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Messages - KodeZwerg [ switch to compact view ]

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Skwire Empire / Re: Release: sWeather (tray-based weather app)
« on: September 23, 2020, 07:59 AM »
I've just tested this beauty, Europe/Germany/Berlin, works perfect with Yahoo Data.

General Software Discussion / Re: JSON Editor with Treeview needed
« on: September 23, 2020, 01:55 AM »
Test-Results for MassJsonEditor:
It needs ages to load my file, for about 1.5mb continued data [1 block/node] I have to wait over 10 minutes.
Okay, after it loaded my data, I can't Edit because it say "Json Error" as a red line.
In other Json Tools I can load without errors.
Maby not Unicode compatible? Or memory problems for bigger files?
Anyway, when it works, it do good! (I've tried with much smaller files too)
But for my current need I have to skip this piece.

VSC I wanted to avoid because it's online dependency while installing needed plugins.

General Software Discussion / Re: JSON Editor with Treeview needed
« on: September 22, 2020, 07:47 AM »
Exactly like yours! Thanks for that piece, didnt know that it exists.... sorry me

General Software Discussion / JSON Editor with Treeview needed
« on: September 22, 2020, 04:10 AM »
Good day fellas!

I am in need for a qualified JSON Viewer and Editor that offers a Treeview.

On my research I did found UltraEdit, Visual Studio Code with Plugin, Notepad++ with Plugin, JSON Viewer from Mitec.
All of those looking good, but I did not tested any of them yet.

Thats why I started this topic to learn from your experience for/with such fileformat.

My main aspect is to have a functional Treeview where I simply can doubleclick to open Edit (doesnt have to be exactly like I wrote, but in a manner like that)

Please share your wisdom with me!
Screenshots that demonstrate Treeview/Edit for your suggestion are very welcome to ease decission.

@moderator: Sorry if I posted in wrong sub-forum. Feel free to move!

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: SendKeys32 by KodeZwerg
« on: September 22, 2020, 01:54 AM »
Recently i have a broken tooth and have to wait.

I do work on my Keyboard by using fingers not teeth... sorry to hear that, anyway, good luck @dentist!

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: SendKeys32 by KodeZwerg
« on: September 21, 2020, 01:46 AM »

while I began to code the "to one key command" limited version, you and other wanted a full configurable version.
my application is based on windows api methods and their common constant names for everything.

VK_  = Virtual Key followed by identifier, like VK_A = "a" or VK_1 = "1"
since those are limited, I extended it with a VK_CUSTOM identifier.
on configuration tab there you can set the VK_CUSTOM value by entering the empty field and press a typeable key.
a typeable key is a key that when it is pressed it show a character, like "a" or "1" but not "F01" or "Home" etc.

Easy example how to use this application:
1. Run "SendKeys32.exe"
2. press "HotKey" and set it up, examplary "check ALT" and select "VK_1" from dropdown box and press "Apply"
    activate "Send to focused window" on that page.
3. press "Send Key" tab and within Send ShortCut Editor check "Activate SHIFT" and select "VK_A"

when you now press "ALT+1", whatever window got focus will receive an "A" letter.

if you do not know whats happening on "Filter" Tab, either ignore it or google "WM_Identifier" to learn what is what.
in most cases and a bit fantasy you can guess what is what. WM_VISIBLE might have something to do with visibility state of a window and so on...

Coding Snacks / Re: Fun Run - Bluetooth discussion
« on: September 18, 2020, 03:44 AM »
I guess Blutooth Chat is what you want.
Everything else would need Internet connection as far as i know, even corona stuff.

Writing a letter, stick it on a brick, throw it. Might have more range than BT and you train your body \(°-°)/

Screenshot Captor / Re: Cannot capture browser windows
« on: September 18, 2020, 02:43 AM »
GetWindowInfo() is a Windows Api method.
Maby under some strange circumstances does SSC send out that method name, and Browser does interprete it as "www .methodname .com" ?

Post New Requests Here / Re: Command-Line Shooter
« on: September 17, 2020, 02:25 AM »
Then you must hope that everything you wish to execute this way is correctly formatted. If not, it messes up the ability of shooter.exe to finish completing the set of (single line) command.
my app simple say "Error: unable to find x y z" or something like that.

If there are 300+ single line batch commands to execute...there has to be some logic behind them. Because if not, it will become a mess. Maybe not today, but in the near future it will.
i'd thought about to include a /wait=X parameter, to wait X ms between next call.
aslong ShellExecuteEx() is okay to be used, i also could integrate a /WaitUntilExecutionEnds switch.

While KodeZwerg might like to create AHKodeZwerg
i love your fantasy "AHK....odeZwerg"  :Thmbsup:
but in fact i do have no clue about script languages. i try to avoid them ;)

Post New Requests Here / Re: Command-Line Shooter
« on: September 17, 2020, 01:28 AM »
Due missing part "file.txt content example" I just coded an application that is capable to execute or open files.

Shooter v0.1 by KodeZwerg


shooter is a window console application, driven by parameters only.
possible parameters are /file="Filename" /begin=X /end=Y /loop=Z

parameter description
fill that parameter with a quoted "path\filename.ext" value.
my application does not need to be in same folder of "path\filename.ext".
"Filename" must be a plaintext textfile,
where every line lead to a qualified "path\filename.ext" file.
(missing quotes inside textfile are auto-generated)

tell my program at which line it should begin
default is line #1

tell my program at which line it should end
if using /loop, this parameter has no effect
default is end of file

tell my program how many times it should loop

shooter.exe /file=test.txt [return]
that would call my app to try execute every line inside test.txt

shooter.exe /file=test.txt /begin=2 [return]
that would call my app to try execute every line, beginning with line 2 inside test.txt

shooter.exe /file=test.txt /end=2 [return]
that would call my app to try execute every line inside test.txt until line 2 is reached

shooter.exe /file=test.txt /loop=2 [return]
that would call my app to try execute every line inside test.txt until line 2 is reached

shooter.exe /file=test.txt /begin=2 /end=6 [return]
that would call my app to try execute lines 2-6 inside test.txt

shooter.exe /file=test.txt /begin=2 /loop=4 [return]
that would call my app to try execute lines 2-6 inside test.txt

i hope that is enough explaination.
enjoy another KodeZwerg production.

if anything goes wrong, my app will inform you with "Error: " message inside console.
it will not stop if an error occured during execution phase.

for your information, this app does not use interpreter, it invoke ShellExecuteEx() from Windows Api to do it's job.

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: September 16, 2020, 05:00 AM »
Yes, I can include version numbering inside Ini file if it helps, but more in that way (example):
Ofc the app gets a version number too :-)
wont you have to replace the ini file with each update then -- will settings be lost?
Inside my app that value has no effect. Ini that goes to %APPDATA% would write current version number, Ini in program folder I need to update by hand each time.
My plan would be, Ini inside Program folder get oldest Version number that support its basics.
In my that case would be a fresh number anyway because new "AutoLoad" entry.

I hope I am understandable.

Regards and thanks for your thought!

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: SendKeys32 by KodeZwerg
« on: September 16, 2020, 02:06 AM »
changes since v0.0.1.9
+forgot to readjust edit fields max chars limit for repeating. internal up to 9999, field was limited to two chars, arffff.

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: September 16, 2020, 02:00 AM »
Yesterday mouser gave me a clue how he do it within his mighty ScreenshotCapture.
What to say, he does mostly do same things internal like I do = same/similar "bug".

I should be able to upload modified version with more options on this friday.

Planned are 2 different winapi rectangle styles in hope that it help.
Ini will be complete revised.
In program folder there will be just 2 options, in %APPDATA% the rest.

2 options are:
AutoSave=1  // to activate save feature, 0 off, 1 on
AutoLoad=1  // to activate load ini from %APPDATA%, default 1 on

That control how my app work internal.

For friday release, program folders Ini also has:
RecStyle=0  // style 0 or 1, maby i find more ways.... lets see

Yes, I can include version numbering inside Ini file if it helps, but more in that way (example):
Ofc the app gets a version number too :-)

And huge thanks for that scary Gif!!! I am ashamed how my app work under that condition.

Post New Requests Here / Re: Command-Line Shooter
« on: September 16, 2020, 01:37 AM »
Good day nkormanik,

I do not fully understand your slang text.
Could you be nice and re-write it in a more technical specific way?

What I understood is, you like to execute something.
What I understood is, you have alot of commands.

What is missing:
What should your request do? Technical informations are required.
(Load a text file "file.txt" and parse each line to interpreter?)

Best would be, upload an example file with content that you like to execute/shoot/bang boom zang

Should your request become a GUI or would a command line version fit?
How should program work?
Commandline version example:
"shooter.exe /file=input.txt /begin=10 /end=100"
stand for "use input.txt" "from line 10" up to "line 100" execute.
Is such what you need?

@panzer Thanks for this great laugh, made my day!  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
« on: September 15, 2020, 01:30 AM »
Good day kunkel321, may I ask if you could check if ScreenShotCapture has the same "bug"?
If not, I will dig deeper. For now I did not find any good fix yet.

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: Elevation CheckUp by KodeZwerg
« on: September 15, 2020, 01:22 AM »
Is a discussion about my opinion what I personally count as a programming language really neccessary?

To close this offtopic posts, I do admit everything is a programming language, batch files, scripts, html and whatever I might forgot to note.
Please accept my apology and stop arguing. Thanks.

Reminder, this topic should be about my freeware Elevation CheckUp.

Feel free to argue about how to code such thing in whatever language. I cant await to see how scripts can do such.


N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: SendKeys32 by KodeZwerg
« on: September 15, 2020, 01:18 AM »
Updated version in Post #1 available

changes since v0.0.1.7
+redesigned Execute Shortcuts Editor
+Increased Repeater up to 9999
+renamed HotKey actions
+activated "Send ShortCut to focused Window" HotKey action
+added "Setup VK_CUSTOM" on configuration page
+included VK_CUSTOM into "Select Virtual Key" box
+refactored alot of code
+fixed a color bug
+fixed repeat counter bug
+slightly extended about page content

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: Elevation CheckUp by KodeZwerg
« on: September 14, 2020, 08:31 AM »
AHK is not a programming language as far as i know
actually compilable language like AHK, or Autoit for that matter, deserves the name programming language.
Okay, if AHK is able to create a single executable file that has script included, i call it a programming language aswell, even if my mind say "no"  :Thmbsup:
Like Trainer Generator (CheatEngine) that comes with LUA script support.

Everything that requires a interpreter (javascript perl php etc...) = no programming language, we have a deal?

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: Elevation CheckUp by KodeZwerg
« on: September 14, 2020, 06:50 AM »
The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows.
say's the webportal   8)
Ofc you can call it however you like, my opinion this is carved in stone and readable up there :P
This should not be meant in a derogatory or appreciative way.

To out myself: I call no script language a programming language. Shame on me, I can live with it ;)

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: SendKeys32 by KodeZwerg
« on: September 14, 2020, 03:34 AM »
Short description for Contro as example "how-to"

1. Run SendKeys32.exe
2. select target via listed window captions
3. as a control you can look handle/pid/classname/filename
4. Execute ShortCuts Editor: check "activate CONTROL key"
5. Execute ShortCuts Editor: select "VK_Z" under "Key" segment
6. Execute ShortCuts Editor: set # of repeats
7. Execute ShortCuts Editor: press "Send ShortCut"

This would be a possible way to send x times CONTROL+Z to target.
For redo just also check "activate SHIFT key"


I liked Shades post, but I am unsure about the real meaning so here's what I should do:
Extend your site with sFTP.
Doing that you can have multiple login accounts for different allowed things (ie: which folders are accessible, read/write permissions etc....)

Living Room / Re: Ideas for "Knowledge Snacks" Marathon
« on: September 14, 2020, 02:32 AM »
search google for "Daily hacks" or "Life hacks". In the end you have a minimalistic video that shows something cool or dumb :-)

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2021: Elevation CheckUp by KodeZwerg
« on: September 14, 2020, 02:29 AM »
I have installed AutoHotKey.
AHK is not a programming language as far as i know, so no to "May be enough ?".
Assembler, Delphi, C, C++, C# etc etc etc, those are programming languages.
To have a beginning you may download and install Microsoft Windows 10 SDK and Microsoft Visual Code as IDE.
Anyway, help of how to call dll functions I can only give if you install free Delphi Community Edition (or higher).

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