You can have your buttons, just don't take away my syntax! It's easier for me to keep typing inline rather than have to highlight a phrase and click a button.
I don't think that's a true statement. You are more COMFORTABLE typing inline, or you PREFER to type like that. But it's not easier by any means for you, him, or any other person. There's no argument you can make to convince me that it's easier to type a word with brackets or whatever vs. clicking a single button.
At the risk of sounding rude, I've heard from programmers that they use all this text editing stuff because it's easier for them. This is not true. you can't say that because the alternative (buttons) doesn't even exist! You can't say one way is easier or better when the other way is not even available! So, in my opinion, the programmers sort of lie to themselves by saying it's better this way, but it's not. What they are really saying is that it's not worth the trouble to create a button, which is true in a lot of ways. It is easier to write code (if you know it) than it is to create a button, which is essentially writing a LOT of code and going through the whole troubleshooting of it, etc. So yes, text-editing is easier compared to writing the code for a button.
But text-editing is definitely NOT easier than clicking a button. Two different things.
OOOOOOOO~! A challenge~!
Ok... let's convince you...
Ever see someone that's a whiz with vi? Well
, in addition to being socially inept and sexually frustrated, they're
also blistering fast. There isn't a hope in hell that you could possibly hope to accomplish the same tasks with a mouse.
Now, if I'm going to post an image here, it's FAR easier for me to type the [ img ] tag and paste a URL than it is to click a button, fart around with some interface and whatever else I need to do. In both cases I'll end up pasting the image URL, so those make no difference to the procedure. So... Consider:
THE GUI WAY:1) Move hand from keyboard to mouse.
2) Figure out WTF the cursor is on the screen
3) Locate "image" button on toolbar
4) Move mouse cursor to toolbar image button
5) Click image button
6) Wait for some window to pop up
7) Locate URL field in popup for image URL

Move mouse to URL field
9) Click URL field to give it focus
10) *** Paste image into URL field
10.1) Since typing is hard, make things further painful, but avoid pain of moving hand between keyboard and mouse
10.2) Right-click in URL field
10.3) Click "Paste" option in context menu
11) Click OK button in popup
THE KEYBOARD WAY1) Type img open tag
2) CTRL + V to paste image URL
3) Type img close tag
Clicking buttons is often more difficult because you have to move your hand from the keyboard to the mouse, find the cursor, look around, and by that time your ADHD has kicked in and you're thinking about lunch or going out for a cigarette!
*** cig =========:::~ ***
Now where was I?
Oh yeah...
Try this experiment... Tweet 5 times however you normally do, then try tweeting 5 times with my little Twiddle Twittle Tweeter for Twitter:
Twiddle Twittle Tweeter for TwitterWhen you tweet with it, use the keyboard shortcuts:
In your browser (Firefox) -- use F6 to focus on the address bar then CTRL + C to copy it all.
From anywhere at all, like your browser, you can use T4 like this:
CTRL + ALT + S ==> Show/focus
Type whatever.
CTRL + ALT + B ==> Paste a shortened URL
CTRL + ALT + T ==> Tweet
Tell me which is faster then. (Don't include time to download, installation, or starting the program.

Here's the help info:
http://renegademinds...19/Default.aspx#helpYou simply can't move your hand between the keyboard and your mouse fast enough. It's just not possible for simple things.
If you know what you want to do, the keyboard is MUCH faster, and hence, easier. If you're waffling on what you're doing, it makes no difference, and likely then the mouse is easier.
Q.E.D. ???

I use both the keyboard and mouse, but it really all depends on what you want to do. Very often the keyboard *IS* much faster and easier.
ED: Typos