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Messages - KodeZwerg [ switch to compact view ]

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Hello Visitor,
welcome to my new project called Advanced Properties!

This application might be a helper if you need to quick modify File Attributes that Windows Properties-Dialog dont show you.

When you start program you will see this:

By clicking on advanced tab you will see this:

Those are the Basics, but application aint limited to that!

To have it more handy, controlled over Windows Context Menu I have added this:

You can quick check whats going on by selection my overview option from help menu:

It does know several file formats, one thing is a bit special, ADS (Alternate Data Stream) Viewer:

Most features I put into excecutable format:

And before something bad happen, my application will display such:

If you get lost, maybe the included documentiation will help:

This is a work-in-progress release but should work stable.
I wanted to share it before I rewrite to kick-out third-party stuff and use own.

For the interested, I have included a nice little Intro this time  :tellme:

If you dis-/like it, please tell me. Feedback is all that I ask for.

Version v1.0 will include specialized executable disassemble features, planned till end of year or never  :P

Best wishes and enjoy this free product!

General Software Discussion / Re: Deozaan's Simple Text Editor
« on: March 19, 2021, 06:26 PM »
More impressions:

I loaded a .txt file.

Screenshot - 20.03.2021 , 00_03_09.png

Window Caption/Title is wrong, file has a name, trust me :)
Your counters are not working? All say 0, as you can see their is text.
Opening Microsoft Word files = Application Crash.
On some flles the vertical scroll does not work correct, When I am at EOF the line is behind your statusbar.
Program messes around with my Registry/NVidia/OpenGL settings by creating keys.
Everything is a bit too dark. Dark Menu on Dark Background... (maybe add a lightgray border to have it more seperated)
There will be a file created (prefs.dat), does not work if running inside Windows protected folders!
Save As: Does not offer any text formats (Ascii, Ansi, UniCode etc.)

Alot to do, but crazy whats possible with 3d-Engine  8)

General Software Discussion / Re: Deozaan's Simple Text Editor
« on: March 19, 2021, 05:31 PM »
I will check out your experiment! (12mb is a bit big, first impression ^^)

Lets see if hardware accelerated text editing make my day  :D

Screenshot Captor / Idea: ScreenshotCaptor QR-Code Scanner
« on: March 19, 2021, 04:58 AM »
Hello mouser,
a little and hopefully usefull Idea: Extend (Rectangle grab) or add feature to scan/evaluate a QR-Code.

That would be nice.

(for example a new notifiyicon entry -> QR-Code wich result in an evaluated textbox)

Oh, I almost forget about my own project located here.

Due no wishes or replies at all to this project, it was not developed any further.
If needed I can produce a full customized built of it.

Automatic Screenshotter / Re: Automatic ScreenShotter Thoughts
« on: March 17, 2021, 03:09 PM »
The only issue I ran into was when deleting the images from the internal screenshot browser. I needed to back out of the folder containing the images I had deleted and then navigate back in for the image thumbnails to disappear.
sounds like a bug, ill check it.
If deleted with Explorer, that is normal behavior. Then you should monitor the folder to fix.
If deleted within your app = bug. Bad mouser  :P

I uploaded your attached version to Jotti and VirusTotal and got a few hits still:
Just to be sure I now bought a Kaspersky License, re-downloaded from here, run local = no virus warning popped up.

Either you or Auslogic may get in contact with DrWebb and GData to adjust their result.
(Both claim it is "unwanted" not that is virus BTW.)

More I can not do for you, so sorry!

@mouser, please act by decide to delete my post with appended file on your own judgement. I do not want to infect the world with "unwanted" things, I like to stay safe here. However you judge, it is fully okay to me, love ya  :-*

I think I can do with tracker trial pdf x-change editor plus

a little initiative or self-effort can really do no harm.

your language

2 - 0 for me hehehe   :P

Choose your destiny.

It wont hurt to read a bit, decide on your own what fits.

Please forgive me for my cheekiness, but a little initiative or self-effort can really do no harm.

The good thing is, your language is shown on top  :-*

Why not use Windows Shared Folders for that particular reason?
The only thing you need to do is to create a link to share.
easy as.

Unfortunately that won't work since the basic premise would be local access. In an network failure or ransomware event, windows shared folders may be rendered inoperable.  Also, We're talking accessing 23,000   files, so doing this over a network would be very difficult.
A Shared Folder use that permissions that you set. If set to Local only it is local only. Most common is to Share over Network you are right, but it aint limited/restricted to such usage.
A few lines above is a downloadable app, just in case you missed. (GirkovArpa)

Why not use Windows Shared Folders for that particular reason?
The only thing you need to do is to create a link to share.
easy as.

Hmmm very strange. My system (Windows 10 Pro, latest updates) with internal Windows Defender = nothing.

Aslong my AV dont yell at me, what to do?

Maybe this updated version works better for you? (I do hope that english text is included, downloadeded from german server)

At the end it is the same just uptodate, new gui and stuff....

Auslogics Disk Defrag Portable Version is appended.

I have another idea now why AV cry by reading what those bpl are made for.

file: vclie160.bpl
Description: WebBrowser Components
was shipped with Delphi version 9 (Official Name should be Delphi 2009 if I am right)

file: AxComponentsRTL.bpl
is part of Components Package and developed by TweakBit, digitally signed by Auslogics Labs Pty Ltd

my guesses:
vclie160.bpl - can call the internet because it is made for that purpose. there might be blacklisted parts of code due low security methods what in conclusion can be a high risk on your side.
(example bank-accounting, you would never do with outdated software or software that can act risky)

AxComponentsRTL.bpl - might use code to direct access media. there is good code and outdated (risky) code, since AV happen to react I do guess it is outdated.

another wild guess by reading digital signed = it is digitally outdated. you can check by right-click one of those files, open properties, watch digital signature data

Warning: Never run Defrag on SSD media! Such software is only made for mechanical harddrives and do harm SSD!


1. - Speaking of the main executable, now when I run the extracted .exe file it opens so much faster!
2. - But those Delphi packages are still causing trouble:

1. you are welcome and sure it does. no need to write stuff to temp folder, execute and wait in background to delete when done using.(if it works that way)
2. Upload of "Portable-Edition" possible? I could anal with debugger the target and its extra libraries.
2a. If I would need to guess again, the bpl files are not the ones that delphi compiler produced once, they are compressed somehow.
2b. Or they are compiled with a specific Delphi Version (Delphi 7) that has been blacklisted on all major antivirus sites.

My guess why AntiVirus tools cry: "Portable-Edition" (RarSfx)

Programs that extract programs to run them are in general "bad" for scanning tools.
It looks like Windows Defender does not like your program extras (the *.bpl files, those are Delphi binary packages).

How-To-Fix: Extract *.exe Rar-file and play with extracted :-)

Maybe they do log everything what cost in conclusion your system capacity.
(in log often stuff like "connected to..." "connected on..." "receive header..." "blablabla info info info")

Just a guess, I use my systems eMail Client.

Hey Vic!
Another little Idea that I implemented in my stupid/crazy edition is a password generator.
Many sites have a min/max lenght requirement for such.
Limitpad should have it aswell :)
I do choose by selectable sets (a..z, A..Z, 1..0, special chars) to generate random stuff.
In future versions you might add that.

Examining your image (looks well designed/quick reachable options) i do wonder what button PREV/POST will do.
Cool idea to have many edits within one app!
(Will tab names be modifyable for better seperation? You hopefully do autosave them to prevent loss on crash/quit.)

My app looks and works more like from mobile the sms editor, even if i never met a site that relies on number of words. I just switched to RTF format to be able to colorize text red.

I do agree @Target, never modify input. For word counting trim in memory however you like. When i type 10 spaces, i want to have them.
This could be a seperate option but in no way as default behavior.

For now i am excited as vevola is.
Thank you also for not being mad if i would upload my conversion of that idea.
You accepted first, that i do respect.


Good day @Kunkel321,

another thing you might consider to think about (if it is just space you need) can be those two things:

Wifi Nas, that is a multi purpose discspace station
Or Cloud...

Nas aint cheap, cloud space could be free at all.

Nas has advantage of high speed and future safe due replaceable drives.
My Nas (4x Drive slots) has integrated Internet Server feature, means I can reach it from anywhere. I also do run Virtual Systems from anywhere from that.

My suggestion would not need any Hardware adjustments to your Laptop.

@Shades & others .... Guys: u rock!

The 9.7 aint a value, its two values.
That is dependent on the current Locale. For US locale it is a single number (with fraction) for DE/NL it's an invalid number (thousands separator but not long enough) or two numbers.

Good point @Ath  :Thmbsup:, I do just not full agree. Sorry me.
Phrase was "meet at 9.7 ppl join"
You see, the dot seperates two sentences and is not meant as fraction seperator in that phrase.
I am aware what you mean with locale settings but that was not my intention, i do think international, my code also :p

Okay you wrote "or two numbers" and that is what i try to specify by code. Brain-cracker ^^

Atm i made it easy for myself by letting user jump through all found values with "use for all" switch.

Anyway, vic has now vevolas rule what simplify everything.

Excuse me for using this thread for my personal issue.

I do technical agree for such simplified seperation.

Programming language independent.

I was not clear enough with my examples.

Like "$ 1.99"
I examine char by char to get proper results.
"$" is a symbol, symbol count + 1
"1" is a number, check for more
"." reached seperator, due prior number check for more
"9" and "9" are a number, due prior number make a value out of it, so value counter + 1

That is all okay, problem begin when I do examine such
"Meet at 9.7 People join."
The 9.7 aint a value, its two values.

So your rule is okay for your needs  :Thmbsup:
For my training I do more and hassle around with it  :D

Thanks for your suggestion and links!  :-*

That is because Windows has cached menu entries at that point.
Longer not using or starting app new will, like Shades said, query Windows for 'what should be drawn ....'
From developers side you cant do much against Windows itself.
(Maybe draw invisible menus via timer, not friendly at all)

For training purposes I quickly programmed my own Editor for such purpose.

Counting characters was easiest part.

Counting words bring me many troubles.

What is a word?

My problem for now is 'how to make differences between real words and no words that are between spaces/quotes/point or comma terminated etc etc etc'

My buggy examples where I do not have a real good solution yet.

$ 1.99
[email protected]
0x0A 0F B0
(Ascii Emojis at all)
(Unicode stuff at all eg arabian)

And many more of such stuff.
Without any rules it is hard to define how to detect whats a word and whats not, and how words are counted correct.

No worry @vic, I do not interfere and wont publish my binary, can't await how you solve such problems, great stuff what I've seen so far!  :Thmbsup:

Can you suggest a setup?

Buy a real pc.
Buy WLan router.
Let Laptops auto connect to WLan.
Getting used with Syncronize feature.

Enjoy to have all data on one Pc.

How do you use it offline? (Google Docs)

Due lack of Information I cannot help since I dont know whats wrong.

The Help/Manual tells everything you need to know.

In the above link are steps explained for easy getting started.

If you do not like it, dont use it.

I just suggested it since to me it was easy to handle.

(I only used the TWAIN/Scan feature.)

And yes, results hard depend on your writing skills.

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