If dwarf planets have "planet" in the name, aren't they still a kind of planet, and so we have 13 planets? Or with Nibiru, 14?
What about satellites that are larger than some of the 'planets'?
-Carol Haynes
Well, Earth is clearly a planet, but I think Jupiter is just too big to be a planet. Let's nix Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus (so tempting to spell that as Youranus) as planets and call them something like plonets. With a nice "aw" sound for the "o" there, just to signify the "awe" that they inspire for being bigger than regular old planets. Or maybe Jolly <Colour> Planets in remembrance of the Jolly Green Giant. But then he always said, "ho ho ho", so maybe Jolly <Colour> Plonet would be the most awesome naming convention.
If we have planets and plonets, then we'd avoid a lot of confusion. And if we could rename dwarf planets to maybe plinets (because i is smaller than a or o), then we'd avoid more confusion.
4 planets
4 plonets
5 plinets
1 pl(a|o|i)net (Nibiru) ?
x satellites...
I'm just complete confused at this point...