Post New Requests Here / Re: Files 2 folder on steroids.
« on: July 17, 2024, 01:28 PM »Preferably the Util will be in AHK as I want to learn how it is working so I can extrapolate for the future.Just because I wanted to play around with AutoHotkey v2 (yeah yeah I know late to the party) this seems to work. v1 would be very similar apart from "FileCreateDir" which is the command to create a folder instead of "DirCreate".-magician62 (July 13, 2024, 06:04 AM)
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
- #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0+
- SelectedFolder:=FileSelect("D3", , "Select a folder") ; select a folder, we don't check for cancelation so look into that
- {
- DirCreate SelectedFolder "\" OutNameNoExt ; make folder
- FileMove SelectedFolder "\" OutNameNoExt ".txt", SelectedFolder "\" OutNameNoExt "\" OutNameNoExt ".txt" ; move files
- FileMove SelectedFolder "\" OutNameNoExt ".pdf", SelectedFolder "\" OutNameNoExt "\" OutNameNoExt ".pdf"
- }
Edit: adding path to FileAppend, shouldn't matter much but just to be safe(r)