I like Ralf's idea, although my internal filter is geared toward the "adult" setting, not intended for 11-year olds. I don't want to live my life always wondering whether an pre-teen is reading my content, whether here or on my blog (thanks for the shout out, Veign, mouser!). I don't curse around kids or in public, nor do I show them "dirty pictures." But mouser pegged my intention, which runs from the start on
my blog; that is, that tech invades and changes all parts of our lives.
CodeTRUCKER, you really only site one example, and when I reread the post, I thought the whole thing was funny. From my perspective, I'm surprised at your offense. I'm a moral and fair person, but I'd be curious to know if your feelings spring from god-belief, and how is it that you've managed to find so much where I see none? My contention (on my blog) is that the porn industry has
always been at the leading edge of tech — from delivering content to how that content is viewed to how it is served and how it's paid for. Examining the code of some of their sites, you will find it quite elaborate.
While I don't see
DonationCoder.com as synonymous with "profanity, coarse/sexually-oriented jokes and graphic content," it's because it's not the place — or audience — I think of when I discuss the subject.
Take a second look at the post in question: there's nothing graphic there, no offensive photos, no cuss words, etc. All the links are to other sites, such as YouTube, and what you are claiming is not in that DonationCoder.com post.
One of the worst practices of humankind is that the one (exception) makes the rule for the many. I hope,
CodeTRUCKER, you are not asking either us or mouser to seek your prior approval, or even to be sensitive to your personal morality, and end up censoring the site at the expense of the rest of us who haven't seen a problem here:
[from your letter, annotations mine]:
...I am a champion of that which is wholesome and good. (How were we to know we were offending you when we were not offended ourselves? We're sinning and don't know it?) I perceive that to allow people that have found a refuge here to continue in the same behavior that made them lonely in the first place is to forever entomb them to despair. (I'm neither lonely nor am I in despair. What makes you think that I am based on one post?) If someone suffers the pain of loneliness because they never take a bath, it is the purest of love and the kindest charity to make it plain to him that he stinks. (Again, I'm not 'painfully' lonely, nor am I dirty, nor do I stink. Are you saying that I do, and that I need your cleansing?) If someone is forever desparing because they always see themselves as a "victim," that one is forever doomed to their own personal dungeon. (More despair; I'm detecting a theme. Liberty of thought — about any tech issue and any issue that tech touches upon — can never be a "dungeon." However, it's apparent that you feel guilty for even reading the very words.)CodeTRUCKER, please correct me if I'm exaggerating, but methinks you protest too much.