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Living Room / Re: Need a free survey site
« on: October 29, 2007, 11:57 PM »
without knowing all your needs its not possible to recommend a free survey. You ought do a google search on "free online surveys" and look at the offerings from the many returns that are listed.
Here is one I selected at random:

Living Room / How to get data from dead flash drive?
« on: October 29, 2007, 10:49 PM »
A student at my school had to pass up a major assignment today - 2 months of work.
She saved it to her flash drive (usb drive), but later, found that the drive couldnt even be recognized by windows.
Tried on various school computers today -it IS dead. Probably the data is there, but there's a break in the circuitry or something similar.

The question is, is it possible to get the data off the drive with any equipment likely to be owned by someone accessible (ie not the research centre at sandisk etc).
Are there any other things to try (eg gentle heat to expand solder tracks or sticking in icebox as with hard drives)?

BTW, she's bringing her computer in tomorrow in the hope that files can be undeleted from there - but she's got 6 (SIX) kids who use her computer.

Living Room / Re: Taking "digital" notes during a lecture
« on: October 24, 2007, 07:23 AM »
You could look at: or which both allow for more or less typing only (no mouse action).
An alternative which may or may not be feasible is to take photos of the whiteboard/blackboard and process them using something like "whiteboard photo".
(I use a very old, now abandoned piece of software called whiteboard photo, but I've come across - without noting the name(s) - other software to do similar.
Google it if interested.

I remember reading about that trick in photoshop a while back - here on Lifehacker.  The second-last comment on that page mentions an irfanview plugin called Metrix, which might be an expiring Beta.  Is that nearer to what you were looking for....? 
Suleika, I just tried Metrix in PSP.. it worked a treat, so thanks heaps. You were right on the money with the lifehacker article too.

Was it something like this color palette generator?  Or color hunter

No, the idea was you selected a source image, and a target image, clicked a button and your target image would take on the look and feel of the source image
Thanks for trying tho!

within the last 6 months or so, I came across a program (freeware) which claimed to let you make any of your images have the "look" of another image.
In particular, if you had an image of say a Rembrandt painting, you could copy that look to one of your own images. No doubt photoshop experts can do that sort of thing, but I haven't got photoshop.

Of course now that I want to play with it for a particular purpose, I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it or what it was called. Does anyone know of it?

Official Announcements / Re: September Drawing Winners
« on: September 22, 2007, 03:51 PM »
Thanks very much cthorpe and all (and buffer zone too)- I'm very chuffed!!!!

When this is set up, can it allow for connecting via a school's proxy server? If so, you can use my laptop all day (all night if you're "up above")

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Virtual Flashlight
« on: September 15, 2007, 08:18 AM »
Looks like they drastically raised their price or something on this. Their site now shows it to cost $14.95 Euro and $19.95 USD. I was real interested in their ScreenInk app too last week when I saw that and went back to investigate getting both and Whoa! :o
WOW!! I bought both screenink and mouselight a couple of days ago for a TOTAL of $5.01 - australian dollars. Talk about inflation.

General Software Discussion / Re: How do this in a screenshot?
« on: August 20, 2007, 05:31 PM »
Lanux(128), have a look at this page, which has examples of using a screen capture program given away on giveaway of the day.
Some of their examples are very similar to what you're talking about. Somewhere, they give a little tutorial on how they do it - it isn't a one click process.

Living Room / Re: suffering online status anxiety
« on: August 16, 2007, 03:12 AM »
Nudone, as a daily - if possible hourly - lurker within this precinct, let me just say that when when I see a post from you, my brain reacts with a "ah, here's another post from Nudone".
Translated (and I'm sure KenR could articulate this much better than I), it's sort of like its not just any joe blow (maybe John Doe in the USA) who's posted- no, it's NUDONE , ie a poster with some status and a certain credibility.
Your status has no connection to you being a blogger or not and quite frankly I can't see the relevance of blogs to status.

here's one that I haven't tried ...

better might be the online browser preview tools. There's a list of them at http://mypage.bluewi...s/onlinetools02.html
Scroll down to "Browser Preview" for a nice selection.

General Software Discussion / Re: DivX Pro for free
« on: June 08, 2007, 06:48 PM »
duh ... thanks! I get lost in my start menu so stay away from there, but I should have looked..

Go to START > DivX > DivX Converter > Register Products and then enter the key there.
-Carol Haynes (June 08, 2007, 06:25 PM)

DivX email containing serial number:
"To activate, open the DivX Converter from the desktop, click the "Enter Serial Number" button and enter the number above."

What serial number button?


What's the Best? / Re: What's the best Journal (Diary) software?
« on: June 04, 2007, 03:57 AM »
note that there's an "old" freeware version of Advanced Diary still floating around eg at http://www.321downlo...Freeware/page32.html
Pretty nice, but I can't decide between it and iDailyDiary

2500 tracks ... Started analyzing at 10.30am, finished at 6pm. The first hour, only a hundred or so had been dealt with and I thought it would be a weeks work but it seemed to accelerate. For half that time the computer was idle, for half I was doing non-intensive stuff.

Living Room / Re: Free landline calls?
« on: May 21, 2007, 03:32 AM »
you might like to check out these, neither of which require the other party to have a computer. Both of which work by you inputting 2 phone numbers, then "they" call both and broker a telephone
Webcalldirect will give you lots of "free" or 5c calls o/s - almost as many as you like over a 90 day period -if you maintain a balance of about 10 euros (from memory)
The second seems to just let you make free calls in either usa, au or uk. Don't know about o/s (ie au->usa)
The addresses are

General Software Discussion / Re: Document Assembly Question
« on: May 10, 2007, 06:30 PM »
What if you had a script (eg ahk) or batch file which contained a list of the files to be printed (or referenced an external text file). Order of printing to be decided by the list.
The script could-
start the appropriate app to print the file, then exit
ask once only for the usb drive letter and substitute that letter in all usb drive file path names.

That way you'd only have to do maintenance on a list - adding, deleting, re-ordering filenames, with everything else automatic.

I tried, but it crashes all the time before I can get to a server.

After downloading from itunes, will I be able to get FARR off my ipod to run on another machine?

It seems the discount is only available for callipers or the pack of 3, and not protractor only (I just tried to order callipers only, with bdj discount code).
Is this right or have I done something wrong?
If its correct, could you consider extending your discount to the protractor as a single item please Iconico? :D

Mouser's Zone / Re: IDEA - Webpage archiving
« on: February 28, 2007, 01:50 AM »
I'll chime in with a positive for net snippets.
I've variously used netsnippets, surfulator, local website archive and evernote.
I have "dumped" stuff into evernote, but its sort of like chucking stuff down a garbage shute for me. Info disappears, never to be seen again. I keep thinking its time to delete it, but don't seem to get around to it.
Maybe having a tree in my face with the others gives me reminders of things and provides some sort of context.

I used LWA and found it good for when I wanted to grab a web page which I massaged into a different form in an html editor. Wish I could remember now why I chucked it before the others.

I use surfulator more than netsnippets (cos it cost me, rather than free, maybe) but netsnippets has caused me less hassles. Sometimes I haven't been able to grab a page using surfulator, where netsnippets has been able to. Not the other way around though.

 I don't understand the "bloated" bit re netsnippets. The interface isnt bloated, in fact I'd say its a lot simpler and leaner than surfulator (which I'm not knocking btw)
To my mind, netsnippets (freeware version) doesn't try to do too much and over extend itself, and has a leaner appearance and feel to it.
Surfulator is supposedly using 48mb on my computer, I doubt netsnippets is, if thats what's meant be bloated.

I was at the supermarket on the weekend, wife doing the shopping, me checking the computer mags. Anyway, I saw reference to 2 utilities supposedly making it easy to print web pages properly.
Of course I forgot the names before I reached home - one was something like "webEasy" - but I remember they were both freeware, one from epson, 1 from canon.
There was a claim that at least one of them worked with ALL brands of printers.
Anyway, shouldn't be hard to track them down if you're interested.

Moon software at has a program called filenote which sounds like it does exactly what you want , except for files, not folders. (S'pose that means it doesn't do near what you want really!). I left a note in their forum sort of asking whether it was feasible to adapt theirs. Left the address of this thread, telling them about this discussion. No interest from them tho it seems. Maybe an email direct to one of the principals from the company might elicit a response.

does anyone know of software that would correctly align a grid in an image:

What I would use it for:

Say I have a photo or scan of a drawing on graph paper. The graph will be more or less distorted depending on means of capture. (Also sometimes the graph-paper itself doesn't have an accurate grid cause of age etc, or sometimes it's photocopied or simply cause it's paper)
This might not be exactly what you want Tom, but its related. I use an application called "whiteboard photo" in this circumstance.
Every lesson, I take a photo of the whiteboard Ive been doing maths on. The photos have perspective distortions, as well as looking bad (the white isnt white etc)
Whiteboard photo's purpose is to "clean" those photos by fixing the colour and the perspective problem.
For the latter, it does this by suggesting a moveable trapezium you set around the outline of the board, and this trapezium gets transfomed to a rectangle. (ie eliminating distortion)
Re the colour problem... I have tried setting white balance and messing about in both photoshop and psp ... Whiteboard photo worked much easier and better.
This colour aspect might be relevant to you depending on how you obtained your images (eg photo of a page from a book)

A negative is the price, listed at $249 (go to for info), but note that a long time ago it used to be $79. When I came to buy it, I hunted around and found a place on the net STILL selling it for $79 (I think I searched for "pixid" who used to own the software)

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