I use both FARR and Listary -- but both in a very basic manner so was slow to post here. (Listary had problems in the past interfacing with Dopus, so I disabled a lot of features / shortcuts. I know it got updated but I never did get to getting-to-know it better after that. FARR I had first.)
FWIW will describe:
FARR I use to
- launch exe's
- search most recent files (with a plugin)
- as a calculator (again a plugin -- it saves all calculations when return is pressed)
You can bump an entry towards the top of the list -- or remove an entry from list.
It can save recently ran exe's towards the top of the list.
I can easily add keyword for an app e.g. FF for Firefox etc.
Listary I use mainly in open/save dialogues
favourite folders / most recent folders / but also if I focus in the file manager and AltTab to open/save dialogue, the dialogue will show the location shown in file manager (not sure if that's what you're describing above with Ctrl+Q).
I've learned a bit about Listary from your posts. Re FARR, I would recommend looking at the FARR forum board to get an idea of how it can be used. Seems to me it can be used to do almost anything :-) but does have a different approach & focus to Listary.
Mouser have you FARR videos?
Re videos: I was looking for videos for SC or CHS lately and couldnt find them either -- could you add links to the relevant software pages?