I can't help but feeling that your decision to resign your membership is a bit extreme. Nobody is asking you to change anything about yourself, including your self-styled "warped sense of humor."
I might have been inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt and think you weren't trying to get a rise out of the forum members with your earlier post. But after reading what you wrote in your profile, I just can't help but come away with the impression that you are the sort of person that likes to push other people's buttons.
Now that's all well and good
if you can get away with it. But from my own observations, that happy circumstance only occurs when the person 'pushing the buttons' also happens to be the strongest 'personality' in the room.
Well...what can I say? If you spend any amount of time on DC's forums you'll notice that there are a lot of strong personalities present - many who have an equally warped sense of humor - coupled with a supply of barbed wit to spare! Push buttons on people like these and you'll quickly discover they're apt to push back.
Now if you feel the need to resign from DC just because your attempt at humor didn't fly with some of the forum members, then I don't think there's much anyone could say to make you change your mind. However, there are three things you might want to consider before you ride off into the sunset:
1) None of us can claim to post pure gold. Sometimes you'll be misunderstood. When that happens, all you can do is try to clarify. And occasionally, you'll post something that just crashes and burns. When that happens, all you can do is get over it.
2) Nobody automatically dislikes you
as a person just because they don't like everything
you post.
3) A simple truth: There are only
two people that can kick you off DonationCoder. One person is Mouser - the other person is yourself.
Mouser isn't kicking anyone out. In fact, he has personally asked you to stay. There are not too many forum administrators that would do that.
Looks to me like the ball's in your court.