Kind of related, I came across this:
Why ebooks are bad for youLooks pretty cool. And, "Watch it any way you like". That sounds good...
1) XBOX 360
Don't have one. Next...
2) iTunes
Ummm... Sorry. I'm not a crack addict. My Mac is already infected with iTunes. I don't want to infect my main machine with it.
3) BigPond
WTF? Huh? TV?
4) FetchTV
Again, WTF? TV?
5) FoxTel OnDemand
Huh? TV? No thanks. Don't have it, and don't want it.
6) Austar
Huh? WTF? TV? Again?
Where's the download? If it's any way I like, then I like to watch videos in a normal media player that I know works properly. My personal preference is ALPlayer, or maybe VLC in a pinch. But certainly not some junk that I'd bet won't work properly.
Here are a few of the things I like:
1) Pause
2) Resume
3) Stop
4) Fast forward
5) Rewind
6) Seek
7) Watch whenever I darn well feel like

Stop. Do the dishes. Come back. Watch.
9) Stop. Eat dinner. Come back.
10) Stop. Do work. Watch the rest tomorrow.
11) Watch while I work. Realize that I never actually watched it, so watch it in a few days when I have time.
Networks do not work. They do not let you seek reasonably. Any kind of media content over a network is a complete failure. Seeking should take the time it takes to click, and not the time it takes to buffer 300 MB over a 20 Mbps connection that really only delivers a max of 10 Mbps, but practically only ever achieves 700 kbps, but can realistically be expected to get 100 kbps if all goes well.
Downloads in solid, third party media players work.
And these guys wonder why The Pirate Bay is so popular. Duh! It's called having a superior product...
It's a shame, because the film looks good, and I'd certainly be up for buying a copy if I could do it reasonably. I guess that's too much to ask.