to jgpaiva:
Do you interest only winesc AHK-source?
If, yes - that is here:
;;;;start winesc's ahk-code;;;;;
WinGetActiveTitle, Title
WinSet, Transparent, 125, %Title%
KeyWait, CapsLock
WinSet, Transparent, off, %Title%
WinGetActiveTitle, Title
WinMinimize, %Title%
KeyWait, Esc
WinRestore, %Title%
WinActivate, %Title%
I like your GridMove and used it.
But I want to make similar <Win>-keyed functionality.
Do you interested to make such program, which will move active window to predefined (by selected customizable profiles) positions?
to tomos and to nosh:
AHK-links I'll include into the homepage some time (next days) later. I think I must to recast my homepage.
to TucknDar:
Autohotkey scripting is that all you need!
Are you interested in the specific functions?
to f0dder:
I cannot and don't want to change wep-abbreviation in the home-page of the project.
I think that this project will not grow so, that someone place information about WEP in WikiPedia pages
Thanks for your posts