You use MouseGetPos and MouseMove in each secition to acheive your goal? You also need to add a condition to stop the window disappearing off the screen area too (unless that's what you want).
I have changed it to Control+Windows+arrow so that you don't lose access to the Windows key.
;move active window around with Ctrl+Windows+l/r/up/down
; move active window xx pixels right
wingetpos x, y,,, A ; get coordinates of the active window
x += 30 ; add this distance to the x coordinate
mousegetpos, mx, my
winmove, A,,%x%, %y% ; make the active window use the new coordinates
mousemove, %mx%, %my%
return ; finish
; move active window xx pixels left
wingetpos x, y,,, A
x -= 30
mousegetpos, mx, my
winmove, A,,%x%, %y%
mousemove, %mx%, %my%
; move active window xx pixels up
wingetpos x, y,,, A
y -= 30
mousegetpos, mx, my
winmove, A,,%x%, %y%
mousemove, %mx%, %my%
; move active window xx pixels down
wingetpos x, y,,, A
y += 30
mousegetpos, mx, my
winmove, A,,%x%, %y%
mousemove, %mx%, %my%