Hello Everyone,
As CodeTRUCKER (my Dad) stated in introducing me and my brother (Dieselbuff) I am an over-the-road truck driver. I started driving almost two years ago as a company driver and have since February of this year been driving for my Dad.

Some people have asked me why I drive a truck and in case some of you might wonder here's the answer. I started riding with my Dad back when I was about six years old and road with him off and on for the next thirteen years. I always had a thing for big machinery and trucks and riding with my dad only made my love for trucks grow stronger and I always dreamed of being the one behind the wheel of an "18-wheeler" some day!

While I at the time I didn't think that it would be a dream that would come true, here I am and almost two years behind me and absolutely love it! Oh well, I guess it got in my blood from riding with dad for so long!

Even though I am an over the road truck driver, the open road is not the only thing that I enjoy! Apart from the big truck I grew up on are small family farm with chickens, ducks, a number of different cats, a dog, cows, turkeys and sheep and a family garden. If I wasn't riding on the road with my Dad I was at home enjoying working with the animals and tending to our garden. We didn't have any horses but I love horses and had a couple of opportunities to work with some friends of mine on a community farm where I had the opportunity to work with a team of draft horses on a community farm. I still don't have a horse of my own yet, but I am still working toward it and I am really looking forward to when that day finally comes. Even though I am a bit older now I still enjoy gardening and raising my own animals as well.
After a day of work on the farm I also like to pull out the instruments and play with my family. I presently play the guitar, bass guitar, drums, piano, and banjo. Speaking of banjo, I'll tell you a little story. I fell in love with the banjo at a very young age after seeing a friend of mine play some bluegrass on one with some friends of his, I was about 3 1/2 or 4 years old at the time. I really liked the banjo and wanted to get one of my own so I could start playing right away however, at that young age I was to small to even play the smallest version at that time so I resigned myself to having to wait a few years before I would be able to begin playing.

Unbeknown to me however my Dad was at work.

Seeing how much I loved the instrument and knowing that I would not be able to play until I grew a little he took about a two foot length of 1x2 i think it was and whittled it down to the shape of a banjo neck and used screw eye for the tuning pegs. For the head he cut the bottom half of a cardboard rolled oat can, he then attached it to the small neck he had made and then used fabric like fishing line for the strings. Once he had assembled it he presented it to me for my birthday or xmas and you would have thought he handed me the world! I instantly fell in love with "my bando" as I affectionately called it.

I don't have "my bando" any more as I absolutely wore the little instrument out but the memory is still with me and I still thank my Dad for "My Bando" on occasion.
When I am not driving a truck, working on the farm, or playing instruments I will probably be working on developing my business, Craft House Services, in which I service and repair all makes and models of sewing machines. I don't have it yet but am going to be working on getting a website up where I will have contact information and will also be selling differing sewing products. I will let you know once I have it up and running so any of you out there who might be into sewing can check it out and maybe find something that you could use.

That is pretty much the low down on me, if I'm not working on any of the above mentioned activities I will either be posting/reading on our family forum or here at DC and if I'm not doing that, I'm sleeping!
I look forward to getting know everyone here and participating in future threads.