Should be on top of your list to make FARR more compatible with new computers...1) update FARR to make it DPI aware (
https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=43275.0), more and more computers are high-dpi and FARR is not running well on those...
2) update FARR to make it windows 10 universal app aware...
what I do for now is to create .ahk files which run windows apps protocols, for instance I have a Messenger.ahk file :
Run fb-messenger://
A fix to make...1) fix the command-line limit on setuservar (
New feature1) make FARR installable in a dropbox/othercloud folder so it could be shared across multiple computers
the idea is to share : aliases, plugins, icons, skins, sounds, searched folders, heuristics, hotkeys,...
and to keep : launch history, troubleshooting log, ... separate
today when i make a change, i have to make it on 4 other computers
except when i change a small thing in an alias that loads with filecontents
Dreams1) new internal browser
2) new plugin engine
3) unicode
from you mouser :
The other major thing I am considering for FARR 3 is a revamp of the plugin engine.
I was thinking of adding native python plugin support, and making that the new recommended plugin language going forward.
The consequences would be:
1. Easier to write plugins -- no more need to build a dll, just a single-file standard python script file (.py) will work fine. And I will simplify the API to use fewer and less finicky functions.
2. Old plugins would still be supported, but the new python plugin engine will be the recommended approach for anything but plugins that really need native dll speed.
3. The largest drawback would be that it would probably add a megabyte or so to the executable size of FARR, and I have to check what it would do to memory use. This is my only real concern. I'll post more info about this after some experimentation.
This is very interesting... (Directory opus plugin system is quite amazing...)