@IainB: I didn't yet fully look into it.. from what I've seen is that it's possible to change the background and font (style,color), but it might be "impossible" to set different fonts for week numbers, heading, etc...
Well maybe through hacks... but those are likely version dependent...
You basically just want similar colors as you've shown on the screen shot? May I ask why?
@cyrilh: well... there have been requests to be able to use the calendar for more stuff then just showing the current date... like adding an appointment or deadline, etc. But I'm not that interested into enhancing the in-build calendar that much... it's almost an entirely differently program and a lot of work to begin with... I might make it easier to replace T-Clock's calendar with a 3rd party one.. (like allowing once again to run custom programs on mouse clicks which is on my to-do anyway)
People are still welcome to contribute their own code
P.S. I really should change my name / grab another one.. everyone spells it differently xD Or some did even ask how to pronounce my current one right here.. Too bad White-Tiger / WhiteTiger wasn't available the time I registered^^ Or that I didn't use ShiroTora instead...
Though my name is meant to refer a white tiger, I'll never use a space between those words

It's either White-Tiger or WhiteTiger