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Messages - KodeZwerg [ switch to compact view ]

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Post New Requests Here / Re: Rename FOLDERS in hierarchy
« on: February 19, 2023, 07:06 PM »
this one remains devoted to KZ's contribution  :Thmbsup:
Victor, looking forward to your solution!
I am just curious while Vic is busy, ain't my app doing what you wanted it to do?

I tried your program many times on a number of folders.  If simple hierarchy, worked file.  Trouble was, seemed to do nothing on larger folder hierarchies.  Problem could be that the larger folders have path length issues, greater than 255 characters.  Bummer.  If that's the case, probably Victor will run into the same, and come up short.

Long folder/file path problem has plagued me forever.  Wish Windows didn't have the limitation.  What I'm wanting are just the files in the furthest branches.
Added an updated version that should be able to handle paths up to 32767 character length and if it fail a messagebox pops up.
If you are still having interest in my version, feel free to test and please send me an messagebox image since on my system i do not have such a long structure to test.
Old version was limited to 255 chars, you are correct!

New download location with updated features.

KodeZwerg's Realm / Folder of series by KodeZwerg - v0.0.0.4 released
« on: February 19, 2023, 05:48 PM »
Based on a user request I made a small (very fast) tool.
Its purpose is to create within a folder that has a lot of series many season named sub-folders and move the collection to there.

Exemplary "c:\series\Super.Cool.Stuff.S01E01.With.A.Title.AAC.mp4" would be moved into "c:\series\Super.Cool.Stuff.S01.AAC\"
So all S01 files with same ending (in that case AAC) would be moved into same folder.

1. files must be using dots instead of space char.
2. files must have a S00E00 tag, where the numbers can vary from 00 to 99

By default I have external integrated those 480p/576p/720p/1080p/2160p/XviD/HEVC/Rerip/BDRip/AAC/DVDRip/PDTV
The patterns are used to remove any titles from the generated folder name.
Patterns are not a must.
You can easy extend/modify them by editing the (generated) ini file.
Most important is that you follow my example:
The "Limit" field must be present and telling current maximum entry.
All number from 0 to "Limit" must be present.
To reset everything to its defaults you just need to delete the .ini file and above will be automagical written for you.
(for writing my app needs to have admin rights if you copied it into a Windows protected folder like \Programs\)

Extract the archive into any folder of your choice.
Best practice is to put in not in a Windows protected folder like \Programs\
Run the .exe file with Administrator Rights (when you are logged on with an Administrator Account, you do not need to run the .exe in admin mode)
(admin mode/account is needed so my app does have write permission for your local system registry)
Press [Install]
From now on you having a context menu "KZ - Folder of series" available when you right click on any folder.
When you do not need my app anymore just repeat above steps and select [Uninstall] and delete my .exe plus .ini file.

Windows 64bit Operating System.

While my app works, there will be nothing shown, it does do its task in background with fastest methods that Windows offers.
This tool is not created to run on folders that are protected by Windows OS (exemplary \Program Files\ )
When my app is done it show you some information.

I am not responsable for any errors that might damage your system.
By using my app you agree to that.

None known right now.

Snapshot of how it could look like when it has finished a job:

Enjoy, its free!

Post New Requests Here / Re: Rename FOLDERS in hierarchy
« on: February 19, 2023, 01:54 PM »
Victor, looking forward to your solution!
I am just curious while Vic is busy, ain't my app doing what you wanted it to do?

fixed in above post.
bug was a coincidence, my check was, if that element begin with "S" and on given location is also a "E" present, its a S00E00 thing.
now that testing is deeper, checks are done if "00/00" are present as numbers.

As of right now 100% green across the board.
Good to know, case closed  :D

Give me filenames that not work as text I can copy/paste.

//since i removed manual and you wanted to share it to others, here again:
extract archive into any folder
run the .exe file with administrator right (if logged on with admin account, no need to run as admin)
press [Install]
to remove my tool, do above steps but press [Uninstall]
from now on you having a context menu entry "KZ - Folder of series" when you right click on any folder

my app, executed on a folder, will work blazing fast to put files into its own folder collection
fully based on two things, "S00E00" as season/episode tags and the patterns to exclude episode names

my app does not offer any kind of undo, you must know what you are doing (!!)
i am not responsable for any kind of damage that might happen.
software is free of use.


And why my first release was not working like you had expected it to be?
A programmer is just as good as the information he gets.

As you can see, you did not cut in your example the name of the episode, you did exactly what I did, you just removed the "E00"

Integrated those patterns.
Fixed a bug that not accepted season/episode combination.

Beside "00.00" as season/episode it should now work as you wanted.

Tell me if it still has bugs to fix.

What you want, "blabla SxxExx blabla some changing text that has to stay.ext" -> "blabla Sxx some changing text that has to stay" is not matching in my code.
My code works on a single file base to compute/guess a good foldername to put file in.
As a compromise, I cut right after the season number to have something logical, what I do see on your image is just human logical but works not for a single file mechanism.
So if you are okay with "blabla SxxExx blabla something that has to stay.ext" -> "blabla Sxx" I can do.

It is getting caught on the names of the episodes and creating unneeded folders. I am guessing it looks for E** and then removes it to get a folder name.
Yes, "S00E00" is the only pattern my app is looking for. You sound anyway more awaiting others contribution so I remove mine.

Post New Requests Here / Re: Rename FOLDERS in hierarchy
« on: February 17, 2023, 09:32 PM »
Here is my contribution [...]
Thanks for your contribution to assist a fellow DC member :Thmbsup:
I do what I can when I got time and topic interest me  ;)

If you need more abilities, wait that Vic release his version [...]

Mine adds two settings:

- Undo (per folder).
- Name length configuration.

There's space for everyone's take :) The more choice for fellow users the merrier!
Sound tasty! ;D
My personal Idea for undo would be something like collecting original names and my random generated, high level compress that data and write it in root folder.
But to be honest, writing data I try to avoid, user should know what he is doing :P
No worries, I will not upgrade my version since from my side the topic is closed to me already  :Thmbsup:

I might upgrade one day to add a UI that user can see progress, for now it is made to be the fastest horse on the derby  :-*

( If interested, my app also rename hidden or superhidden etc... and my random number are limited from 1 to 8, somehow I forgot to add 0 and 9  :) )

Post New Requests Here / Re: Rename FOLDERS in hierarchy
« on: February 17, 2023, 05:41 PM »
I am glad you like, take care, you can not undo (!!)
I did not tested it under all possible conditions (!!)
For now it does work on all folders plus subfolder inside of selected (that folder that you right click on to run my app)
For me its always nice to help and code something quick :P
If you need more abilities, wait that Vic release his version, my is just a working horse without any annoying messages or buttons or whatever 8)
(for slightly changes of how my app works i have an open ear)

Post New Requests Here / Re: Rename FOLDERS in hierarchy
« on: February 17, 2023, 10:59 AM »
Here is my contribution, if I understand the things correct...
Extract archive into any folder.
Run it once with Admin rights (if you are on an Administrator Account it is not needed)
Press [Install]
If you not want it anymore, do same step as above but press [Uninstall] and delete the .exe.

My .exe inside need no runtime files beside a working 64bit Windows OS.

No UI or configurable stuff, it just do what I understand it should do, it rename folders  :D

From now on you have a small Context menu entry called "KZ - Rename Folder Tool"
Executed on any Folder, it will rename all folders inside to 5 digit numbers.

I hope it fit your needs, enjoy  :-*

Post New Requests Here / Re: Rename FOLDERS in hierarchy
« on: February 17, 2023, 09:33 AM »
You want a tool that rename every folder in a base-folder to any random 5 digit number?
 \i am a sub-folder\ -> \12345\
 \another sub\ -> \54321\
etc... ?

for windows i could do that.
my idea for that, since i am absolutely no trumpet player or any other instrument at all, i could offer a note-based filesystem in which you need to put 2 different files.
exemplary like
 - root folder\pool\A\
   image of note A.bmp
   sound of note A.wav
having such kind of system would provide to you an unlimited number of different notes with different content
to the metronome, i dont know if you need it visual displayed (graphical effect) or if it would be enough to have the "image of note X.bmp" popped up for a as long the sound is playing
metronome speed itself can be adjusted by something like entering millisecond time (every tick a sound plus image played)

tell me if you are interested in such, windows only, i would need at least two files from you to have something as a starting point (image and sound)

N.A.N.Y. 2023 / Re: NANY 2023 Release: QR Code Warlock
« on: February 02, 2023, 06:26 PM »
Hey Carroll! Works cool, I just tried out.
Not that it much matter, but why does it show my used path with a drive letter of "?" ?

Living Room / Happy New Years Eve
« on: December 31, 2022, 04:02 AM »
Happy New Years Eve celebration to everyone, may your wishes become true, stay healthy and safe, have fun and don't shoot others  :P

Greetings from Germany!  :-*

Living Room / Re: ChatGPT Adventures
« on: December 14, 2022, 10:12 PM »
Isn't OpenAI open? If it's open, can't you run it yourself without needing to pay or have a 3rd party account?
Name is misleading, AFAIK you are limited to a number of queries, when you exceed you get an payment subscription offer but for myself I can not confirm since I do not participate.
Hmm, I just signed up using a Google account and I don't remember them asking for a phone number, hope I just don't have a bad memory. I used my usual one, but you could create one just for this.
When you create a Google account you get a "verify by phone number" box... got a hint for me?

N.A.N.Y. 2023 / Re: NANY 2023 - MouseSpy by KodeZwerg
« on: December 14, 2022, 09:34 PM »
FYI, the link in the template still points to the NANY 2021 board. The correct link for NANY 2023 at the top of your post should be https://www.donation...ndex.php?board=336.0
It was what the template, suggested by Ath, did automagical fill in :tellme:
To be honest, I did not knew that there was a link at all  :-[
I corrected that misbehavior now, thank you for that inspection and help  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: ChatGPT Adventures
« on: December 14, 2022, 07:17 PM »
I understood that the results from ChatGPT are already banned from StackOverflow. See this article. Human responses proved to be of better quality than the ChatGPT results. How the level of quality was measured, I don't know.

But something to think about.

On the one hand, that makes perfect sense. On the other hand, how would they know? (Maybe they have their own AI to detect). On the third hand, left foot, something -- would it be too embarrassing if some of the the ChatGPT responses beat the human responses, especially those that have rotted due to changing best practices?

how would they know?
Just watch Answers from maybe David Heffernan exemplary, he rarely answers with just pump in code, he more explain the things like a human does do.
Maybe you can use the AI to explain things or they do cross-checking via API to AI for possible match... maybe they ask if that answer comes from Bot... many things swirling around in my head by thinking about your question  :D

Living Room / Re: ChatGPT Adventures
« on: December 14, 2022, 07:08 PM »
I'm surprised no one seems to have mentioned ChatGPT here yet.

ChatGPT requires an OpenAI account which, in turn, requires my phone number for no good reason at all. Pass.
You do know the reason,

Same for me, its cool but no thanks.  :P

N.A.N.Y. 2023 / Re: NANY 2023 - MouseSpy by KodeZwerg
« on: December 14, 2022, 05:06 PM »
Looking great :Thmbsup:
Awwww  :-* Thanks!

N.A.N.Y. 2023 / Re: NANY 2023 - MouseSpy by KodeZwerg
« on: December 14, 2022, 04:03 PM »
Great Tool :Thmbsup:
I am glad that you like it  :-*

N.A.N.Y. 2023 / Re: NANY 2023 - MouseSpy by KodeZwerg
« on: December 14, 2022, 03:58 PM »
You could use the NANY template (Add preset text) for the presentation of this tool.
:-[ Done my friend, thanks for tips  :-*

Q: How do I return from relative mode (after clicking once) back to absolute coordinates mode?
I do not understand, it never change its coordinate system since I do use a low level mouse hook.

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