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None of our software contains toolbars, spyware, adware, or bundled software of any kind. We will refund any donation at any time with no questions asked. All donations are processed securely by trusted financial services; we do not receive your credit card or personal information when you donate, and we will not share your email address with anyone. For more information please read our Privacy Policy.

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Find and Run Robot
I believe I first heard of findandrunrobot at the site, Shell Extension City.. I've been using findandrun for several months now, and I've been lurking in the forums reading up on your whole philosophy and checking out some of your other apps (ie process tamer). I think the approach you're taking is admirable, particularly in this age of obnoxious promotion of everything. I believe products should speak for themselves, and in my opinion, findandrunrobot speaks volumes.
G.W. image

What are DonationCredits?

A DonationCredit is the unit of currency that you can use in our brand new, unique micro-donation system.

The way it works is this: When you make a donation to the site, the donation amount is credited to your account in the form of DonationCredits. You can then choose how much of your donation goes to the general site fund, and how much you want to give out to other contributors on the site. You now have total control over how your entire donation is distributed on the site.

Any time you see a little yellow coin next to someone's name, just click it to send them some credits. When they accumulate enough credits, they can redeem them for cash.

The "Micro" in Micro-donations

Even if you donate a very small amount (as little as 1 cent), recipients receive the full amount of your donation because the physical transfer of funds is only made after the recipient has accumulated enough credits to make transfer fees negligible. There is never a fee or commission levied on DonationCredits.

You are encouraged to use your credits generously to reward the software authors and review writers on the site, or just to show your appreciation to the author of a forum post you particularly like. DonationCredits are a way of easily and fairly spreading donations to those who contribute to the site - so be generous and get busy finding someone on the site to donate your credits to!

The Fine Print

You can start giving and receiving credits immediately, but 30 days must pass before you can cash out any credits given to you, to safeguard against canceled or refunded donations. After a long period of inactivity (currently 12 months), any abandoned credits in your account will be treated as a general site donation.

Why are DonationCredits good for you?

  • Convenience - no need to fill out long forms and passwords; when you see something you want to support on our site, whether it's a review, a program, or a post on our forum, it just takes a couple of mouse clicks to send the author a little money.
  • Flexibility - now you can donate as little as 1 cent to someone and they won't pay the (normally substantial) commission fee that financial services charge for small donations.
  • Security - you'll never have to expose your personal or financial information to the people you donate to. You donate once to the site, and we take care of paying your credits to your chosen recipients. For maximum security we retain redundant logs of all transactions, and cash out requests are always handled manually by an administrator.
  • Fun - using the DonationCredits system is just plain fun!
  • Want to learn more? Discuss the DonationCredits system on our forum

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