Find And Run Robot / Re: how does setuservar work ? [feature request ?]
« on: June 02, 2016, 03:31 PM »
fuck yeah i'm doing advanced stuff 
for #1, that's great mouser, your suggestion works !!!
for #2, that would be great...
i have a #3, it seems that a user variable cannot be bigger than 272 characters ? does that make sense to you ?
PS: I'm sending a quick video on your email (for your eye's only, there are some personal stuff)

for #1, that's great mouser, your suggestion works !!!
for #2, that would be great...
i have a #3, it seems that a user variable cannot be bigger than 272 characters ? does that make sense to you ?
PS: I'm sending a quick video on your email (for your eye's only, there are some personal stuff)