umm...people, I hate to break up the party, but my soul and my sister's body are on the line here. I don't think a lecherous musketeer winking at me in a highly suggestive and obscene manner (cool animation, btw
), nor a t-shirt with a demon cat from hell on it, is gonna help me much. If one of you has a sister and would like to swap, let's talk. There's no reason why two mature adults couldn't come to some sort of arrangement to the mutual benefit of both. If your sister is...umm...'challenged' in the looks department, quantity is acceptable as a form of compensation (2 sisters and a hamster for mine, for example). Sorry, but I cannot accept computer parts or used software. I got burnt when I tried to activate a copy of Windows XP Pro from some guy in Russia. My sister won't let me forget that sorry little episode to this day.
Thanking you for your sensitivity and consideration in this matter, I remain,
Glenn Petrant