when i use the open/save dialog box from inside an application, there will be an automatic or very quick way of navigating to the 'project' folder i'm currently working with.
I just stumbled across this thread so I offer this in partial response to the op in case any might find it useful.
Here's VBA code (assign to a button, menu, and/or hotkey) to open an explorer window to the location of the current file in Word and Excel.
for Word:
Sub OpenCurrentFolder()
On Error Resume Next
Dim CurFold As String
Dim CurFile As String
CurFold = Application.ActiveWindow.Document.Path
CurFile = Application.ActiveDocument.Name
Call Shell("c:\windows\explorer.exe /e, " & CurFold & ",/select," & CurFold & "\" & CurFile, vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
For Excel:
Sub OpenCurrentFolder()
On Error Resume Next
Dim CurFold As String
Dim CurFile As String
CurFold = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
CurFile = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name
Call Shell("c:\windows\explorer.exe /e, " & CurFold & ",/select," & CurFold & "\" & CurFile, vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
I do a lot of work in Word and Excel and often have files opened from other than an open Explorer window. It's handy to open the current folder with a click on a toolbar button.