I'm guessing Adobe and Microsoft will ultimately end up filing in federal court against Apple since there's really no compelling technical reason to require all iThingy development to use one toolkit.
What leads me to believe this is Apple's recent "acceptance" of the 'mini' Opera browser into the App Store.
Maybe Apple figures if they relent on some of their more blatant efforts to restrict web and media access on their devices, they can use that in court to argue they're really not trying to restrict trade. (Cuz that would be like
illegal, man!)
Once it does go to court however, Apple can expect to see pressure from AT&T, the music & movie industry, cable and TV broadcasters, and the book publishers - all of whom most definitely don't want to wind up being dragged into court behind Apple where they may be asked to justify some of
their own monopolistic behaviors.
With ACTA and related legislation on the burner, I'm sure Congress, the Senate, and the EU won't be long in weighing in too.
All in all, it's a situation ripe for speeches and grandstanding. Especially with elections not too far off.
Apple Attacks AdobeGonna be fun! Grab some popcorn - and plan on getting there early to watch the fur fly. Hooah!!!!