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Circle Dock / Re: External App: CD spiral shape(Preview)
« on: February 26, 2010, 11:13 AM »
Woot....this is great  ;D

Hopefully we can get the rotation in at some point  :Thmbsup:

Circle Dock / Re: Instant Crash on Startup
« on: February 26, 2010, 11:11 AM »
Don't feel displaced at all
We all have out moments

You're fine friend  :Thmbsup:

Circle Dock / Re: Putting Icons on different circles
« on: February 26, 2010, 08:24 AM »
Hello again Jeepers
It is good to hear from you again  8)

I think I know what you are asking, but Circle Dock is incapable of handling.

I believe what you are looking for is a way to put three icons in the initial ring and then maybe 10 icons in teh outer ring, that being teh case: it does not work that way.

In the settings you can adjust how many Icons per ring:

Screenshot - 2_26_2010 , 6_59_16 AM.jpg

As you can see I am set for 10 icons per ring. Once I am number 11, it will start in next level, once I hit 21 it will start in the level after that, and so on.
Circle Dock, at this time, does not have the ability to define how many, buy what layer, and what ring.....Circle Dock just does not under stand such things at this time.

I am unaware of what the future may be for such a request

As to your other question.
There are a couple of ways to get images to show then selves in the forums

1.) If you have a URL address you can simply place inside :

will result in:

2.) Attachments can be made, by simply adding the attachments below as you require them, and then adding the appropriate syntax to teh attached image language.

Browse to your image on your computer and confirm.
Then utilize the attachment button above:
Screenshot - 2_26_2010 , 7_12_36 AM.jpg
Now as you have an attachment, each one must be labeled correctly.
By pressing the Attach image button you will get the following:

As you add attachments, make sure to change the attach syntax:
The first image in this post would be labeled:
the second uploaded attachment would be:
and so on
Screenshot - 2_26_2010 , 7_20_06 AM.jpg

It can be a little frustrating when starting, but after you do it a couple of times, it comes along. additional note:
As you input attachments, and hit preview, you will not see these images, until you "post" then the images and files will become readily available.

Hope  this helps

The Sarge

Circle Dock / Re: My middle mouse button not working with v.
« on: February 25, 2010, 10:37 AM »
Greetings thchum
Welcome to Circle Dock forums, and

Unfortunately we thought we had this issue nailed down, but apparently that is not the case  :-[
We are working to get this resolved quickly and hopefully by the next release.

the reason that Circle Dock seems to repair itself every 5 to 10 minutes is because that was the backup option programmed into the operation, we had hoped that this would correct the issue, but is not a full solution.

Keep an eye on us, as we are looking into it, and a permanent solution  :Thmbsup:

Circle Dock / Re: Circle_dock_1.5_anglais_262288, le clavier se fige
« on: February 25, 2010, 10:32 AM »
Bonjour ligand43
Welcome to and Circle Dock's little corner.

I have a questions:
What type of mouse and keyboard are you utilizing?

Google Translations:
Bonjour ligand43
Bienvenue à et petit coin Circle Dock.

J'ai une question:
Quel type de souris et le clavier sont-vous utiliser?

Let us know  :tellme:

Circle Dock / Re: Circle_dock_1.5_anglais_262288, le clavier se fige
« on: February 25, 2010, 10:28 AM »
French to English translationShow romanization

OS: MS Windows 7 - ultimate - 64 bit

The keyboard freezes. Circle_Dock must leave it to become active again.
On closing the configuration window, displaying the following message:
================================================== ==========
Access denied

Stack Trace:
to AMS.Profile.Ini.SetValue (String section, String entry, Object value)
Folder.Settings.SetEntry to Stack (String Section, String EntryName, Boolean Value)
Folder.Settings.SaveConfigData to Stack (String StackName)
to PropertiesPanelDockProperties.dockProperties_FormClosing (Object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
to System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmClose (Message m)
to System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc (Message & m)
to System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindows.CallBack (IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Abort Retry Ignore
================================================== ======

Hoping that this will solve the problem and wishing to continue using Circle_Dock like previous versions,

Cordial Greetings

ligand43, Thursday, 25/02/2010.

Circle Dock / Re: UAC Issues - Vista/Windows 7, 32 & 64-bit
« on: February 25, 2010, 10:24 AM »
Interesting, I wonder what causes that - CircleDock doesn't strike me as an application that would benefit from it. Perhaps it's not because of compiling for x64, but because x64 doesn't include SS2 and SS2 causing the slowdowns?
SS2 is included in the 64-bit version - the Sarge would kill me if I removed it! SS2 does run but there's a noticeable delay, amounting to several seconds, before it displays the Stack (oh well, not my problem!). In general though - and ignoring SS2 - Circle Dock does appear to run faster and smoother as a 64-bit app than the 32-bit version under either 32-bit or 64-bit OSes.


No no...I am a proponent of removing SS2, as I have said, I can live with utilizing as an addon.
This can be relegated to the addon list, and a tutorial can be made.
This is the logical way to go, especially considering that we can not adjust the ini path to the appropriate AppData file.
teh slowness experienced in SS2 in a 64bit environment is well discussed and documented at Aqua-Soft...The only reasonable conclusion is teh 32 bit libraries in use, combined with the additional advancements of SS2 over the original Standalone Stack...needless to say: SS2 is a far advanced program over the original.

I must confirm that Circle Dock (64bit) renders faster and is more responsive in the Windows 7 64bit enviro.
I have been deeply considering the "why" of this, and I am starting to think of an old post that was created here:
The bottom line would be: 64bit handles graphics better (period)
Personal experience.
So if the graphics issue, initially diagnosed my Dormouse, remain from the Alpha builds, then this could account for the slower response and rendering of Circle Dock in a 32 bit enviro.
I could be way off, But I figure this is something that may need to be explored, then confirmed or ruled out.

The future is rousing  :D

Indeed  :Thmbsup:


I am going to ask you to try something, and see if this works for you:
In settings go to:
General >Location, and check the bock for Legacy support. Let's see how this works.

Screenshot - 2_24_2010 , 3_41_11 PM.jpg

Ooh....this is great  :tellme:

Questions though:
Under what version(s) of Circle Dock will this work?
The current as well as legacy versions???

I love what you are doing.

great work  :Thmbsup:

Here is a simple truth.
64 bit is coming on full
32 bit is going to die
it is just a matter of when!?!!

I am a firm believer in killing 32 bit
I believe that Windows 7 should have killed off 32 bit support, and I suggest that Windows 8 will altogether
So be prepared!
NOW is the time to invest in the future, with your software and systems!

Please let me explain.

Quite simply it is for change and advancement.
How many folks realize that we could actually have 128 bit NOW, if there was a call

The full induction of 64 bit is well past due, and 64 bit has been available for well over a decade now.
As we make more demands on our collective and individual systems, more needs to be produced to advance towards those requests, hence 64 bit.
As we require more, more will be needed, hence the more memory, larger HDD, and deadly fast processors.
it is just the law of averages.

Not to deeply date myself, but i remember the days of BASIC, FORTRAN, and 8 bit programs.
I remember a time that a GUI was just a pipe dream, and the 30+ pound word processor with the vomit green, 8 inch screen, was the SH*T!!!
I remember when Texas instruments was on the top of the electronic consumer food chain.
I still have a commodore 64 lying around collecting dust somewhere
I remember the death of 8 bit

I remember a company (Sun Valley Communications Inc), the BBC, and the introduction of 16bit
I remember windows 3.X and the GUI dream come alive.
I remember that company (Sun Valley Communications Inc) becoming AOL
I remember a lot of good programs in 16bit
I remember leaving a lot of those programs behind, and the same complaints then as I hear now; "Why change if it works"
I remember the death of 16bit

I remember Windows 95 (unfortunately) and the introduction of 32 bit into windows 98 SE
I remember thinking back to some of those 16 bit programs and wishing I had them, but the programmers of the time refusing to update there software in the face of advancement.
I remember the first Unix 64bit, and the game consoles that have shown us just how far behind desktop technology was! and still is today!
I look back at the authors of some great 16 bit programs, and wish they would have swallowed their pride and moved  forward as technology does.

I remember Windows 2000 server and XP Pro
hands down: the best Windows OS's ever. To date
I look back at the explosion of the true 32 bit era.
Fondly I am remembering a lot of programs already abandoned, either by time, or refusal to move forward.
and again I am hearing the same old arguments; "If it work why change!"
I am seeing the death of 32 bit.
In a few years I will have a few fond memories of great programs left behind by stubborn authors and programmers who have refused to progress with the technology, but I will not remember their programs and names in time.

The growing pains of 64 bit in recent years was not helped at all by MS, Vista was and remains a tragedy!
BUT, 64 bit is the way to go.
32 bit has seen it's time, and it's limits are quickly being realized...we stood still in the 32bit era too long, and now it is a race to advance before we hit a collective limitation wall.

64 bit offers so much more, so much faster, and with more capabilities from our equipment.

I say to you:
Any one who says to stay with 32 bit is an enemy of progress.
Any Company that refuses to move to a 64 bit platform does not deserve your money or respect.
Any programmer that tells me not to explore 64 bit solutions, is no friend of mine
Any one who suggests to me to stay with 32 bit....well they just set themselves up for a famous Sarge Tongue Lashing  :mad:

Already we are seeing the effects of software that is incompatible with 64 bit, and programmers that refuse to upgrade their software.
Ultimately these folks will be left behind, and may be lamented for their great software.
As I have done so many times before in the past.
Apparently I will again  :(
This is the price of change, and advancement, under stubbornness, and I willing pay that price  8)

I have already been working with 64bit Unix and linux distros for several years, and this is the way to go!

Ultimately I would see the death of Rainmeter 32bit and Circle Dock 32bit, and full on support to 64bit, that is my future priority, but I will make every attempt not to leave 32bit users behind, but this is something to consider as we move towards the future!
One day I would even love to see a cross platform solution, but knowing how Circle Dock works now, I can not see this with out a ground up rebuild solution.

"If it works why change!"
Because that is the way of advancement, of change, of growth, and that is where I am going.
Please come with me on this marvelous journey as well.

Circle Dock / Re: UAC Issues - Vista/Windows 7, 32 & 64-bit
« on: February 24, 2010, 03:49 PM »
Btw why make an x64 version of Circle Dock, except for "because we can"? Doesn't strike me as an app that would benefit from it.

The most I can say is that a 64 bit version helps over come issues that have been discovered in the Windows 7 OS.
If I run the 32 bit Circle Dock from teh Program Files (x86), I run into a lot of issues where some settings and mouse controls do not operate reliably.
At this time: I will say that the 64 bit has corrected this.
I am unsure of all teh nuances that MS included into windows 7 64, but it seems to be more 64bit dependent. That being teh case, my personal experience to date with the CD 64 bit has been stable.

That being said:
I also have CD 32bit installed into an alternative folder...for the most part it works like a champ, but loses mouse communication.
Since this does not seem to widely affect XP or Vista....I am left with the conclusion that it is something that S changed to direct applications towards the 64bit future, or it may be something as simple as tighter UAC controls in Windows 7, or any number of things that I am unaware of.

Ultimately this is not the way we wished to go, but with out a ground up re-write of the entire code under a new language, we do not see an alternative. Understand this is going to bite us in teh rear for making CD compatible with the current Docklet set as all docklets are currently 32 bit, and will not be compatible with CD 64bit.
So we are stuck in an interesting dilemma.

Ultimately the removal of SS2 as being integrated is not a bad thing....The capability will be available, but will be listed as an addon.
As such I am making a tut to explain the what, why's and how to get it back, and the apparent limitations

But for stability, getting back on track, was to accommodate the 64bit environment. CD 64bit is faster and more reliable on my windows 7 64 than the CD 32bit.
As I mentioned, we are not thrilled with it, but at the moment it is what we got.

I am praying that I have spoken well, and not missed anything on this, but I would let Markham be the judge in all this, and comment further if needed.
Eóin hit it right on the nose with the ini file, the problem being faced is that SS2 is integrate, but we are not utilizing a source code, so we can not redirect the ini to an AppData file to handle the R/W that SS2 requires.

Circle Dock / Re: UAC Issues - Vista/Windows 7, 32 & 64-bit
« on: February 23, 2010, 09:33 PM »
I do not want this, and it is exaCTLY WHAT WE WANT TO AVOID....(oops caps) :-[
We will make a working product then folks can addon from there.
But I do not wish to circumvent the UAC as most folks do utilize it.

Have faith and give us time folks we will make you proud  :Thmbsup:

Circle Dock / Re: UAC Issues - Vista/Windows 7, 32 & 64-bit
« on: February 23, 2010, 06:10 PM »
As far as I know, Circle Dock does not write anything to the Registry.
The problem actually lies in the integration of the Standalone stacks 2
Apparently Standalone Stack 2 will be reluctantly removed as an integrated program in Circle Dock, but for two very large issues.
1.) SS2 requires that it R/W to itself...This automatically sets off the UAC
2.) the SS2 libraries are compiled in 32bit, so although SS2 works (somewhat) in the 64 bit version, its assimilation is not a complete one.

Bottom line is that Standalone stack 2 is old and busted, and we will move on to the new hotness  :Thmbsup:
This is no reflection on Christian (Chris "n" Soft), he is simply working with the tools he received from Montagno at Aqua-Soft

Something to consider for the long time "experienced" members here: Did any one consider, but no one asked, If we already knew what the issues are???
I appreciate the help, when it appears there is help to be had, but several assumptions have been made without understanding all the facts.
Several conclusions have been drawn, and many were just, well.....let's say I am not a happy camper  :mad:

Circle Dock / Re: UAC Issues - Vista/Windows 7, 32 & 64-bit
« on: February 23, 2010, 05:27 PM »
If you are trying to insinuate that to move a portable into the Program Files is not an install... stop there! As it seems you are splitting hairs and making more issue than is required here.

It seems you are trying to tell me you place a screw in an engine, you do not install it !?!!
Regardless of HOW the program ends up in UAC monitored Folders' It is inferred that it was installed

If you have something useful to contribute fine....I see you are a long time member here, but if you are just trying to be funny, you are far from the mark, and are creating more issues, and a more confusing situation than what already exists.

We who use Portable or Self Contained programs are actually in the minority, the average person wants an install and run program, and this is what we are attempting to create. Not everyone is Linux Distro savvy and understand the impact and the lack of complexity that self contained programs present, and it is not our intention to educate along those lines.

As it stands: Circle Dock can be installed to almost any folder directory, and made portable in a simple manner, beyond the Zip Packaging that was designed as a corporate and back up solution.
The settings to make Circle Dock a self contained program is there in the settings, after install

Circle Dock / Re: UAC Issues - Vista/Windows 7, 32 & 64-bit
« on: February 23, 2010, 05:08 PM »

It you place a self contained or "Portable Application" of any kind in to Program Files or Program Files (x86), and there is any type of I/O or R/W operation. It will be stopped by the Windows UAC.

This is common knowledge.

That being the case: I do not understand your questions

Welcome Surp  :Thmbsup:

First thing is to check in the Settings >Visibility >Toggle Visibility and ensure that the "Keep Mouse interface alive" button is checked

Screenshot - 2_23_2010 , 9_23_02 AM.jpg

Well Done friend  ;D

Circle Dock / Re: UAC Issues - Vista/Windows 7, 32 & 64-bit
« on: February 23, 2010, 09:08 AM »

we are open for ideas  :tellme:

Circle Dock / Re: Requests / Suggestions thread
« on: February 23, 2010, 06:05 AM »
I see the concept, but unfortunately this is related to the original request in many ways.

Circle Dock would have to know what processes are running. Without that information there is no way I see that Circle Dock can bring a process to the front, if Circle Dock does not know the program is running.

Therefore, I do not see how this can be done, but it is an excellent concept.

Unless we can tell Circle Dock to show running processes, restrictively, and have an option to bring to front... Again the concept is excellent for people like me that have multiple programs running on a single small screen, to activate Circle Dock, and click a process so that window will come forward is a good idea.

I would have to have Markham comment here to even understand the feasibility

On an additional note:
Process Explorer is Made by Microsoft staff, so I can imagine that it will work as they desire.
I use it myself  :Thmbsup:

Circle Dock / Re: Stack Folder problem
« on: February 22, 2010, 10:14 PM »
Greetings NigelBrown  ;D
Welcome to the Circle Dock forums, and  :D

I am going to say that it is the Windows UAC that is interfering with the new stacks folder that is built in.

Try running Circle Dock with Administrative Privileges, and if this works, then I would suggest creating a new folder (ie. C:/Program Files (Alternative) 0, and this should correct about 99% of all the issues I am currently aware of

Let me know  :Thmbsup:

The Sarge

Circle Dock / Re: Instant Crash on Startup
« on: February 22, 2010, 10:08 PM »
More questions time.

Are you running Circle Dock 32 bit or 64 Bit???
What folder do you run Circle Dock from??? (ie. Program Files (x86), or other

Let me know  :Thmbsup:

Circle Dock / Re: Running as non elevated user
« on: February 22, 2010, 10:05 PM »
Greetings Jeepers  ;D
Good to have you here at the CD forums, and a member of as well

What is interfering is the Windows UAC

I am glad that you have found an alternative.
I did so Myself.
As Windows only monitors so many folders, I created a "Program Files (Alternative)" folder, and placed it to C:\
This has had a lot of advantages for me, especially as I use a lot of portable and self-contained programs.
The UAC will monitor the programs from this location, but will not restrict read/write access, which is what is needed at this time.

There will be updates, and as soon as Markham can isolate and determine the best route for these R/W files, everyone will know

Thanks for you input
I hope to see more of you here at the forums

The Sarge

Circle Dock / Re: Requests / Suggestions thread
« on: February 22, 2010, 01:30 PM »
This breaks the heart  :(

Oh well, on to the next impossible task  8)

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