1. Great idea! :...
What is the difference between MouseScroll, MouseWinList, and MouseAltTab? It's kinda hard to guess from this.
hi, alexey_r!
I uploaded my
(Mouse)WinList program and now you can check out the difference between MouseScroll, MouseWinList, and MouseAltTab.
As you can see, MouseScroll is simple program which only emulates Alt+Tab hotkey.
MouseAltTab modified by myself is evl's AltTab with enhaced functionality which replaces AltTab window.
(Mouse)WinList is my new idea to realize visual windows listing. It is possible to make it similar to Opera's RightMouseHold+Scroll. What do you think about it? But it shall conflict with Opera's tab listing.
I plan to combine MouseScroll and WinList by means of using additional <alt> or <ctrl> modifier.
1.MouseAltTab disables the simple Win shortcut for me.
2.Using Win+CapsLock, when I release CapsLock the active window disappears for a moment before returning to non-transparency.
1.I checked out, and found that system win-hotkey as win+D, win+R, etc. perfectly works with MouseAltTab without any conflicts and problems. Only start menu do not appears when Left Win-key pressed down. This is only one inconvenience of using all advantages of MouseAltTab. However, you can use Right Win-key.
2.I fixed this bug partly. For more smooth switching WinEsc must switch transparency between 125(semi-transparent) and 255(pseudo-non-transparent) values. But transparency feature slowing down the PC. I used switching between 125 and transparency-off values to prevent it, in the WinEsc. I'll try to fix this bug by other way.[/edit]
I made new version of WinEsc to make possible invert function to switch transparent window temporarily to non-transparent and to also to make transparency permanent and its value changeable.
MouseAltTab looks similar to evl's AltTab.
Yes, I made some changes in his code and now it can work with Win-key similar to MouseScroll.
As you can see, In the AHK-code of MouseAltTab (in its first line) I placed following link "source of basic of code
Also I placed link to code modified by myself to the autohotkey forum at Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:18 pm (Post subject: Re: ALT-TAB replacement with icons and window titles in List)