systemd aimed to improve the startup speed - but they said it was especially good "for servers". Now how often do you usually restart your servers?-Tuxman
Heh, precisely. I gotta hand it to systemd on that point though, my Linux of choice has never started up faster or more reliably.
Also, yup - if systemd would have remained a SysV init replacement, it would probably be ok-ish. Instead, they added stuff that renames your network devices on each boot.
Annoying, but strangely easy to ignore after getting over the initial annoyance. I was more peeved about SDDM hard-coding my $PATH and ignoring .profile

If you want reliability, you don't want Linux with systemd.
As badly as I wanted to hate systemd, I find that in day-to-day use on a desktop machine doing electronic design, music recording, photo manipulation and vector graphics and the occasional game, I... dont.
I can't stand Lennart Poettering's attitude and justifications for what he thinks Linux should be like, but for the most part, I can still tell stuff to stay out of my way and it does. PulseAudio doesn't have access to my recording interface because I told it not to, and it dutifully complied. I've even heard of some crazy folks running a systemd-tainted distro say that the binary logs are actually a peach to parse with the tools given. Yeah, I prefer a healthy pipe-grepping session to anything else, but I'm not anybody important, and besides,
even now you can turn on text logging and it's just as happy. AND it's been rock-solid reliable even after systemd was introduced.
I'm definitely NOT a systemd fanboy, I'm just saying that In My Experience, I didn't see the world come crashing down around my head when it first showed up in my Debian updates, and I have no reason to believe it will anytime soon. If it does, there's always BSD. Always.

Anyways, back on topic:
I won't be installing Windows 11 for my wife anytime soon, as there is no way we can afford the kind of machine it would take to run it. Maybe in 5 years we can afford this year's refurbished model and give it a go, but whatever.