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Messages - Edvard [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: Programming/Coder humor
« on: May 03, 2019, 09:09 PM »
Q: What is the most used language when coding?


Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: May 03, 2019, 08:34 PM »
Alright stop... Collaborate and listen..


In the meantime, I found out about another option that I think I'll have to give a try: Woof.

$ sudo apt install woof
$ woof ./somefile.txt
Now serving on

Hey, that's a nice one!  I usually end up using Civetweb to share things locally, but it's more of a generic web or folder content server, not a single file.  Being able to serve just a single file would make things a few keystrokes easier on the getter side. Thanks! :Thmbsup:

Having lived downstairs from some alleged lunatics, this hits me *right there*

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: March 03, 2019, 02:54 PM »
Frickin' goosebumps... EVERYWHERE...

What happens when you put 2,000 choir teachers in the same room?  Watch...

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: January 28, 2019, 12:21 AM »
Maybe not THE worst, but pretty close...

It's an advertisement, by the way

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: January 26, 2019, 08:35 PM »
Just some Indonesian folks rocking Holland in the '50s.  Back when Jimi was still Johnny Allen, these guys were getting up to some shenanigans!


(You'll get the joke if you read about Tuxman's "UnClouder" plugin here -> https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=44611.0)

High-Performance Gaming, Accessible to Everyone
Forget about hardware: Shadow is a full Windows computer you can access through a simple app. Anything you can do on a high-end computer, you can do on Shadow.

So basically, Shadows is a remote computer that runs all the high-end graphics (currently an Intel Xeon with 12GB RAM, 256GB secure storage, and nVidia GTX 1080 graphics), and delivers it to you as a simple stream.  That makes it possible to run high-end games at max settings on a second-hand laptop with nothing more than a decent Internet connection. 
My first thought was that lag would render the games barely playable, but many reviews I've read say that the latency between you pushing a button and it showing on your screen is around 10ms or so, which is noticeable, but barely.  It's a pretty hefty subscription though (~$35/month USD), so I won't be trying it any time soon, but thought some folks here might find it interesting.

from a random post I saw somewhere

General Software Discussion / Slow Software
« on: November 24, 2018, 02:58 PM »
Y'know, I've often wondered why Windows 95 on a Core 2 Duo runs roughly the same as Windows 95 on a Pentium II.
Now I still don't know, but it makes a bit more sense...

You spend lots of time waiting on your computer. You pause while apps start and web pages load. Spinner icons are everywhere. Hardware gets faster, but software still feels slow. What gives?


from CodeProject News.  And yes, I have attempted to run Windows 95 on a Core 2 Duo...

Living Room / Re: More good web comics you've discovered
« on: October 22, 2018, 01:18 AM »
Stand Still, Stay Silent has closed it's first adventure, and Minna has now started on adventure 2!

Also, she's started a narrative RPG based on SSSS called "City of Hunger".  Check out development here:
and download the first demo here:

Apparently, it runs OK on Linux with WINE, so I'll be checking it out in a few...

What real alternative is there, though?  If you want to do the whole social networking but don't want to give all of your info?  A couple of my communities created FB groups, but... FB.  A couple of others were mentioned... WeMo, Mastadon, Discord, Slack... but they all seem to be different animals.  The only real thing for public communities that opposed it was pretty much G+.

Kind of a 'techy' alternative (they encourage you to set up your own "pod" to interact with), but the Diaspora Project is like a social network where you (or somebody you trust) holds the keys to the gateway.
Lots of people have posted about it here on DC, mostly mentioning it in passing, but here's a link:
Welcome to diaspora*
The online social world where you are in control
diaspora* is based on three key philosophies:
  • Decentralization
    Instead of everyone’s data being held on huge central servers owned by a large organization, diaspora* exists on independently run servers (“pods”) all over the world. You choose which pod to register with, and you can then connect seamlessly with the diaspora* community worldwide.
  • Freedom
    You can be whoever you want to be in diaspora*. Unlike some networks, you don’t have to use your real identity. You can interact with people in whatever way you choose. The only limit is your imagination. diaspora* is also Free Software, giving you liberty over how you use it.
  • Privacy
    In diaspora* you own your data. You don’t sign over rights to a corporation or other interest who could use it. In addition, you choose who sees what you share, using Aspects. With diaspora*, your friends, your habits, and your content is your business ... not ours!

Looks like you can cross-post your Diaspora posts to Twitter, Tumblr and WordPress, which is nice I guess.  I signed up forever or two ago, and now I don't even remember what 'pod' I signed up with.  I've also been off Facebook for about a year and a half.  If I want to know what's going on in people's lives, I have their phone number (the ones that matter, at least). 
Anyway, there you go.  YMMV.

*I don't know what the asterisk is for, but apparently it's part of the name; "diaspora*" not "Diaspora". :shrug:

Living Room / Re: I'm getting married, wish me luck!
« on: October 18, 2018, 11:32 PM »
You know, since I saw the announcement on IRC, I've been waiting for this to be posted.  Then I go and wack myself out on ungodly amounts of working overtime, finally have a few seconds to check in, and KA-POW!

Congratulations Mouser, married life is an adventure unlike any other you're likely to undertake.  Many kind wishes and heartfelt prayers for you both.  :-*

Living Room / Re: Backup Power for USB device -- does it exist?
« on: September 25, 2018, 08:33 PM »
Would a powered hub do the trick?

    - RPi <--> powered hub <--> device

Aw man, I wish I had thought of that...

There you go, problem solved.  Good one, mwb1100!  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: Movies you've seen lately
« on: September 23, 2018, 04:07 AM »
Because this is almost full-length (80 minutes!), I decided to post this here instead of the Short Films or Good Videos threads.
That, and I watched the whole thing...  :-[

A group of kids did a shot-for-shot remake of “Star Wars”
You haven’t seen “A New Hope” until you’ve seen it remade by kids in a garage...

While I give all these kids kudos for such a gutsy effort, I gotta say, the kid playing Han Solo has a future...


Official Announcements / Re: - Our Favorite Websites
« on: September 17, 2018, 09:51 PM »
How many folks remember Shell Extension City?  That's where I first heard of DonationCoder, and after a reboot in 2013 they are still stumping along nicely.  They list DonationCoder in "Other Sites" and "Supporters", so I think they deserve a mention.  Lots of cross-platform and mobile tools nowadays, which is good to see.

My first question was why the fork if it's open source?  Then I read this part:
Modifications to Wine are submitted upstream if they're compatible with the goals and requirements of the larger Wine project; as a result, Wine users have been benefiting from parts of this work for over a year now. The rest is available as part of our source code repository for Proton and its modules.

The Git repo has a file called LICENSE.proton that is fairly minimal at the moment, but appears to establish Valve's governance over the project.  So it's technically open source because well... the source is right there on Github, but it violates section 8 of the OSD, and doesn't conform to any "Free Software" license as defined by the EFF.  I don't see any real-world problems with either of those, but it does explain why Proton is a fork rather than simple collaboration with the Wine team.

Carry on...

Living Room / Re: Procrastination as a phase in a project
« on: July 27, 2018, 12:01 AM »
Structured Procrastination:

Living Room / Re: More good web comics you've discovered
« on: June 22, 2018, 12:37 AM »
Wow, that was good.  The part where he embraces the little girl's drawing got me *right here*  :-*

Living Room / Abusing Emoji on your computer filesystem
« on: June 16, 2018, 01:44 AM »
So, who's going to be the first programmer to adopt a poop emoji as their default file extension?
Most computer systems today (e.g. Windows, OSX, Android, iOS) use a thing called Unicode to represent text. Since computers work in binary, there needs to be a way to take a string of binary and convert it to letters and numbers to display on the screen. Unicode is one way to do that, and any system that uses Unicode knows that 01000001 is the capital letter A.
Since all of these emoji are part of the Unicode standard it means that emoji is essentially text, and it can be typed into anywhere normal text can be typed into, which means we can now put them in lots of funny places.

On Mac/iOS: https://zachholman.c...posts/abusing-emoji/
On Windows:

It also works on Linux.  I know because I created a file named new_file.🐮
(that's "dot-cow" just in case ya didn't know)

from it's way too late and I can't even

And I get the feeling that Edvard isn't too impressed with Brave, either:
Heh, after all that and I'm still using Brave as my main browser.  Little things get fixed here and there, let's see what works now:

- Can't edit the default page shortcuts.  There are 'x's to delete them, but it doesn't do anything.  You click it, and a dialog comes up that says "Thumbnail removed" but it's still there.  Some discussion on the Brave forum about it, and it's apparently on the list as something that needs to be fixed.
Those have been replaced by "Top Sites" tiles.  Still not as useful as say, Opera or Vivaldi's bookmark tiles on the new tab page, but at least you can remove them now. The dialog when you remove is sort of clunky.  You hit the 'X' on the tile, the tile goes away, then Brave tells you it has been deleted, but you can Undo, Remove All, or X to dismiss the notification.  It's a little jarring because it's a departure from the standard "Are you sure you want to delete that" dialog, but eh...

- No 'History' item in the settings dialogs (that I could find, anyway).  I have to enter "about:history" in the address bar.
- Embedded YouTube videos can't be full-screened.  The video enlarges but the window stays the same size.  Very curious.
- Sometimes (maybe once or twice a week) it "loses" CSS; I hit the 'back' button and suddenly I'm in 1994 with no font colors.
All these have been fixed as far as I can tell.  At least I haven't had the "missing CSS" thing happen for awhile now.

- Sometimes I can't input text anywhere; the address bar, forum posting, information form filling, nothing.  I have to restart the browser.
This still happens from time to time, but it may be my Desktop Environment (running Xfce on Debian 'Testing'), because I've noticed it happening with other windows every now and then, but not even half as many times as with Brave.  I figured out all it takes is Minimizing and Restoring the window instead of restarting the browser.  Maybe it's time to try out a new DE...

Well, after putting it all on one page, I think I'm done.  Vivaldi is looking better lately...
I still use Vivaldi occasionally, but it's still just as gawd-awful slow to start up as the first time I tried it.  Just for giggles, I tried timing all the browsers I have installed.  Firefox is the slowest to start at ~16 seconds from click to full window showing.  Vivaldi is half that; 8 seconds.  Chromium takes ~6 seconds, and Brave is ~2 seconds.

So all in all, I am happier with Brave, and it's still the main browser on my phone.  My wife and I have very old and cheap smartphones, and all the browsers we tried would crash on half the sites because of it.  Brave never crashes on our phones.  Ever.  *slow clap*

Never mind, Wraith808 already posted about this yesterday, and I didn't catch it:

Aw crud, I just posted about this in the Living Room.  Shoulda searched first. Crap.  :(

Microsoft Corp. on Monday announced it has reached an agreement to acquire GitHub, the world’s leading software development platform where more than 28 million developers learn, share and collaborate to create the future.

from CodeProject News

Living Room / Re: More good web comics you've discovered
« on: April 29, 2018, 11:33 PM »
Do you like post-apocalyptical stories?  Did you like The Rats of Nimh?  Check out Scurry:

Scurry is the story of a colony of mice in an abandoned house who are struggling to survive a long, strange winter. The humans are all gone and the sun is rarely seen. As food becomes scarce and many mice fall ill, the scavengers are forced to search farther from their home, braving monster infested lands in search of anything that will help the colony survive another day. Being hunted by feral cats and predatory birds is part of life for these mice, but beyond the fences stalks something far more fearsome...

from Webcomic Hunting in the Wee Hours of a Weekend Night

Living Room / Re: Animal Friends thread
« on: April 18, 2018, 12:35 AM »
This cat's reaction to tornado siren tests...

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