Defenestration, start with AutoHotkey because it's nothing more than a text file and you can edit it anytime you want, and it's donationware. Check out the
Universal AutoCorrect with AutoHotKey and Wikipedia by Biancolo, which consists of thousands of commonly misspelled words. He leaves space at the bottom (or move it to the top if you like) to add words you either mistype or misspell. I use AutoHotkey to open programs using hotkeys along with completing complex strings or words I don't want to type over and over, such as:
:*:afn::Access Foundation
:*:bruu::Bulk Rename Utility
:*:ckk::customizable keyboard shortcuts
and to open programs or close windows, files, tabs, etc.
#y::Run C:\Program Files\DirSync\DirSync.exe
#z::Send, {CTRLDOWN}{F4}{CTRLUP}
#F12::Send, {ALTDOWN}{O}{ALTUP}{O}
Appskey::Send, {ALTDOWN}{F4}{ALTUP}
#1::Run C:\Program Files\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe
#2::Run C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.ini
#7::Run C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zFM.exe, C:\Program Files\7-Zip\
and so on. I guarantee you'll love it. Best of all, it is universal, meaning that it applies to games, your word processor, text editor, spreadsheet, email, whatever you type. If you don't want that, or want something more specialized, all you have to do is split your "scripts" into various .AHK files. It's easier than it sounds. Like I said, just start with AutoHotkey (be sure to peruse the Help File's Intro), and then consider others if you don't like it.