It depends I think.
Porn is also built with hypocrisy. As they say, Sex sells. Just look at more disney girls being more jailbait then they post nude or act more like sluts for publicity than say a Marilyn Monroe.
I would go so far to say if you're searching for porn with Google Images, it's hotter now with safesearch on because they removed all the seo spam porn images. The rest can't be prevented. Cat's out of the box. Reading this thread for example made me browse for porn now just to see what the hubbub is all about when I wasn't planning to browse for porn.
Also I doubt the adult industry would care less for search engines now. Video-wise, it's been all about streaming. Image-wise, it's all about porn placement in shows, ads, etc. Culture-wise, I hear the top TV show now are Game of Thrones and American Horror Story Asylum. Two shows that can get away as being top produced porn shows.
Summary-wise, as an industry, we're now in the "It's culturally acceptable and popular to hold a 50 Shades of Grey book in public".