It would help if you could describe what specific features of Direct Access appeal the most to you, and what other alternatives you have tried.
As you say, there are many programs that try to solve the display of a menu of applications, so there are probably some features that you dislike, or you would have picked one of the existing offerings already.
F.e., have you tried LaunchBar Commander, as provided in the Software section of this site?
Hi Ath,
What I would like to have is perhaps a simple program that allows one to define a group category for apps, say: Utils, Productivity, Internet, etc and when you click into this category, you see your favourite apps like say Excel, Word, etc. It is just a simplistic launcher. No need fancy icons and bells and whistle. Can be a console based app too as long as it can launch the normal windows programs.
A classic menu software like Direct Access for Dos but for Windows 10p.s. sorry forgot to say yes I had a look at Launchbar commander. It looks very nice but I am after an app that looks like DA5.1 DOS. I have tried other program launchers in the past - rocket dock, object dock, circle dock, etc.