The Daily Mail is very tabloid and very right wing biased (almost fascist in its attitudes) - you can't really take seriously any of their 'journalism'.
Think of it as a comic for people who can actually read, if you can't read then you probably just about cope with the Sun.
No comparison with the Guardian or BBC. Can't really comment on the US publications (though I gather Fox News doesn't have the greatest reputation for integrity).
-Carol Haynes
I just about vomit any time I read the news now anyways. I've learned to basically reverse whatever they say, then that's probably closer to the truth.
It's my "double-speak" filter.
I downloaded the Fox news app for my tablet... Oh god... It just about burned my eyes out. Did the same for CNN and suffered. The BBC is much better, but still stings.
To add to the dabate here is another Twitter Jail Sentence:;CMP=FBCNETTXT9038
-Carol Haynes
It... just... doesn't... stop...
I really don't care what people spout. They can spout all the trash they want. But making it criminal? I just can't get on board...
"I have no choice but to impose an immediate custodial sentence to reflect the public outrage at what you have done. "You committed this offence while you were drunk and it is clear you immediately regretted it. But you must learn how to handle your alcohol better."
I did find that a bit funny though~!
(Too bad the Guardian doesn't know how to use quote properly...)
, chief crown prosecutor for CPS Cymru-Wales, said: "Racist language is inappropriate in any setting and through any media. We hope this case will serve as a warning to anyone who may think that comments made online are somehow beyond the law."
(It's also too bad that they don't know how to start a sentence, or how to use commas properly... But enough of picking away at the inability of the press to write fluently in their own language... That... is another rant...)
While racism may be sickening, it is no less sickening that some neo-fascist, politically correct <insert vulgarity of choice here /> think that they can police people's thoughts and speech. "Serve as a warning to anyone..." Oh please. Self-righteous indignation is for feeble minds that can't articulate a coherent argument to prop up their religious <insert another vulgarity here />.
Racist language is inappropriate in any setting and through any media.
Yes! Certainly! It *IS* disgusting, inappropriate, and feel free to insert as many vulgarities here as you will...
However, it isn't a crime.
Being an idiot isn't a crime.
Just because something is "immoral" or "naughty" doesn't mean that it must be "illegal" or punishable.
What's next?
Throw 6-year olds in handcuffs and drag them down to the police station for throwing a temper tantrum? Ooops... We're already there...Like seriously... Who are these pathetic cry babies that get so upset over some idiot spouting garbage?
The swiftness of the arrest demonstrates how seriously police are taking the posting of potentially criminal comments on social networking sites by so-called trolls.
Just got 2 words...