I'm sorry. I know (as a recent thread revealed) that flames are pretty rare here, but I'm getting sick and tired of this self righteousness
. Other participants pointed out how your logic was faulty, and that despite paying lip services to the opinions of others, this is really condescension, and you firmly believe that your view is really the standard against which others must be judged. I didn't pursue it, but since Mouser has pretty much committed to a solutions to your problem, would you please cut it out now?
Carol has expressed my revulsion of a horrible epedemic quite succinctly and has also debunked the "it drives technology" sham as well, so I won't belabor those points.
No she didn't, she only stated her personal feelings, but I shan't pursue that because it's tangential to the topic. But your reference to a "horrible epedemic [sic]" again refers to your prejudices. Please, out of respect for those having different philosophies than your own,
keep these offensive ideas to yourself.
1 - I didn't have a choice, the article landed in my RSS otherwise I would have never have seen it.
You still seem to be seeking to utterly wipe out the options of anyone disagreeing with you. Based on the
possibility that you might be offended, your message implies, we must curtail anything that is offensive to
your values.
This sounds very innocuous on the surface, but it only serves those that participate in them. It is like someone lighting up a very pungent incense. Only one did it because he had a right to, but everyone there will be forced to "relish the bouquet" or split.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can only read this and your constant return to such statements as a belief that the entire DC forum is corrupted by the presence of anything beneath your morality, and thus, even if you don't participate or even view it, it must be excised lest the pestilential attitudes that it breeds spread like a cancer through the entire community.
If this is view that drives any changes to the community then you can accept my resignation.
What if I was to do reviews on all the software and technology associated with Jesus Christ (and there is a plethora)? Would my posts find open arms as just another "technology" or would it be deemed heresy because it involves religion and the Judeo-Christian religion in particular? I think the answer is obvious and is so much so that I have refrained from presenting it in order to prevent creating a firestorm ... While I have every right to present all of these reviews, bible software tech blogs, etc. here at DC as technology and software, I have chosen to not do so as it would upset the sweetness that is the heart of DC.
Poppycock. Start a series of threads discussing religious-themed software. I'll likely ignore most of it, but it may lead to a more vibrant community as a whole... unless it brings in more intolerant self-righteous folks.
Just cause we are better than some doesn't mean we can't be better than we are, does it? Let me hasten to add that I am not the one to determine what is better as this is a community and the community will ultimately define what would be better and tremendous thanks goes to Mouser for allowing that to happen. My point is let's stop patting ourselves on the back. There is always room for improvement.
Again, you pay lip service to tolerance. But this whole paragraph would be redundant if you actually believed it. I'm convinced that you really do believe that your personal values are the correct ones, and that you're only condescending, indulging us until we see the light.