Final and identical results, received on three Win 8 x64 systems (one Inspiron i7 and two VM [enterprise & enterprise "N" on Phenom x6])
1. If I run T-Clock from file manager (Total Commander 8.0 and 8.01, no matter with administrative rights or not, UAC is off), it is unresponsive to left and right mouse clicks.
(My message, posted on November 12, 2012, 10:55:45 AM was not precise because it was a single event. Another such single instance was observed once on another system)
2. Anyway after the shortcut was placed in a StartUp folder, T-Clock is initializing and working absolutely normally. Same if started from Windows "Run" applet. Same if started from Windows Explorer.
3. Started from the .bat file T-Clock is also unresponsive.
Sorry that I could not describe it all in full in my first message.