Thanks for helping!

Thanks 40hz. I see, English is more strict here. And I am always think German and translate words one-to-one.
Bob had it well explained.
Tao, it's not one app only, I need to describe this things more often.
Now I want to describe this steps in English too. I know the words, but I am lacking grammatical, right terms for special tasks, and idiom / locution.
Another try to explain it:
1.) Install the application (run setup.exe, extract everything to HDD, let create some bonds)
2.) Configure the app (some basic Options or Settings, adjust some things, for current user)
3.) See if the app works for the users need (wanted features, write access,...)
4.) assembly the PC, plugin cards and the device at users site
5.) Connect a device/instrument/gauge
6.) Configure the instrument (or the app for to use the device)
7.) Test the device connection and see if we can get valid data
1 - 3(4) is what I would call "Installation".
(4)5 -7 is what I had called "Commissioning" (Inbetriebnahme). You call it "Configuration".
(I hope this explanation is better suited for understanding. Don't know why I didn't think earlier on this way

Me think, since I do already a (basic) "Configuration" on step 2, I am puzzled why I should call 4-7 Configuration too.
That's why I always look for a short, pregnant term like Inbetriebnahme/Commissioning

Do differ this both configurations.
How sounds "initial startup" for step 4-7?
