I think Ctrl-Q is the live search.-superboyac
Yours may be CTRL-Q, but the default for search (i.e. live-search) is CTRL-F, either way, you'll find it in Edit>Find
I have mine set to ctrl+shift+f so that it doesn't interfere with the html pane search own search mini-window.
Menu: View > Grids = is a fairly akward way of accessing grids = what you see on the left (tabbed grid list) [...] Personally, I think a big icon (maybe with grids written on it!) that would show a dropdown alphabetical list would suffice - or maybe a list on the left that autohides like the other panels can?-tomos
I don't remember, really -- because most of my toolbars are modified (everything is customizable) , but I believe the original toolbar configuration sets the grid "submenu" as an icon on the "Grid Context" toolbar...??
I personally use that icon all the time -- can trigger it using ctrl-shift-o and start typing to get to your grids quickly and press enter. Simple -- not exactly find & run robot -- but good enough, and the
most convenient way to quickly open grids... if you have more than 30!
We've discussed grid hierarchies in the past too, and this is something Pierre might include.
Re sorting - I believe there is a way of saving a manually organised order (or maybe it's just been requested)
I find on restarting programme or refresh it defaults to sorting by the number column on the very left (I dont like that myself - it means sorting by the order that items were added to the grid)
I would have thought "save item state" in the Grid submenu should save your ordering but it doesnt. Maybe Pierre will comment here ? It will save the state of the grid if you refresh in the sense if you have expanded some items and others not (refresh is still necessary if you make certain changes)
If you don't put anything in the "sort" filter text box, or if you don't use the "sort criterias applies to subitems" option, all subitems of any item will keep its arbitrary order (ie : if you move an item to the top, it will stay there.) This doesn't work with top level items though. If you don't put anything in the "sort" filter text box, I believe that items appear in the order they were created, or something like that. I know that Pierre has some ideas for different types of "arbitrary" or "chosen" orderings (like : paragraphs in text, chapters in a novel...). We've discussed that in the past, but it seems that the level of need for that feature has been superseded by other needs.
Save item state is just for the way hierarchies are displayed (expanded or not, etc.). It's not about saving sorting.... well I if does save sorting... I never noticed!
The grids can be organized, resorted, filtered in a variety of ways, so it would be nice to be able to save certain grid "states". Furthermore, if you have saved several grid states for a grid, it would be nice to have some kind of "states manager" so we can quickly choose one of the states.
Grid states... yes. "Save item state" works pretty well though as it keeps everything as it was when one last closed the grids. (well... it should)
As for saving grid states, when the "named filters" (ie : menus with a bunch of created filters, with human names, which you can associate with operators, etc.) will arrive, it should help quite a bit
Of course, that doesn't replace completely what would/could be different grid organizations (a bit like Outlook views). But... I usually create new grids when I really need a different layout. If grids could be organized hierarchically, this would help classification of different "views", of course.
On a similar level, the layout of IQ can be configured several ways...toolbars, html pane location, autohide on/off, properties pane, etc. So it would be good to have a "layout manager" very similar to the states manager I mentioned above.
I've seen similar things on other programs I use that have very flexible layouts and a variety of settings to choose from. Autocad comes to mind (workspace settings, saved layouts, saved views, saved coordinates) and so does Directory Opus (save layouts).
Actually Pierre talked about having a grid interdependent "layout memory". Eg : One grid would have the html pane at the bottom, the other one wouldn't have one, the other one would have it on the right, etc. The layout will also become even more flexible with what Pierre calls Ecco-like combo views, etc. I don't know when that will be available though.
Some (or even most) of these suggestions are already in mantis. I'll check this out next week (Pierre's priority is the calendar, recurring tasks, etc. though.)