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Messages - Edvard [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: Programming/Coder humor
« on: March 22, 2017, 07:04 PM »

Living Room / Re: good Videos [short films] here :)
« on: January 28, 2017, 04:20 PM »
Prelude to Axanar:

Wow!! Very cool. Too bad Paramount decided to get their feathers in a huff about it. In a perfect world, Paramount would hire them to make the film, as the crew who put this together obviously show the talent required.

Living Room / Re: good Videos [short films] here :)
« on: January 19, 2017, 09:09 PM »
This one was a head-scratcher from the beginning, and left me going "Wut?" at the end.
Subtitles for us monophones.

Living a solitary farm-life, a young girl's reality begins to break apart in this mind-bending Sci-Fi short...

Did you ever get a reply to this?  My recommendation would be to hit up the Lazarus forum.  A Mac user there contributed an iOS build of my Pastequick utility.

Living Room / Re: More good web comics you've discovered
« on: November 27, 2016, 05:03 AM »
OK, so that was my "A-list" of comics I keep up on pretty regular.  There are a few that are on the "B-list" for varied reasons; whether not updated recently or I only check on them every so often due to updates being infrequent, or they just haven't been around that long and the story isn't quite fleshed out.  Let's get this B-list started with...

Blackgrass is written and drawn by kino and edited by Ryan.

This is a story about a clairvoyant/spiritual medium named Rev. Abel Ruby, a sweet, well-meaning preacher who is slowly losing his faith and gets contracted into working for a lost soul that needs his help to find redemption! He begins to realise that “God” isn’t quite what he’s led to believe, and his perception of faith gets turned on its head! It is a long-form, fully coloured comic that will update Mondays and Fridays of every week!


from Hiveworks... again

Living Room / Re: More good web comics you've discovered
« on: November 27, 2016, 01:06 AM »
Black & Blue
Like Noir?  Like Sci-fi?  Like a weird mash-up of the two set in a what-if-the-set-for-Blade-Runner-wasn't-so-futuristic-and-more-like-80s-Chicago kind of environment?  Like limited color palettes?  Here ya go...

Some lady is trapped in a room somewhere forced to manufacture some kind of contraband, so she gets sick of it (obv) and tries to get out in the most insane way possible.  Hilarity ensues.  With robots.  And crime syndicates.  With robots.

So, for the last few years, Black and Blue has been a side project of mine, to create a world in my own visual style. Being a long time fan of classic film noir movies, I try to incorporate elements of design and story telling from that genre of film, and to create something unique and interesting which reflects the things which have inspired and drive me to do what I do.
My first foray into comic books was a one off first issue of Black and Blue, which has since changed and evolved to an online bi-weekly format. I find that it’s a good way of engaging and developing interest in Black and Blue, while still producing and honing my art.
Thank you for visiting, I hope you enjoy Black and Blue.
Jason Clarke


from over there, next to the t-shirts

Living Room / Re: More good web comics you've discovered
« on: November 27, 2016, 12:53 AM »
Mare Internvm
Mars colonist/AI scientist Michael is about to be fired and shipped back to earth, but possible mental health issues (among others) make this an uncomfortable string of events.  So, then this thing happens...

Author Der-shing Helmer is quite adept at setting atmosphere and environment with her artwork and all the characters have amazing depth that can only be handled by a skilled storyteller, whom she obviously is.  The story can be a bit drawn-out at times, but makes up for it when the action hits.  Her warning of "material that may be disturbing" is more related to the development of the main characters rather than any violence or blood or bare skin, so like I said... depth.

Mare Internum is an online science fiction graphic novel about the isolated inhabitants of the planet Mars. The comic updates as many times a week as I can manage, but most likely Monday and Friday.

Please note that this comic contains material that may be disturbing to sensitive viewers, but has been thoroughly researched and will never be used for shock value.

Descende, audax viator!


from the internet, with love

Living Room / Re: More good web comics you've discovered
« on: November 27, 2016, 12:17 AM »
Far to the North
A young woman in a fictional medieval-northern-european-ish setting punches a dragon(!), gets wooed by creepy woodland dwellers, and tries to save her family from being taken hostage by a band of foreign invaders by supplying them with dragon scales.

Check back every Sunday and Wednesday to see Kelu run, see Kelu jump, and see Kelu save her captive family (with maybe a little help from a scaly, fire-breathing neighbor or two.)
Story and art by Allison Shaw

1427847421-FTTN 0013 web.jpg

from more of the same

Non-Windows Software / Fancy up your terminal prompt with FontAwesome
« on: October 16, 2016, 03:11 PM »
Trendy Bash shell prompt with fontawesome and PS1
Bored with the simple bash shell prompt ? Try something new, give the bash shell prompt a trendy look with fontawesome, the PS1 environment variable and some other characters.

from FixMyNix

Living Room / Cute robot or future overlord?
« on: October 15, 2016, 02:43 AM »
Meet Cozmo:

Looks fun, but... *cough* Skynet *cough*...  :o

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: October 08, 2016, 01:11 AM »
Crazy video, the tune's not half bad either:

Living Room / Re: More good web comics you've discovered
« on: September 20, 2016, 12:38 AM »
Ok, I have to confess I've become a web series addict.  I've killed (caught up from the beginning) a few since posting SSSS, so it's only fair I share my latest obsessions.  Don't worry, I'll dole them out one at a time so nobody gets the shakes...

Gunnerkrigg Court
A strange-ish girl with an estranged father/teacher has many mis-adventures at an even stranger private school.  She makes friends, does homework, battles dragons, keeps a demon as a stuffed pet dog, you know... stuff.
My name is Antimony Carver.  I would like to share with you the strange events that took place while I attended school at Gunnerkrigg Court.


from staying up way too late trolling Hiveworks and Spiderforest

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: September 11, 2016, 06:42 PM »
Oh man, nailed it.

What's happening here? 
Musician Patrick Metzger noticed this trend and called it the "Millenial Whoop".
Music, especially pop music, is based on patterns.  It makes new songs seem familiar, because you've basically heard them before.

Living Room / RIP Gene Wilder
« on: August 30, 2016, 01:47 AM »
Gene Wilder Dies at 83; Star of ‘Willy Wonka’ and ‘Young Frankenstein’

Gene Wilder, who established himself as one of America’s foremost comic actors with his delightfully neurotic performances in three films directed by Mel Brooks; his eccentric star turn in the family classic “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”; and his winning chemistry with Richard Pryor in the box-office smash “Stir Crazy,” died early Monday morning at his home in Stamford, Conn. He was 83.


As a (somewhat incompetent) musician, I find this 3-part article interesting and thought-provoking (and they include helpful charts and graphs!), though I agree that they raise almost as many questions as they attempt to answer:

Stairway to hell: life and death in the pop music industry
The rock scene is a volatile mix of glamour, instant wealth, risk-taking, rebellion and psychological distress accompanied by taken-for-granted assumptions that pop musicians will live dangerously, abuse substances and die early.

The 27 Club is a myth: 56 is the bum note for musicians
What do Otis Redding, Gram Parsons, Nick Drake, Jimmy McCulloch, James Ramey (aka Baby Huey), Bryan Osper, and Jon Guthrie have in common?
What about Tim Buckley, Gregory Herbert, Zenon de Fleur, Nick Babeu, Shannon Hoon, Beverly Kenney, and Bobby Bloom?
And Alan Wilson, Jesse Belvin, Rudy Lewis, Gary Thain, Kristen Pfaff, Ron “Pigpen” McKernan, Pete de Freitas, Raymond “Freaky Tah” Rogers, Helmut Köllen, and Linda Jones?

They are all dead pop musicians.

Music to die for: how genre affects popular musicians' life expectancy
These figures likely represent a combination of factors inherent in the popular music industry (such as the ubiquitous presence of alcohol and other substances of addiction, irregular hours, touring, high levels of stress, performance anxiety) and the vulnerability that many young musicians bring with them into their profession from adverse childhood experiences.


Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: July 26, 2016, 12:17 AM »
I'm sorry about this, but I was in that part of Youtube again last night, and stumbled across this guy:

At first you're like "OMG this guy totally sucks" then he rhymes something completely insane and you're like "Wat the.... ?"
It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion, I can't stop...

While you're entranced, check out his channel:

Looks nice!  I got it to compile on Linux, now to figure out how to use it...  :-\

For those on Linux attempting the same, there may be an extra step you need to do:

In the "" file, there is a step for compiling the custom tiff library; "Building the tiff library from thirdparty".  Add the change below (in blue) to compile it with 'jbig' disabled:
CFLAGS="-fPIC" ./configure --disable-jbig && make

Well, try the 'official' step first, and if it craps out with "undefined reference" errors, try that.

Glad I could help!  :Thmbsup:

There are a few solutions here:

One is to increase "MenuShowDelay" time in the registry, another is changing the value of "UserPreferencesMask", and lastly something to do with Citrix being enabled.  Dunno why that would affect anything...

Give it a shot, couldn't hurt...

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: July 06, 2016, 07:25 PM »
Single-celled organisms play microscopic Pac-Man:

General Software Discussion / Re: save my writings
« on: June 28, 2016, 11:20 PM »
There's a forum I frequent that isn't very robust in handling things typed into it.  If you just type a reply and 'Submit', it does fine.  But refresh the page or briefly skip one site over, and your text is gone, never to return.  For some reason, DonationCoder doesn't do that; the 'Back' button will happily give me my text back.  :huh:

Never thought of a keylogger as a saving grace in that situation... That's acually a good idea.

Living Room / Re: good Videos [short films] here :)
« on: June 14, 2016, 02:14 AM »
Movie written by algorithm turns out to be hilarious and intense
In the wake of Google's AI Go victory, filmmaker Oscar Sharp turned to his technologist collaborator Ross Goodwin to build a machine that could write screenplays. They created "Jetson" and fueled him with hundreds of sci-fi TV and movie scripts. Shortly thereafter, Jetson announced it wished to be addressed as Benjamin. Building a team including Thomas Middleditch, star of HBO's Silicon Valley, they gave themselves 48 hours to shoot and edit whatever Benjamin (Jetson) decided to write.

Longer exposition of what's going on here:

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: June 05, 2016, 07:41 PM »
Sock Puppet Parodies: I laughed way too hard at these..

Channel link:

some silly doing the rounds:

Dostoevsky may not have done it first, but he codified it:
"Try to pose for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every minute."
— Fyodor Dostoevsky, Winter Notes on Summer Impressions, 1863

Also, The Game:
You just lost

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