It's about time that I try out the newest latest and greatest from the Linux world. Last time I really tried it was pure Hell. (A few years ago I tried to get a box running with several distros - nothing worked right and I had LSODs (Linux Screen Of Death) every few minutes practically.)
I am still very far from convinced, but I'll give it a shot.
As to the comments in the thread there... Yikes. Sounded like a lot of gushing to me. TCO? That all depends on what you want to do. It is far cheaper to spend a few $1,000 on software that requires less maintenance than some other free version in some situations. There's no generally "true" TCO for Linux or Windows - that's pure BS. Web server? Windows 100%. File server? Linux 100%. Then there's everything inbetween. They do different things better.
More gushing BS:
Yes, but Linux will never be able to run all the great virus's and spy ware that my windows box can. Just look at all the great virus code that I can run on windows box for free, just by connecting my unprotected windows PC to the Internet. No downloading no updating, just automatically arrives.
Good sarcasm, but just silly. The top security expert all say that OSX is no more secure than Windows - and OSX is built on BSD, which is still a step above Linux with BSD having some of the genreally considered most secure distros. Security is about social engineering and
stupid people that fall for it.
Time to check out if the hype is anywhere near reality... But only after I get back from the sun and sand in Thailand!
(I'm SOOOO looking forward to this vacation - first real one in 5 years.)