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Messages - nitrix-ud [ switch to compact view ]

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Find And Run Robot / Re: Startup Speed
« on: October 05, 2006, 12:19 PM »
Hi mouser,

i'm still having the same issue as matt_man22 with the new beta release

i reported that problem some time ago, i still have FARR installed, but i use launchy in my everyday work

Don't get me wrong, i do love FARR, but it would be so much better (for me), if there was not this startup problem

Keep up the good work ;)

PS: i'm missing 2 or 3 keys ... not just one

i may be completely off topic, and i'm sorry if it's the case  :huh:

do you have plans to allow the following :

pretty much like the alias mechanism, one would type the name of the alias, ex:


then (after a space) it would search within a specific folder(s) / file(s) type(s) (specified in the alias "snippets"), ex:

snippets php

it would search "php", but it would also know (because specified in the alias) that it uses a specific action for the found file, ex:
(imagine i have a small app to copy the text inside of a text file)
copy_text_inside_file_to_clipboard $$1

Imagine how powerfull this would be, you could use FARR for so many things !
todo manager
code snippets manager
and so on

I really hope, i'll be able to do that ;)

In any case, keep up the good work mouser (and all others contributors), you are building a great app !!

Cheers, Nico

IMHO, case TWO is quite relevant !

2 examples come to my mind :

1) i'd like to use FARR as a code snippets finder, i have a growing list of snippets stored in text files (this is really easy to maintain and manage with great file explorer such a Directory Opus 8, but that's another subject), i'd love to do that :
type : snippet php
and boom all my php snippets right there and it's only snippets, it's not mixed with other things

2)i'd like to use FARR to launch AI Roboform passcard
same use :
robo bank
boom all my bank accounts right there (not so many :D)

I really think this would be quite amazing and so fast !

Cheers, Nico

i already did that, ;)

scanned directories are minimal (start menu + favorites, default stuff), sometimes FARR does not get my first few keypresses using the alt+space, it has nothing to do with building the search list (i guess  :))

Hi mouser,

i've tried many many times and i am under the impression that the alt+space is not as fast as the ctrl+space hotkey

Does that make any sense ?

and no it is not fast enough after the second time

I can just say that when i used AppRocket and Launchy, i've never noticed that behavior

I'll try remapping the alt+space to ctrl+space with autohotkey and make new tests, i'll get back to you

Cheers, Nico

Hi all,

IMHO, Launchy is indeed quite good, a very good tool not as configurable as FARR (by far(r);)) but it is good

And yes it's faster ! i agree with nontroppo !

one thing that annoys me with FARR (is it possible  :D) is that when you are a fast touch-typist (not sure of the name, pardon my english) FARR does not get the first few characters which i've never seen with AppRocket (the best before the FARR era) or Launchy

it's not a problem for me, FARR does not open instantly, but it would be more usable if i could just start typing without waiting for the FARR window to be completely opened

Cheers, Nico

PS: in case you are wondering, i'm not using the tray helper utility  :P

Find And Run Robot / Re: Feature request for group alias
« on: May 14, 2006, 12:50 PM »

Thanks for your answer jgpaiva, i've noticed the FindAndRunRobot.ini file, however i don't feel confortable editing this file, and we never know, the structure could very well change, i think to keep FARR as robust as possible, it would be better to change specific text files (one per alias - and if results are not specified into the text box)

@mouser, i'm happy you find it an interesting idea, the idea of a larger plugin system sounds exciting !

An other idea, is to be able to specify "command line modifier" for specific extension, for example for people using AI Roboform (i'm sure you know mouser ;)):

One could use FARR to find the passcard, but to login you have to open the context menu and choose Login (which is already a great feature !!)

But what about being able to specify that for .rfp files, FARR should use the following pattern to launch it:
Passcards.exe -l "C:\My RoboForm Data\Dave\Bank of AM.rfp" (-l being a command line argument to login, and not to edit the passcard)

it would be an extension of the alias system
you specify a file extension (or a folder, why simplify ;))
and for that particular file extension you set a rule saying if you launch such a file
it does
Passcards.exe -l $$1
where $$1 is the file

I'm sure it would be usefull for many many other apps

Cheers, Nico

Keep up the good work mouser, you apps are so gooood  :Thmbsup:

Find And Run Robot / Feature request for group alias
« on: May 12, 2006, 11:45 AM »
Hi Mouser,

Thanks for this great program !

I've thought of an interesting feature (i think)

it would be great to be able to point to a text file instead of filling up the "results" text box

for example, instead of having :
paste date | paste %date%
paste time | paste %time%
paste date and time | paste %datetime%

one could specify a text file instead containing the very same text...
use following file : C:\Documents and Settings\Nico\My Documents\Program Files\FindAndRunRobot\goup aliases\paste.txt

But then, it would be easy to create scripts (using autohotkey ;)) to do many things
for example :
- adding a new snippet to the paste group
- adding a folder, a file, etc.
- adding lines recursively

Cheers, Nico

Find And Run Robot / Re: Feature Request - Find folder names
« on: May 10, 2006, 04:33 AM »
Hi all,

One more vote for finding folder names !!
that would be lovely, i'm still using Approcket because of that
i run a small web agency, yet we have close to 100 customers, and it grows...
I use approcket as a starting point to open a project folder (with approcket you can add folder names of a specific folder - big projects folder in my case - everything stays nice and tidy :), no subfolder indexing, etc.)


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