our number changed once, they added a 6 in front to make space for more numbers - i suspect original planners didnt expect people would have quite that many phones!
I cannot remember any of the numbers I have had as an adult, although I moved 5 times. I cannot even remember the number I had before I last moved in 2005 (although I probably have it written in an email somewhere), or the number of the house I had in London for a year until this September (although that one I *never* knew)... I think I dont remember those cause I never kept them for longer than 2-3 years and that is not enough to get engraved?
I find it fascinating how memory works - I cannot remember people's names that easily, especially in my second and third language (it is way easier in my 1st language), it takes me forever to remember phone numbers (i think it took me 5 years before I really automatically remembered my mobile/cellphone number - i just didnt have to give it out often enough for it to stick), but I can remember books I read, when i read them, where i got them from, what the story was (but not character names, on average) - same thing for games, films, good meals, holiday trips.
On the other hand say in technology I have learned and used an awful lot of things, but I always need to look up details, they just don't stick. I always say it's to make more room for the big picture
- at school too, i could never remember equations by heart, but i could rederive them... I could never learn the kind of list of words they made us learn, but I had perfect spelling and could use all of them...
Strange how memory works