Announcing a Selfish Micro-Fundraiser for the Official DonationCoder CodyMobile! Hi fellow DC folks.. I am saving up to buy my
first car, which I plan to make the official DonationCoder "
It will spread the visage of Cody and the DonationCoder name throughout the land and be used to ferry visiting DC members from the train station to my house. But most of all it will be used by me to go grocery shopping.
I don't have a particular car picked out yet -- I only know that I am looking at used small hatchbacks from 2004 or so, with 100k+ miles, to be purchased off of craigslist (a Cody decal will be applied after purchase).
My target price is $5,000, which is where I could use your help
I have about half that much saved up, and I'm looking for all the help I can get for the remainder.
So if you can spare a few DonationCredits to send my way or if you've never donated to the site but you've used my software, consider this a request to finally take the plunge and donate:
Note: This fundraiser is really a selfish thing for myself, and does not benefit the site so please don't consider this a big deal like our main fundraisers.. This is just me asking for a little personal help.
I'll update here the contributions received for the CodyMobile car fund so far: $532.34