Unofficial update:
v2.33.0 - Nov 13, 2014
[BugFix] Try#2 at fixing bug when using "paste clip using sendkeys" from right-click menu, the SendKeys special characters were being replace (see here); now you need to start a clip with {sendkeys} if you expect to have such replacements performed.
To explain: There are some console tools (putty, telnet) where if you want to paste some text (like login password), you cannot use Ctrl+V, and CHS must simulate typing keys (you can access this feature by right-clicking on quick paste menu item). The sendkey simulation code is capable of simulating special keys (like control keys, etc.) using special syntax, but this special syntax made it do weird things if you are trying to paste text with characters like "!+{" in it. So the new routine when using the senkeys method ignores such special characters by default.