Would someone please check Renegade's back yard for a large seed pod ... I think he's been replaced.
-Stoic Joker
Don't worry, my child. One day you too will find faith, and perhaps even become exulted in His Holiness Larry Ellison's clergy, like myself, as an Elliphant.
The inner mysteries of the goodness of mass surveillance will be revealed to you, oh unbeliever, and to all!
Now repeat after me...
Our Larry, which art in the cloud,
hallowed be your PL/SQL.
Your application platform come,
your data server be installed,
in our data centers, as they are in NSA data centers.
SELECT for us this record set our daily query,
and forgive us our bugs,
as we have forgiven our junior programmers and database administrators.
And lead us not into ANSI SQL,
but deliver us from the FSF.
For thine is the data, the SQL and the query, forever and ever.