.exe.  That is how I "call" RR.  It appears that Windows will run multiple instances of the exe.   Each shot will stay open until I right-click it.  So that's cool.
I havent tought to use it like that but cool!

-Allow increase/decrease of opacity/transparency via mouse wheel up/down, when hovering over the shot.
Currently it is managed via Space-key and adjust the slider, I guess your wish is possible, so yes, I can do that :)

-Auto save the last X number of shots in some backupfolder. Auto-name them "Raptured-<date and time>" or something like that. 
That would be problematic, I mean to save a file aint a problem at all but display them back in a usable way is a problem and when should at all a file generated, saved, load, displayed, deleted...
So right now I do not think about that this will be possible soon, but what would be possible could be some kind of diplayed list that show everything what you captured with options to delete them permanent or open them in your associated image viewer/editor app, is that something you like to have?
Looking cool, thank you for showing how smooth it work on a 2 display setup with independent scaling and my app works like it should  :-*

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: November 07, 2022, 04:05 PM »
Is there anything I need to do to get it working properly?
Download in post #1 the file again and test it please, if the problems are on your monitor setup are also fixed like it was for kunkel321.

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: November 07, 2022, 04:02 PM »
Could you crop a circle-like region or does it have to be a rectangular one?

It would be great if you could add text to it like comments, underlined important parts of the text etc. so you can send it to someone and you wont have to send comments in the mail separately for example ...
Grabbing as circle is not really planned but Idea with adding Text can be realized nut would need longer time to do.
A quick thing could be by adding a sizable free editable text fied (basic stuff, white background, black text)
A more time consuming but doable thing would be to add an "Add Line" feature that writes direct (transparent) on the image, and you could add as much as you want .... (font must be setup via basic font dialog)
Need for both a little thinking about how to integrate that at all since my app has no UI  :-\

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: November 07, 2022, 03:49 PM »
Firstly I'd like to thanks KodeZwerg for this wonderful program. But I have a strange glitch- There are some strange lines that left on an image screen after I too a shot. Like this:
[ Invalid Attachment ]
And If the author is going to improve this program, it would be cool if in addition to the invert color option, he will make an possibility to flip the image in a vertical and horizontal projection.
Do you still having that lines drama with my latest build?

When I am bored and have a free time I could think about your whish but:
What does flip mean, mirror the image or rotate it? Both I never have done before but I guess it is possible  :up:

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: November 07, 2022, 03:44 PM »
It's the Norton add-in that is causing trouble.  It blocks every singe donationcoder page.  I'm usually able to click the "proceed anyway" button.  I don't even remember installing the add-in.
:o Ohhh, I did not know that Norton block this domain, I use something from Russia  :-[
If you are looking for feature requests...  I can come up with a few.   :P
When its doable, I can try  :Thmbsup:
My own idea would be maybe something like multiple shots support, that you can have more than one on a screen and rightclick to terminate one shot...

General Software Discussion / Re: Internet Timer
« on: November 06, 2022, 02:43 PM »
The only other thing that could work would be to use your found app (theres an automated function included like i saw on screenshot) and let that app run per task sheduler on every system ...

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: November 06, 2022, 02:38 PM »
If anyone reads this, and they aren't able to download the RaptureReplica zip file with Chrome (like I wasn't), I recommend just using FireFox (which I did). 
I do not know whats the difference between chrome and firefox, are they saying it is virus?
(I use opera webbrowser and never had problems but ofc nobody needs opera to just download my file... i really do not know how to fix that)
The .exe inside is not compressed/modified, it is like compiler gave it and ofc no malware or virus is attached from me.

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: November 06, 2022, 02:33 PM »
I am so glad that it finally works for multi monitor, even different scaled  :Thmbsup:
What else needs a fix, i visit now more often back to read an update if needed anything else  :-* (I guess multi monitor was the biggest bug, so happy that its gone, you cant imagine  8) )
And again, sorry that it needed that long for me  :-[

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: November 06, 2022, 11:53 AM »
Is there really updated new version? It looks like the old one...
Yes, it was intended to fix two errors at once, one error was that on multi monitor the "grabbing rectangle" was drawn incorrect and another was that from multi monitor wrong parts was snapped.
I can not test for myself but was focusing those mistakes.
So all i hope is that those things are fixed now   :-[

General Software Discussion / Re: Internet Timer
« on: November 03, 2022, 05:20 PM »
You want to remote turn someones internet (dsl/wifi) off?

My guess is that you want to have DirectX 9 without any internet connection needed during install.

N.A.N.Y. 2023 / NANY 2023 - FindEx by KodeZwerg
« on: November 03, 2022, 05:22 AM »
I was in need for a small tool that meet this requirement:
- search for specific filemask
- begin at a base folder
- a mentioned folder must be present
  (in my case, i needed to search whole drive for "Documents" folder, that can be on many places and not just for current User)

So I build this tool what fit all above, FindEx was born :)
Extended it a little here and there.

Now I present it to you, maybe you also having a need for such.

At start my app fill in 3 edit fields the things that i needed and to show how it should be used.
The left Edit represent a Base folder
*The middle Edit represent a folder that must exists
The right Edit represent a filemask

I hope you like it. Enjoy!

*to clarify, you can leave that field empty, but when you do enter there something, only results including that path will be shown, if that foldername does not exist, nothing will be shown.

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: November 03, 2022, 05:06 AM »
I am sorry for my long time being absent  :o
In Post #1 I have uploaded an updated version to hopeful support multi monitor without any strange behaviors.
If someone can confirm it; It would make me happy.

I like to contribute later aswell but not matching 100% the OP wish.

The Ideas in my head plus differences to Vic would be:
- own GUI with own free to use audio-codec (that way I do have better control of files)
- basic converter options, bitrate and such
- option for automatic mp3 header fill (based on this rule, your files should be in that state before enable that option: "Artist - Title {optional - Year}.extension"
- option to keep original filedates for converted media
- option to set output folder
- option to test original and converted against (not visible presented, just audio playback, that way you have a chance to quickly test many converter variations)
- batch converting mode (convert many files at once)
- multithreading, you choose how many converting threads may be opened at once to get most power out of your hardware (# of your cpu-kernels will be the limit)
  ( ...or set to single-thread to keep system more stable for other usage while converting... )
  ( small example to give you an idea: 4-kernels/threads = each work with 25% of cpu power ... since 4 * 25 = 100% cpu  :P )
- no other external app will be supported (dbPoweramp or whatever), that would be Vic's try if I did understand correct
- 100% portable, no installation is required
- 100% not for commercial usage allowed (converter libs disallow, not me)

If you do not like that Idea, I will not disturb here anymore and silently put it on my Todo List as one of my many fun projects or NANY contributions.

Stay healty all of you!  :Thmbsup:

I do love and hate Nirsoft at once  :D
My full love for their very cool applications for many purposes!
My hate (what is also love) is that they often use Low Level methods instead of System Apis, many products will be magical deleted as soon as you got them, because antivirus software thinks it is bad.

So what I try to say, take care that you put them onto exclude list of scans  :Thmbsup:

PublicDomainVic / Re: AppFolderIcon thread
« on: May 11, 2021, 03:50 AM »
Good day!

Hello Vic, sorry that I do not know those algorithms personaly but this is how i would do, maybe it help to evolve application.

If I would code such a tool, I would stick to a method called "Diff", as name suggest it would calculate (compare) how many contiguous matches a Item has vs "Folder-Name".
Highest match would win. If result for a folder would end with "no" or "same amount of matches found" I would pop-up selection box. In addition to complete it, I would add Button to readjust manual (if not already done).

(Diff can be more or less easily done via RegEx)

I hope this inspire you a little  :D

I need some music!!!
some music  :D

Does this fit?

It is a batch file that reads file text.txt and put it into %var% for your use.
Modify [ set file="test.txt" ] to your needs.
Modify [ var ] to your needs.

Create a new file with extension .bat or .cmd and copy/paste following code:
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set LF=^

:: Two blank lines above needed for definition of LF - do not remove
set file="text.txt"
set "var="
for /f %%N in ('find /c /v "" ^<%file%') do set lineCnt=%%N
<%file% (
  for /l %%N in (1 1 %lineCnt%) do (
    set "ln="
    set /p "ln="
    set "var=!var!!ln!!lf!"
set var

Now you have %var% filled with content of "text.txt"

If you want to use it within a program, best practice would be to insert on a new line [ CALL "c:\path\app.exe" ] at bottom.

Hello Friend!

Not a joke at all. And I wouldn't have mentioned those results if I had not been able to do so myself, about 3 to 4 times a week.
I did not attack your experience with your custom data-set, if I would attack anything at all (what I am not doing) than its the "75% better than that"-thing, that if at all, would only be valid by your usage, not global.
I also compressed alot in my life and I also most often use 7-Zip, WinRAR is also installed on my system, depend on my need I choose one of them. (yes, with custom setting for each purpose)
I respect your opinion as your personal experience for your filetype!

If you want to know wich archiver compresses best IMHO = kgb and/or uharc.

I did not posted Author link earlier because Site is full of ads.
Too bad, they removed compression results, i guess due too many possible settings.
I do not find any resource that say 7zip 75% better. <- just another random one to ease my statements.

...he/she didn't play enough with the available settings. In any of the archivers. By all means, play around with dictionary sizes and word sizes inside these archivers. And a whole new world will open to you.
But that is exactly my point why I have put the quotes up. Using different algorithms with different settings end in different results.
You did found for your filetype a very good setting that beat WinZIP (I guess standard setting) by 75%, be proud of it! (really no sarcasm, i mean it peaceful)

And why did that person choose video files for compression?
Because video files are hard to compress due their high entropy level I would say. (Using files that are easy to compress, where is the competition? <- no real question, just a thought)

It's no skin of my back if you choose to disregard though. After all, if you are happy with your solution, more power to you.
What solution? Did I mention something accidently? I am full on your side, 7-Zip is awesome! (but also WinRAR and WinZIP is aswell.)
As mentioned, I do respect your opinion, but that is in no way a global rule that 7-Zip is "always" 75% better.

Hey its friday, lets dance

7-Zip vs WinRAR vs WinZip

File Formats
7-Zip vs WinRAR vs WinZip – Supported File Formats
7-Zip, WinRAR and WinZip all support RAR, ZIP, 7Z and some other archive file formats.

7-Zip: Support packing and unpacking 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM file formats. But only support unpacking RAR, AR, ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DMG, EXT, FAT, GPT, HFS, IHEX, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, QCOW2, RPM, SquashFS, UDF, UEFI, VDI, VHD, VMDK, WIM, XAR and Z file formats.



Compression Rate
7-Zip vs WinRAR vs WinZip – Compression Rate and File Size
As for the compression rate and the output file size, 7-Zip, WinRAR and WinZip don’t differ too much. But the output format you choose can make a difference.

For instance, when you choose .zipx format rather than .zip format when using WinZip for file compression. The ZIPX format has a higher compression ratio than ZIP. If you choose 7Z format instead of ZIP format using 7-Zip to compress files, 7Z format would have a much higher compression ratio than ZIP format.

Based on test, to compress 1.5 GB of video files, 7-Zip delivers the highest compression rate, WinRAR comes as the second, while WinZip provides a compression ratio that is about 6% lower than 7-Zip. But if you choose the advanced compression format .zipx when using WinZip, its compression ratio is almost the same with 7-Zip.

7-Zip vs WinRAR vs WinZip – Conclusion
By comparing 7-Zip, WinRAR and WinZip above, all of these three top file compression software can do a good job in file packing and unpacking. If you want a totally free file compressor and get the smallest file size, 7-Zip may be a good choice.

Both 7-Zip and WinRAR are the best in compression. But their default formats 7Z and RAR are not fully supported on other operating systems. If you want to open 7Z or RAR files on non-Windows systems, you need to download and install the compatible software first. On the contrary, WinZip file can be opened on various systems with its own application.

Therefore, to choose 7-Zip, WinRAR or WinZip, it depends on you.

Just mentioned it to clear things up, or was posting a result of "7-Zip is 75% better than WinZip" a joke that belong in here?

two questions from dev to dev, because it wonder me since post #1

can such an application really safe me clicks/mouse movement/steps to do/time... that was my basic thinking for post #2
question #1: i mean like i wrote in post #2 "have 2x Explorer open, drag and drop, done", is your way in any way faster?
more elegant/comfortable it might be. like all your splendid apps. but that is not my question and yes, it is a user wish that you do, that i know and respect.

(fyi, i do all my file operations with totalcommander tool so i wont test this time your app)

in no way i want to make you application bad, really, i just would like to understand the "useful-factor"
question #2: compared to pure windows functions, how would you rate your own app? (0 = not needed at all, 10 = cant live without)

thanks for reading and hopeful not mad with my spelling and questions!

DC Gamer Club / Re: Ludum Dare 48: April 23rd-26th, 2021
« on: May 04, 2021, 08:18 PM »
that video, is that made from your pc or other competitor?
i do also enjoy it much! great job!

Yeah perhaps I don't need a full band just a person in front of a computer who is good at music software... Anyone?
Question is, can a covered version be public used without harming any music-rights?
You should get informed who is current copyright holder and ask for permission, than you may use original version instant.
I did made in past a few remixes but was not allowed to make them public avail (in germany it is called GEMA and they act like bountyhunters.)

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