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Messages - superboyac [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: Android annoyances
« on: October 10, 2019, 11:05 AM »
2) How can I set the phone not to dim the screen when a specific app is running?

You could try the StayAlive App

Even without donating it has useful features.  It has a setting to only keep the screen alive when a certain app is running.  I am not sure if this feature is one of the donation enabled ones.  I use the program to reduce how often I hit the power button on my phone.  I may need to keep this model for a few years.   8)


Living Room / Re: Android annoyances
« on: October 10, 2019, 11:04 AM »
#1 is truly annoying.  ive had a hard time with a bluetooth headset that has a spare button that used to be programmable.  now it always triggers google assistant. 
if i were you, id start looking at the tasker app, as it can do a lot, but many things it cannot. 

General Software Discussion / Re: Anyone Using Zoot?
« on: October 08, 2019, 05:22 PM »
It seems like Zoot has some offerings that  other information managers do not. But I could be (and likely am) mistaken about that.  Based on the user documentation, it seems like Zoot has been designed with some very specific use-cases to manage information that arrives from specific sources.  Zoot can monitor email(more on that later), rss feeds (forums, articles & updates etc), twitter (commentary, articles & whatever) pocket (things "to read later" ), and based on user defined rules, create tasks, download web pages (in the readability format) and more.  It seems that many who use Zoot leverage zoots ability to process email   Items/tasks etc can be added to your created, added to your calendar, websites downloaded  and filed... all when an email is received.  Like many organizers, Zoot has a capture utility where you can send things to Zoot or also send them up to one of your cloud services.  It has a scrapbbok, which seems to operate like a clipboard monitor (not sure if rules can be created for clippings).  It is the automaton that I find appealing and how it interfaces with email, which at times consumes alot of my time
ah!  yes i forgot about those email automation things.  yes thats cool, and im starting to consider checking it out again.  now i remember....that was cool at the time, but then the desktop search indexers started coming out.  so as far as searching through email etc, those seemed to replace it for me.  Now they dont offer anything in terms of organizing emails etc., so that is a very specific thing to consider.  i wouldnt mind a tool like that.  but i can also see just copy/pasting important emails i want to organize into my actual organizer like rightnote or onenote, which i already do.  so its something to balance.  im very interested to see where zoot has come.

Really 20 years? I realized that it has eben around for 20 years.  The future of the software, updates and development do concern me as well.
yea zoot has been around for a very long time, and nothing was happening for i want to say at least 5 years, maybe 10.  they were around when keynote was still popular.

General Software Discussion / Re: What's the future of OneNote?
« on: October 08, 2019, 05:17 PM »
I don't think anybody is going to disagree with you. I have no idea how Microsoft makes its decisions. It seems like for a while each year they would come out with another office  suite with very little in the way of improvements. It was helpful when there is something that was flashy. I remember being resistant to the ribbon to begin with, but when similar menu options were adopted a program such as Adobe acrobat, I saw their merits. Microsoft was somewhat slow to get on the SAAS bandwagon. I considered that a blessing. It is seeming harder and harder to find companies and even open source communities who are working on desktop suite applications.

I realize that they might not listen, but I still think it is worth shouting
it's business decisions.  its strategy and doesn't have much to do with bugs or complaints (other than security issues).  I've actually asked for the reasoning and the answers go like....
i asked why sharepoint installation is so crazy?  they said its because it is deliberatly not meant for end-users to install.  its supposed to be like a thing MS installs for you or certified MS people install it.  this is how they strategize.  if it were very easy to install for everyone, they would lose the enterprise feeling of it.  if you could download sharepoint and go next next next wouldnt feel very enterprisy.  lol.

Post New Requests Here / Re: Idea: Global Word Counter (GWC)
« on: October 08, 2019, 02:21 PM »
the only problem with your request is that you are essentially asking for a keylogger.

i bet theres an existing keylogger that will capture what you type.  but not with these particular features.

General Software Discussion / Re: What's the future of OneNote?
« on: October 08, 2019, 01:37 PM »

I'm equally frustrated with the move to make Onenote a web app.
While not sure how effective it will be, I encourage everyone to let Microsoft know. Not sure the best way to do that.  The Uservoice???

I like MS and their products have changed my life for the better.  But when it comes to listening to user requests and successfully implementing them, they are almost silent on that end.  I never thought they would do this to Onenote, which was the one application they did that was done almost perfectly top to bottom, and people thought of it that way.
Just one example....MS Word and styles.  Styles are a hugely fundamental aspect of MS word, and very powerful.  In 30 years, it seems they have not even in a minor way changed any of those features, which are klunky at best, and some bugs which are terrifying from an end-user perspective, have not been fixed in DECADES!!  There was/is the Onetastic plugins available...ALL of those features could easily make its way to the core functionality of one note.  You'd need like less than 5 developers to do stuff like that.  Very basic, awesome productivity tools...the kind MS will NEVER EVER implement in any of their applications for some reason.

more ranting...
things like Dark Themes.  This takes MS 6+ years to roll out, in a very limited way.  Even on Android, after several years of gaining popularity, android is FINALLY rolling it out as a core feature.  I have always been frustrated with this large corporation stinginess on rolling out features.  And I get their reasoning around it, where they want to focus on the majority of end users, who are not like us super poweruser nitpicky OCD crazies....but to me all that means is hide it somewhere in some "Advanced Options" section and be done with it.  Doesn't meant dont EVER implement nice features. 

and then, this is why you cherish guys like the Rightnote dude, who seems to implement every cool feature that he possibly can.  Very rare.  I remember when people were trying to move from evernote to rightnote, this guy (smartly) very quickly created a very nice importing/syncing feature, that cant have been simple.  For MS or a big company to do that...i feel like they would NEVER do something like that to be honest.

I shall probably stick with OneNote 2016 for the meantime, but am experimenting with a possible migration strategy --> IQ (InfoQube). Trouble is, ON is just so good at coping with the various data types that I use. Hard to beat.
Whoa totally forgot about IQ.  I should give it a shot.  But yes, it's more of a database type notetaker than the free form aspect of onenote or even traditional hierarchical notetakers.  I like IQ a lot, but for very specific use cases.

I am also sticking to Onenote 2016 for now, but this latest development got me worried.  And now I am thinking of returning to Rightnote at some point, but not yet.
Onenote was often considered the one application that Microsoft really "got right".  and until the latest change, i think that was the case.  But now, not anymore.
Speaking of dealing with different types of data...specifically, what makes Onenote unique is the free form whiteboard area (vs everyone else's linear text editor area).  All Rightnote would have to do is add the option to have that main note area to be able to place notes anywhere in 2D, like Onenote, and i think it would be well on its way to being the king of the hill. 

back to Wiznote...
Yea I'm not very interested.  I gave it a shot when it first came out here, and then they suddenly went all paid version.  I didnt like that, I stopped using it.  No real benefit over other programs.  But IIRC, it was good at importing and exporting content, which is more than I can say for most of these kinds of programs.

General Software Discussion / Re: Anyone Using Zoot?
« on: October 07, 2019, 04:29 PM »
I have many comments regarding Zoot over the years.  Do a search on my username and you'll find a lot of good stuff.

I haven't tried their latest revamp.  It looks good.  But why?  It definitely is unique.  I'm of the opinion currently that if you don't want to use the popular products like Evernote or Onenote, etc., the next best overall option is RIghtnote, and everything else is a distant third.

Onenote could've been the one, lol.  But this latest thing they did is worrisome in that they are trying to make it only work if you login with a microsoft account.  And they completely revamped the interface which is never good for microsoft.  I may myself go back to rightnote soon.  Zoot, to me, the unique feature is the 3-pane email-like system.  WHy do i need that?  i dont know.  I can accomplish similarly with a tree heirarchy.  Instead of a root folder and the contents in the separate can have a branch, with the contents in the sub-branches.  Big whoop.  And rightnote has been stable for a while and still being updated, also another vote of confidence.  Zoot didnt do ANYTHING for like 20 years, and now they have a new version, and who knows if they will not do anything for another 20 years.

Easy Screencast Recorder / Re: Audio
« on: October 03, 2019, 11:41 AM »
this kind of thing, what you need is loopback software.  things like a virtual audio cable.  if you have an RME soundcard, the driver software totalmix can do it itself.    But if you don't, I've had some luck doing this with a program called Virtual Audio Cable.  Others around the web use VAC (different lol, these names are ridiculous), which is free.  It's all pretty complex to setup and fairly frustrating from what i remember.  But it's very nice when it works.

General Software Discussion / What's the future of OneNote?
« on: October 01, 2019, 11:13 AM »
I didn't want to ruin Iainb's nice onenote thread for this, so im starting this thread...

What's the deal?  I was so annoyed to find out Onenote 2019 doesn't exist and they've replaced it with the eponymous "Onenote" that is not even a regular download, only a store download?  But even beyond that, they have completely revamped the interface.  Nothing wrong with it really, even some things are nice.  It is quite different than the previous versions.

The BIGGEST PROBLEM is that it seems to not be able to open, import, export etc the previous notebooks the same way.  I didn't experiment fully since I immediately ran to Onenote 2016 to make sure all my notes were safe.  But it seems to demand you to sign into your MS account to work, and probably all your notes need to be synced or at least available for syncing.  Very annoying.

There would be no problem if they didnt mess with the Open, Import, Export options.  but they did of course. 

So what does this mean?  If this is the end of locally stored onenote files, then it's time i once again move to another program.  Like Rightnote, which i already used pretty heavily until IAINB DEMANDED I USE ONENOTE!!!


if rightnote could somehow mimic the whiteboard aspect of onenote, that would be great.

Which of these programs can effectively post to the Net? (presumably by creating an HTML file).

Allowing that you may have to purchase a domain name and use your hosting platform.
i seem to remember one of the old school ones was good at this like TreedbNotes.  but im pretty sure rightnote can export to html.  onenote cannot directly, but you can export to word and then from word save as html.

Friends don't let friends use word to convert anything to HTML. Just saying...

As an example:
I have an extensive Word document. The docx version is almost 6 MByte in size. After I do a manual conversion to HTML, the resulting document is a bit over 4 MByte in size. When I use Word as converter, the resulting HTML file is almost 17.5 MByte in size. This Word document I have also converted to the AsciiDoc format and that is just shy of 2 MByte in size.

Any version of Word creates a pile of drudge when converting a document to HTML.
yes, true!  lol
MS sucks at import/export.  Onenote is no exception.  It's why I'm currently worried with their latest move to "Onenote" [no version year/number anymore].  Even if you could export, no other software is laid out like onenote.  usually they are hierarchical, not just a big anything goes whiteboard.

@superboyac Just skip an episode of some mediocre tv show and put the time to better use.  ;)
ha good point.  ill sacrifice chernobyl for clibu!

Which of these programs can effectively post to the Net? (presumably by creating an HTML file).

Allowing that you may have to purchase a domain name and use your hosting platform.
i seem to remember one of the old school ones was good at this like TreedbNotes.  but im pretty sure rightnote can export to html.  onenote cannot directly, but you can export to word and then from word save as html.

@SuperboyAC: had to chuckle reading your post! A couple quick thoughts:

First, I completely agree: If I cant access on my phone and desktop, a notes app is no use to me. That's why I use Dokuwiki, even thought it's a little tedious on the phone...

... which is the second thought: I completely agree about the phone rant. I feel like the smartphone is ruining creators. Not in the camera sense (as you mentioned), but the writers, the graphic designers, the etc... input is so tedious with a phone. And dont tell me to use voice recognition for text: there are any number of reasons why I cant/wont speak what I want to write at the time.

Although, benefit of the doubt, I see the desktop world going away as well. Power users are/were/will be a niche market. While computers were a niche, the niche made things for the niche. But now it's all about market. Which is how everything goes. I'm sure a car nut will read this and think we've done the same thing to cars by making everything electronic/proprietary, etc.

Anyway, good thoughts.
the day windows stops offering an installable desktop OS and server will be a devastating day for me.

i do my best with android.  i try to keep input to a minimum.  i just want all my desktop stuff synced to it so i have all that info on me.  but i try to stay away from doing any entry with it.  i dont even like editing my calendar with it.  its all just an interface nightmare.  just think of it from the precision we are used to with the mouse on desktop.  that mouse pointer can select to darn near pixel-resolution without much of a problem.  like think about how easy it is to do the window diagonal resize.  on a phone, yea there are lots of pixels, but your input is your big fat finger.  and if your finger is a "pixel"  there are like 5x10 pixels essentially for input.  and the interface has to get around that.  all those touch-and-hold things.  the little magnification that comes up for selecting words. geezus.  shoot me already.  all the menus sliding in and out from various places, either slower or faster than you would like...

dont you love how they keep changing google maps interface every other day?  so fun.  they must be using all the data to perfect the interface lol.  such a detailed analysis wow.  it takes like 7 taps to actually start driving, right?  type in the place, tap, select from the list, tap, select the correct navigation style (walk, drive), tap, which will always be on the one you DONT the route you want, tap, select drive NOW, tap...ok now we can drive...
oh but they did us a favor and added "Drive mode" with one tap you can, skip 3 of those taps...leaving you with two taps...but most of the time, you will have to go back to correct the original destination you back to the 7 tap process....

oh, but maybe im such a poweruser, im nitpicking the google map app...its perfectly fine for most folk right?  ok how about simply VOLUME CONTROL??  so simple right?  volume up, volume down.  they even have a hardware button yay!  oh but its so knows when you want to control voice volume, or bluetooth volume, or alarm volume, or the other 10 hidden volumes...
volume button (volume dialog appears)
not the volume you want, tap expand
2 more appear, still not the one you want there
tap settings
tap sound
tap advanced
tap developer settings
do not distrub mode
oh i not disturb...i get it, dont bother me with sounds, simple right?
nope.  do not disturb is for notifications appearing on the window, and it has certain pre-programmed conditions for sounds associated.  so simple, i totally get it. :mad:
tap do not disturb settings...
tap advanced do not disturb settings

nevf, ill check it out at some point.  but i can no longer be switching around programs like before!!  ;D :(

Ah - OneNote - I tried that and hated it.  I began using KeyNote and loved it, but developement wasn't enough to make it entirely stable.  I ended up with TreeDBNotes which is totally wonderful, but it needs some fixes and the developer must have died or moved to Mars.  I'm still using that, but wish there was something like it.  If you are really bored, that could solve your OneNote problem! are living in the past.  keynote was good in the 90s (sorry tranglos if you are still here, you are still the MAN).  treedbnotes is good for 2005.  lol.

if you like treedbnotes, you should look at rightnote.  rightnote is the best currently for the old school way of doing things.

Idea #2:  software RAID for windows
there was a pretty nice windows product called traid flexraid.  it just went down (out of business for good).  what it did was you can stick in a bunch of random disks and pool it into one storage.  Drivepool is a good product now that does this.  but drivepool doesnt have parity built in like traid did.  so its not great.  if you could make either a standalone solution that can do the pooling and parity (for WINDOWS!!!)....OR create a parity only software that plays easily with Drivepool (not like snapraid which is what most people use now as its basically the only option)...then thats another sorely needed product.

Have you looked into Gluster? I don't know much about it. I just saw it was used in this Linus Tech Tips video:

But it does seem to have some kind of parity or recovery options in the case of a failed drive. It's not exactly for Windows, but it can be installed in a VM. But I suppose that's probably not what you're looking for.
i've heard of it, but haven't looked deeply.  it would intimidate me from what i can tell.  I tried at first using freenas or something, but was super intimidated especially when i saw all the command line stuff and it would be very difficult to expand/contract disks later on.  traid was so good for stuff like that.  the ONLY problem traid had was the developer is really pretty impossible to deal with in every way.  and thats the dealbreaker.  but the product was unique and fantastic.  now i have to consider moving to drivepool+snapraid.  if the drivepool company would create a real-time parity product they would DOMINATE the entire scene.  don't know why they dont.

with traid, it runs on can jam in a bunch of any kind of disk and just create a pool, with real time parity, works great.  so easy.  cant even really mess it up.  you can swap disks out if they go bad, no problem.  nothing else like it.  unraid is similar, but the fatal flaw is that it doesnt run on pure windows, and doesn't really support using existing ntfs drives...but otherwise great lol.  storage spaces is frightening to rely on.  all other solutions (other than drivepool) are command line-y and anxiety inducing.  i tried so many and i often felt like id lose 20TB at any given moment lol.

The answer to all of your points is "FORTRAN".
I blame YOU for my unfortunate transition to Onenote! lololol

Greetings all,

I have a seemingly large amount of time to spend with myself and all the bits on this computer I could flip to my heart's content. However, my ability to keep that heart beating as fast as it does for using my computer could be greatly improved if I made adjustments myself. I find two of my online worlds colliding a lot and wish to have them sorted through my own program to help define the commonalities between the two social networks. Nothing like this currently exists which brings up what I've run into a lot and I call my "developer's dilemma".
  • If I intend to make a program that does not exist in one form or another, is it worth making at all?
  • Would maintenance on the program outweigh its usefulness over using the two platforms non-integrated?
  • If I made this in a language which used external modules, am I prepared to have my software bloat from the unneeded components?
  • If I did want to write it from scratch in a new language, what should I write it in?

I am not certain if other developers (or the self-proclaimed developer like myself) get this or not, especially when FOSS becomes involved.
I will give you two great ideaas right here that ive been dying for....

Idea #1:  windows/android hardware input device that has programmable buttons etc.
something like from the black mirror episode:

there are NO bluetooth programmable devices. 

Idea #2:  software RAID for windows
there was a pretty nice windows product called traid flexraid.  it just went down (out of business for good).  what it did was you can stick in a bunch of random disks and pool it into one storage.  Drivepool is a good product now that does this.  but drivepool doesnt have parity built in like traid did.  so its not great.  if you could make either a standalone solution that can do the pooling and parity (for WINDOWS!!!)....OR create a parity only software that plays easily with Drivepool (not like snapraid which is what most people use now as its basically the only option)...then thats another sorely needed product.

regarding the original question...
i'd be careful about making something that ties social networks together.  You will be at the mercy of the social networks as they war with each other and constantly change their api's and remove features that allow the kind of thing you are talking about.  Over the years, most of these efforts have been destroyed by such things.  try syncing facebook calendar/events with anything.  try getting all your contacts into one place with good management features and contact photos that dont get reduced to 16x16 pixels eventually.  if iwere you id do one of the things i listed above.  lol  :P

oh yea  forgot the whole point here...
with smartphones, things just gotta be able to sync easily and be in both places at all times.  I cant really stomach any longer having a desktop application like rightnote without being able to pull up the same info on my phone.  and that goes for anything else.  which is why im on onenote for the most part.

I'm not thrilled with how the notetaking world has gone the past 10 years.  the smartphone influence is too strong, which is bad for people like me who are still windows desktop "powerusers".  we are still in the ridiculous infancy stage for smartphones.  like, instead of the phone features...what is the thing 99% of the people are concerned about with phones? cameras.  this is not good for people who care about apps, and productivity around that.  like, who really cares about the camera?  but if you are not a nerd who is trying to be super efficient and productive...then most likely you are getting an iphone because its a status symbol.  and then the only thing you are really going to use is the camera and chatting.  this is 90% of users.

so the smartphone has destroyed the windows desktop experience AND the phone experience.  in essence, all poweruser options on devices have been relegated to niche category.

I'll give more examples...
we need more buttons and input ability with phones if we are really going to go poweruser with it.  this is why i say we are still in infancy.  the phone is still the same goddam phone from 2008.  a big screen (oh lets get the bevels 10 years of getting the bevels 2 mm smaller, big whoop), a volume rocker, power button, and 3 virtual buttons, or NO buttons on the screen.  swiping sucks because it is more work to swipt then to tap....already bad for powerusers...gestures suck.

whats the solution?  so easy.  first, put all sorts of controls along the sides of the p hone where the buttons are.  add like 3 more buttons that can be customized.  put in a scrollable clicky wheel like some of the audio players that can be used for scrolling or customized.

also dont need it to be so thin.  i dont care.  make it 1mm bigger.  all these phones have stupid camera bumps.  instead of a bump, make the camera flush with the back, and use the extra volume for larger batter, more buttons, a HEADPHONE JACK!!!  id rather have 1mm thicker phone with headphone its not that big a deal.

we've now had 10 years-ish with touchscreens, and touchscreens pale in comparison to mouse input.  10 years.  what do we need?  things like that Black Mirror episode where they had that handheld metal keyring thing that was basically a metal wheel they can scroll very easily with.  great idea.  well never get that...ive been asking for that for now TWO DECADES...even on windows desktop.  good luck finding a bluetooth controller with programmable buttons for windows or phones.

its all a clusterf--- of an industry trying to appease people taking pictures with a phone and chatting with friends.  thats the whole industry.  yesterday, the big features being bragged about with the new iphone....the GREEN COLOR??!!  who    gives   a     shit!!!    the slightly larger battery?  yay.

surfulator?  infoqube?  I feel like i traveled back in time 10 years.  ;D

Man...what a journey....
When i originally was doing all the note software stuff here, smartphones still weren't prime time yet.  Now, the smartphone has made me change everything.
i definitely moved to rightnote around 2010 for most of my notetaking purposes, and web capturing even also.  I migrated most of my evernote stuff into rightnote.  I had previously moved away from Surfulator.  I did also use Cintanotes for a while.

Eventually, I transitioned everything over to onenote.  i've been primarily on onenote since 2016.  I am concerned now that the latest onenote is now totally different, you cant use it without an account, and they ruined it by obliterating all the nice interface elements.  I also think they removed probably any poweruser feature and now its an app that can like 3 things instead of 20.  So I'm sticking with onenote 2016 for the time being.

Infoqube is another animal.  I dont really use it anymore, but I would for any kind of light database or excel-ish type things that needed more organization and calculations.  Infoqube is a nice, unique program...but i fear it will soon lose its audience entirely.

i remember way back when i really wanted that Zoot program to work.  Hey!  i just checked, zoot is still around and it looks actually interesting!

but onenote had the best overall experience.

someone here was talking about importing and exporting....
very important.  onenote is frustratingly bad at it.  you can import export single pages to pdf word, but as far as batch pages or doing a bunch all at once, it sucks.  and the whole backup restoring, anything around that is not great either.

rightnote probably is the best for importing and exporting.  the developer really tries to make users happy with that and has done incredible things that NO other notetaker developers would typically do.  like his evernote import...

So for the second day I'm sitting here listening to my (sata) hard disk drive make that sound that it's being used -- sounds a bit like ticking, etc.  And it's going on for hours.

But I can't figure out what process could be doing it.. The standard ctrl+alt+del process lister doesn't seem to shed any light..

Anyone use any software that might shed some light on what might be going wild on my disk drive?

I assume it's some windows background process or low level service, but I'd really like to find the culprit.

EDIT: May have been a false alarm.. I banged on the case near the fans for a bit and the sound stopped.. So perhaps it was just a fan rattle that sounded to me just like a hard disk drive seeking sound..  Either that or my banging woke up some snoring creature living in my computer, or convinced my hard drive to stop making a racket.
im sure you know this...

but anytime i hear a hard drive clicking, i immediately order a new replacement drive.  ill have it sitting there ready, because with clicking you never know.  sometimes ill end up with 2-3 extra drives, but totally worth it for that one time when it fails.

the ALL powerful MOUSER!

the bat is going ribbon??!!  ugh.  pretty unnecessary.  it better be very customizable.

Alt-L....yea...i totally gave up on microed many years ago.  i just cant see a single practical advantage to microed.  i just use the plain windows option.  i just want it to wrap with the window size automatically.  i dont want to force it to wrap after XX characters.  just wrap with the window LIKE EVERY OTHER WINDOWS PROGRAM. 

I'm surprised there are not more email clients out there. 

lol Steven, just noticed your thread on the Bat forum.  nice.

Yea, i wish they would do legit, noticeable improvements.
Fix the editor, get it modern.
Fix the contact syncing.  It does not work.  It's also very weird in general.
so many others.
how about autofilling addresses?  can we get that to make some sort of sense.?  i feel like, as with most autofill technologies, they always want to choose the worst possible choice.  somehow, every single time, the AI knows exactly which choice i DONT want and thats the one it chooses.  quite brilliant, actually.

(still great program)

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