Oh wait. Apologies app. When you were talking about scroll wheel feeling, I thought you were referring to a different model than the ergonomic one. Unless I'm mistaken, the reason it doesn't have bumps is because it's like a smaller scroll ball on the mouse right?
Something feeling like this if the size of the wheel was bigger and more exposed?
-Paul Keith
I really can't tell you if it does or doesn't feel like that as I have never used something like that.
Mine is most definitely a wheel and not a ball, though, and a normal sized wheel at that.
Oh, one more thing I should mention about the scrolling behavior of my mouse, because some may find it quite annoying...
Without the drivers installed in Windows, or with the software closed, this issue does not occur, and with the software loaded it only occurs in applications where the mouse wheel serves a different function than scrolling, mainly software like Paintshop Pro, Photoshop, and maybe some games, where scrolling is used for zooming. I can't say if the same thing happens with the Mac drivers, but it's definitely an issue in Windows.
I noticed the problem in Paintshop Pro, since that's what I have and use. Normal scroll mouse behavior allows you to zoom in/out on an image when you hover your mouse over it and hit your scroll wheel. It allows you to zoom in on specific areas of the image by shifting mouse position & zooming. This is great for working on very large, highly detailed images or pixel-by-pixel work.
But with my ergo mouse's software loaded, it won't zoom if you are hovering over the image...it tries to scroll up/down the image instead. The only way you can zoom is to place your mouse over the titlebar of the image when you turn your wheel, and that is not the same kind of zoom at all.
When working on very large images, I usually close the mouse software from the tray and restart it when I am finished. It's the only way to be able to use the zoom features properly, in Paintshop Pro.
So, this ergo mouse might not be the best choice for artists & gamers.
Edit: I updated the drivers and this fixes the zoom issue.