I use gridmove constantly. I'm not sure that auto-arranging windows would be all that useful. I like putting windows right where I want them.-tinjaw
Yes, but it'd be cool if i could somehow configure the grids to have the windows automatically adjust themselves to it. Imagine for example the edge grid: the main grid could have a list of applications like this:
opera,firefox,internet explorer
and the others could have something like:
Mirc,msn messenger,xyplorer
So, when you pressed a hotkey (or activated the option in the tray menu), the existing windows that fitted the grid's description would be moved and adjusted automatically.
I think it sounds like a feature worth trying. I'd love to get some feedback on this idea.
However, adding the options to remove borders, status bars, etc. could be useful when you are dealing with smaller windows.
Well... I just tried that with ahk and didn't get very good results, the windows look messed up.
If you'd like to try it youself, here's the ahk code:
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, A
WinSet, Style, +0xC00000, A
Just press windows + y to remove caption and windows + u to get it back.
If you like this, it's easy to make a plugin for gridmove.