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Messages - nitrix-ud [ switch to compact view ]

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Hello Nod5,

Have u tried something like :
appcapresults "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" C:\folder\a.ahk

Excellent idea !  :up:

 :up: Thanks for making FARR better one release after another !!  :-*

Find And Run Robot / Re: %cliptext% in farr command line ?
« on: June 26, 2018, 07:31 AM »
Excellent !

Thanks Nod5 for the heads up regarding escaping when using autohotkey... that was it !

Find And Run Robot / %cliptext% in farr command line ?
« on: June 26, 2018, 04:15 AM »
Hello mouser,

I have a small issue regarding command line use.

This does not work :
Run farr.exe -search "%cliptext%"

%cliptext% is empty

Hell yeah! Keep it up, we have not forgotten you.
I use FARR daily and to date haven't found anything that even reaches its toes even remotely

Mouser, it's time to get updates out !!!  :D

Hi ericwselle,

i think you only have to add your dropbox folder to the search folders in the options.

So each result would have a different background?
yes, each result could have a different background (in my case, many results would just have the regular background...and a few would stand out)

Or color entire result background based on FIRST result?
That's not my idea but it could be interesting too ;)

Hi Mouser,

I'd like you to consider adding the possibility to set different background colors in the result list depending on the results...

But i'm not sure what would be best... (based on the alias, the search folder, ...)

I think the best for me would be based on the parent folder...
you would have a list of folders with associated colors

C:\Dropbox = #D4ECF8
C:\Users\Nitrix\SkyDrive = #0078D7
C:\Users\Nitrix = #FFE791

Then if a result is in one of this folder, FARR would change its background color.

Many thanks skajfes !

I will try as soon as i get some time...  :D

I don't share search folders because I didn't see a way to get them out of the FindAndRunRobot.ini file, which I didn't want to share across computers.
That's why i'm asking for this feature... having an extra ini file pour additionnal search folders...

I too use search folder modifiers and user variables  :Thmbsup:

I even use dynamic search folders
When switching project, the user variables change, so that the search folders change too
i can have aliases that will only search inside a particular project in many different places.

But sometimes I need to add a new search folder so that we can add a new functionality to our workflow, and in that case, I have to modify all the settings on all the computer accordingly.

That's a nice idea.  :Thmbsup:
Although, i'm a bit afraid of side effects
You do it on every aliases files you want to share or on the full folder ?
And most importantly, how do you create the symlinks ? (which one is the target, which one is the link, which tool do you use ?)

As a team, we share all search folders too, so basically when i improve our FARR workflow, i have to change an alias then add it on every computer and sometimes, i have to add a new search folders on every computer... we also share quick search words, hotkeys (that one almost never changes)

Hey mouser, it's been four months now ;) any advance regarding farr use across computers ?

I don't know if it would be simpler... but i have two suggestions that would really help using FARR across computers

1) create a search folders ini file like the FindAndRunRobot_launchhistory.ini, FindAndRunRobot_searchhistory.ini and give us the possibility to store it wherever we want... (of course a nice location for it would be a folder in dropbox...)... even better keep the search folders as it is and add an option to add a new search folders list stored in an ini file that we can store wherever we want... that way it would be possible to have common search folders (across computers) and per-computer search folders...

2) give us the possibility to add an alias file not stored in AliasGroups... then again the idea is to store the aliases files wherever we want...

If those two features would be added, i would install farr outside dropbox (or any other cloud folder) then i would share : search folders settings, aliases (and i would keep using the extraordinary filecontent command...) and most of the time i would be able to modify pretty much everything i need from only one computer...

Find And Run Robot / Re: Launching Windows Apps
« on: March 28, 2017, 10:51 AM »
Yeah I will add this asap -- moving to top of my todo list.

really nice add to ease the learning curve of FARR  :Thmbsup:

Find And Run Robot / Re: Launching Windows Apps
« on: March 28, 2017, 10:35 AM »
i personally use autohotkey scripts for every app i want :

Run Skype://

Run fb-messenger://

Run calculator://

Skype://, fb-messenger://, calculator:// are registered protocols in windows...

you can also use the run built-in command like so (directly in FARR search box) :
run calculator://

Find And Run Robot / Re: Launching Windows Apps
« on: March 28, 2017, 10:28 AM »

i think this is already on mouser's list of new feature requests

Thanks for the review ;)

I've started playing this zelda game a week ago, so i'm really new, but i can really say it DELIVERS, amazing game.

awesome  :Thmbsup:

Thanks for the link, i'll take a look when i get some time  :Thmbsup:

1. There is a skin builder app, maybe someone can make some skins that look better at high dpi.
what is the name of the current skin builder ?

2. I could try to find a skin engine that is more compatible with high dpi stuff.
in the long term, that could be a good idea, high-dpi will be the norm in a few years

3. Don't use skins
good advice  :D

the height of the titlebar is about half in my case (i guess exactly half since i'm running win10 at 200% dpi) and It seems that there is some the beginning of the titlebar, the skin i use hide the titlebar text (maybe the text is hidden by offsetting it but with the retina it is not offseted enough ?)

I'll be more precise when i get the retina computer back ;)

custom skins does not really work...

retina computer is gone with my wife for the time being but i you need more elaboration, i will do  :P

That's excellent mouser !!  :Thmbsup: so far so good ;)

Only thing is: skins does not work anymore...

I have options and other dialogs looking perfect in the beta, now just have to get the main screen controls looking right..

Excellent ! cant' wait  :Thmbsup:

you know my email mouser ;)

FARR high-dpi will follow very soon after -- SC is the hard one so once that's working my other apps will be easy.

That is great news !

FARR will finally enter the 21st century :P

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