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Best Dialog Extender / Re: Enhanced File Dialog
« on: October 08, 2007, 02:09 AM »
Yes, FlashFolder is perfect for my needs. I love how it is able to make the dialog browse to a folder that is open on my desktop.

Living Room / Re: Versioning of files
« on: October 07, 2007, 09:24 AM »
Is it easy to keep backups of the versions that FileHamster keeps (complete with the comments of course)? And, how would it work if I would like to keep two FileHamster's on two computers synchronized?, would I be able to use a software that synchronizes files with the versions that FileHamster keeps?

General Review Discussion / Re: Free PDF tools review?
« on: September 23, 2007, 09:32 AM »
Thank you for all of your recommendations.

Right now I don't know if I will continue using Foxit Reader, and while PDF-XChange was indeed reasonably good, its not all the way there for me.

The deal breaker with PDF-XChange is the badly implemented typewriter tool (it would probably drive me insane after a while). However, its highligting tools are better in that they can be used to highlight text in columns correctly.

The deal breaker's with Foxit is its support who doesn't seem to regard broken PDFs as a problem. Moreover, its highligting tools are unable to deal with text in columns correctly.

So, the search continues, but, at least for now, I will be using both Foxit and PDF-XChange. I will use Foxit when I need to use the typewriter tool a lot and PDF-XChange for PDF:s that have a two-column layout. But, then again, using two PDF-annotators might screw things up even more for me.

General Review Discussion / Re: Free PDF tools review?
« on: September 21, 2007, 04:06 AM »
I have tested pdfannotator. But I didn't try their annotation tools much as I wasn't too impressed with the rendering of the PDF:s. By far the worst rendering quality that I have seen on text. It was actually quite surprising for me too see something that bad in this day and age.

General Review Discussion / Re: Free PDF tools review?
« on: September 20, 2007, 03:03 PM »
The ability to comment PDF:s is very valuable to me. I read a lot of research papers and it is nice thing to be able to place comments in the PDF:s. When I return to a document with comments I am able to read only the comments and remember what it was about.

General Review Discussion / Re: Free PDF tools review?
« on: September 20, 2007, 02:37 AM »
Here's some small things that I have noted when comparing Foxit Reader and PDF-XChange:

You are able to add annotations with both, but the free version of Foxit Reader leaves an evaluation mark on the annotated page when you save the document whereas the free version of PDF-XChange does not.

Foxit Reader supports a type of text-hilighting that PDF-XChange does not: Squiggly underline. Nonetheless, PDF-XChange does display the squiggly underline both within the PDF as well as in its "Comments List"; however, PDF-XChange is unable to display text that you have used for describing the squiggly itself (and you are not able to add any text nor are you able to delete this type of annotation from the document). This may or may not cause problems (I have been using squiggly hilighting quite a lot in Foxit Reader, which quickly becomes an issue if one wishes to migrate to PDF-XChange viewer). The "Caret" markup tool is also missing in PDF-XChange. The caret is displayed in PDF-XChange but behaves in the same way as the squiggly underlines. Not having these markup utilities may also cause problem if you are asked to review PDF:s that have these types of comments/annotations.

PDF-XChange has a so-called Comments List whereas Foxit does not. The Comments list enables you to see where a PDF-document is annotated and allows you to quickly navigate to an annotation. But, it is still a cheap knockoff of Adobe Reader's comments list, which not only allows you to see how annotations are distributed within a document but also allows you to see the texts stored in each annotation.

Foxit Reader (as well as Adobe Reader) allows one to view a text of a pop-up note by simply hovering over the annotation whereas PDF-XChange does not. I think that such a feature is nice when you are reading PDFs. But, Foxit has a problem in that it will truncate longer texts before displaying it in the pop-up, which makes it much less useful than Adobe Reader in this department.

The typewriter tool exists in both tools. I use this tool quite extensively, but it is difficult to manage in PDF-XChange when typing longer texts. If you have a long text on one line you may decrease the width of its container to make the text in it split on multiple lines. But, if you try to edit the text in that container again, the container will resize itself automatically so that the text is once again shown on a single, very long line. Also, the typewriter tool in PDF-XChange viewer seems unable to remember what font I used with it, which is very annoying (I don't like courier new, it is ugly!!!!).

General Review Discussion / Re: Free PDF tools review?
« on: September 17, 2007, 06:18 AM »
My understanding was that PDF-XChange Viewer Free wasn't simply a reader but also useful for annotating PDF-documents. My experience of such software is that is not free, and if it is free it comes with some kind of limitation so as to provide an incentive to get the non-free version. I am of the opinion that one should always try to exercise caution when something seems to be too good to be true. The reviews from snapfiles seems to be extremely positive, and that too triggers my critical mind, but I guess I will have to find out for myself now. If it does provide good annotation capabilities for free and with no limitations, then that is all that I need.

General Review Discussion / Re: Free PDF tools review?
« on: September 17, 2007, 04:59 AM »
Why would you want to name your company Tracker Software? :huh: Makes me think about spyware and those sort of things. Does anyone know if PDF-XCHANGE VIEWER is free from that kind of stuff?

General Review Discussion / Re: Free PDF tools review?
« on: September 17, 2007, 04:15 AM »
Forgive my scepticism :-[: what is the catch? Watermarks? Evaluation marks? Not compliant with the PDF-format in general? What exactly is it that makes PDF-XCHANGE unmarketable?  :huh:

General Review Discussion / Re: Free PDF tools review?
« on: September 17, 2007, 01:46 AM »
I bought Foxit Reader 2.1 as I thought it seemed like a good deal. But, alas, I find that I cannot trust the software entirely. I have experienced (once now, but only annotated a few PDFs) that the annotations made in Foxit does not show in Adobe Reader 8.0.0 and 8.0.1. Not only that, but Foxit left the PDF with annotations in it that were visible (but empty) in Adobe Reader but invisible in Foxit. Adobe Reader also gave me a error message: "Wrong number of arguments for a setcolor operator". Has anyone else here had this experience? I don't know if I can trust the software enough to continue using it. Worst case scenario is that Foxit Reader would make it impossible for me to move to my annotated PDFs to another annotating system if I wanted to as it seems to have issues with portability.

I wrote to Foxit's support about this problem a while ago in the hopes that they could (at least) give me instructions on how to avoid this while waiting for a new version of Foxit. This is what I wrote:


I made comments in a PDF using Foxit. Now, when I open it in Adobe
Reader 8.0.0 or 8.1.0 and start scrolling it I get the error message:
"An error exists on this page. [...]" followed by another one stating:
"Wrong number of arguments for a setcolor operator." The uncommented
version does not cause Adobe Reader to exhibit this behavior.

I have attached two screen shots documenting this error in this mail.
I have also attached the commented and uncommented version of the PDF.

Why does this happen and what should I do to avoid this until you
create a fix for this problem?

With kind regards,

The answer I got was:


We open the files in Foxit Reader,but there is no problem.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Your sincerely,
Foxit Software Support

And, so I replied:

As I wrote to you before, the problem was not that Foxit Reader was
unable to show the comments, but that Foxit Reader's comments causes
problems in a PDF-standards compliant reader, namely Adobe Reader 8.

If you understood my problem as stated above and still chose to
test the document I sent to you only in Foxit Reader, then that must mean
that you are encouraging the whole world to install Foxit Reader in
order to read comments generated in your software? When did "Portable"
in PDF (Portable Document Format) stop meaning exactly that? Thus,
given that PDFs are meant to be portable, I encourage you once again
to look into this problem.

And have not heard anything else from them after that.

Here's two of the screen captures that I sent to them.

First, the error message:

And, here's one of the "invisible" annotations created by Foxit in the same document:

I have no idea what you mean by a bookmarklet, but here's the code for SnagItCapture.js (works with SnagIt version 7):

function snagItInit(sPath, inputMode, delaySecs) {
snagIt = new ActiveXObject("SnagIt.ImageCapture"); //Global object
wshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); //Global object
objFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); //Global object

//Check if file points to directory (if not, then this path is treated as a file).
//Automatic naming scheme is applied if sPath is directory
var isFolder = objFSO.FolderExists(sPath);

//-- Input constants --
snagImageInput = new Object();
snagImageInput.siiDesktop = 0;
snagImageInput.siiWindow = 1;
snagImageInput.siiRegion = 4;
snagImageInput.siiClipboard = 7;
snagImageInput.siiCustomScroll = 18;

//-- Output constants --
snagImageOutput = new Object();
snagImageOutput.sioClipboard = 4;
snagImageOutput.sioFile = 2;

//-- ImageFileType constants --
snagImageFileType = new Object();
snagImageFileType.siftBMP = 0;
snagImageFileType.siftPCX = 1;
snagImageFileType.siftTIFF = 2;
snagImageFileType.siftJPEG = 3;
snagImageFileType.siftGIF = 4;
snagImageFileType.siftPNG = 5;
snagImageFileType.siftTGA = 6;

//-- OutputImageFile.FileNamingMethod constants --
snagOutputFileNamingMethod = new Object();
snagOutputFileNamingMethod.sofnmPrompt = 0;
snagOutputFileNamingMethod.sofnmFixed = 1;
snagOutputFileNamingMethod.sofnmAuto = 2;

//-- AutoScrollMethod constants --
snagAutoScrollMethod = new Object();
snagAutoScrollMethod.sasmVertical = 1;
snagAutoScrollMethod.sasmNone = 0;
snagAutoScrollMethod.sasmHorizontal = 2;
snagAutoScrollMethod.sasmBoth = 3;

//-- AutoScrollStartingPosition constants --
snagAutoScrollStartingPosition = new Object();
snagAutoScrollStartingPosition.sasspCurrent = 0;
snagAutoScrollStartingPosition.sasspTop = 1;
snagAutoScrollStartingPosition.sasspLeft = 2;
snagAutoScrollStartingPosition.sasspTopLeft = 3;

//Select input
if (!inputMode) {
snagIt.Input = snagImageInput.siiWindow;
} else {
snagIt.Input = inputMode;

snagIt.Output = snagImageOutput.sioFile; //Select output
snagIt.AutoScrollOptions.AutoScrollMethod = snagAutoScrollMethod.sasmNone; //Select autoscroll

if (delaySecs && delaySecs > 0) {
snagIt.DelayOptions.DelaySeconds = delaySecs;
snagIt.DelayOptions.EnableDelayedCapture = true;
snagIt.DelayOptions.EnableCountdownWindow = true;

//if (pickX && pickY) {
// snagIt.InputWindowOptions.SelectionMethod = 3; //swsmPoint (default swsmInteractive)
// snagIt.InputWindowOptions.XPos = pickX;
// snagIt.InputWindowOptions.YPos = pickY;

if (snagIt.Output == snagImageOutput.sioFile) {
snagIt.OutputImageFile.FileType = snagImageFileType.siftPNG;


if (isFolder) {
snagIt.OutputImageFile.FileNamingMethod = snagOutputFileNamingMethod.sofnmPrompt;
snagIt.OutputImageFile.Directory =  sPath; //Inargument

} else {
snagIt.OutputImageFile.FileNamingMethod = snagOutputFileNamingMethod.sofnmFixed;
WScript.Echo("Save in: " + objFSO.GetParentFolderName(sPath) +"\\"+ objFSO.GetFileName(sPath));
snagIt.OutputImageFile.Directory =  objFSO.GetParentFolderName(sPath); //Inargument
snagIt.OutputImageFile.Filename = objFSO.GetFileName(sPath); //Inargument

//snagIt.OutputImageFile.AutoFilePrefix = filePrefix; //Inargument
//snagIt.OutputImageFile.AutoNumPrefixDigits = 4;

if (snagIt.AutoScrollOptions.AutoScrollMethod != snagAutoScrollMethod.sasmNone)  {
//snagIt.AutoScrollOptions.Delay = 150;
snagIt.AutoScrollOptions.ForegroundScrollingWindow = true;
snagIt.IncludeCursor = false;
snagIt.AutoScrollOptions.StartingPosition = snagAutoScrollStartingPosition.sasspTop; //Select AutoScrollStartingPosition

function printSnagItWindowInputOpts() {
WScript.Echo("InputWindowOptions.Handle: " + snagIt.InputWindowOptions.Handle);
WScript.Echo("InputWindowOptions.SelectionMethod: " + snagIt.InputWindowOptions.SelectionMethod);
WScript.Echo("InputWindowOptions.XPos: " + snagIt.InputWindowOptions.XPos);
WScript.Echo("InputWindowOptions.YPos: " + snagIt.InputWindowOptions.YPos);

function getFileDirArg() {
//WScript.Echo("FileDirArg: " + WScript.Arguments.Item(0));
return WScript.Arguments.Item(0);

function getInputModeArg() {
return (WScript.Arguments.Count() > 1) ? parseInt(WScript.Arguments.Item(1)) : undefined;

function getDelaySecsArg() {
return (WScript.Arguments.Count() > 2) ? parseInt(WScript.Arguments.Item(2)) : undefined;

function snagItCapture() {
while(!snagIt.IsCaptureDone) {

var runPath = '"' + objFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) + '\\nircmd.exe" clipboard set "' + snagIt.LastFileWritten + '"';

function snagItDestroy() {
snagIt = null;
snagImageInput = null;
snagImageOutput = null;

snagItInit(getFileDirArg(), getInputModeArg(), getDelaySecsArg());

the "(.*) \+snag" trick does not work at all. It somehow screws up the parameters sent to the receiving script.

The first parameter to the SnagIt-script is the path in which to save the screen capture. Previously $$1 sent the path I selected in FARR but with this trick the 1st parameter contains the path of the script itself. The arguments thus became transposed in some way or perhaps doubled (probably doubled since the script itself is still launched).

The alias...


Is it true that FARR doesn't allow one to trigger an alias action with a path that points to something that does not exist? I want to be able to do this as I would like to use FARR for constructing a path for a resource that is to be created by an alias action. That is, I would like to search for a folder in FARR, select it with TAB and then type in a name for a new file that is to be constructed by an alias action in that path. Impossible, or?

The image below shows what I mean. The path "C:\Documents and Settings\Joe\Desktop\inhere\" appears after selecting a folder in FARR with TAB. The user then adds newfile.png to the path and +snag to send it to this alias for further processing. The result of this would be that a screen capture is performed with SnagIt and saved in a file named newfile.png that SnagIt creates. Is this possible?


Find And Run Robot / Re: Dialog extension with FlashFolder and FARR2
« on: September 10, 2007, 05:58 AM »
Ok, that works so much better :)

I was wondering about the dosearch thing, is there any option that would make it list the favorites the way  that FARR does before one starts to type search terms?

Find And Run Robot / Re: Dialog extension with FlashFolder and FARR2
« on: September 10, 2007, 05:33 AM »
Restarting farr and open options and close options does not seem to do the trick. Something else must be wrong, but I cannot figure it out. I placed the files in the FlashFolderFARR directory as in the image in the previous post and restart farr but the list of aliases still does not reflect these changes.

I have tried to rename the alias from fos to fso, changing the name of the .alias file to myaliases.alias, restarting as well as opening and closing options, changing the name of the folder from FlashFolderFARR to FlashFolder, taken away the DefaultSearchText-option... what else can I try? Reinstalling FARR?

Find And Run Robot / Re: Dialog extension with FlashFolder and FARR2
« on: September 10, 2007, 05:14 AM »
Would I have to tell people to restart FARR2 after unpacking into AliasGroups? I have done what you've said and tried to test it, but I cannot see FlashFolderFARR in the list of group aliases within FARR.

This is the alias-file after i edited (its name is FlashFolderFARR.alias)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Legacy" ?>
<!-- This file defines aliases for use by the Find and Run Robot program ( -->
    <AliasSetDescription>Aliases for integrating FARR2 with FlashFolder</AliasSetDescription>
            <Result>FlashFolder open $$1 | %ALIASDIR%sendToFlashFolder.bat &quot;$$1&quot;</Result>

This is what the FlashFolderFARR-directory looks like in AliasGroups:


What have I done wrong?

Find And Run Robot / Re: Dialog extension with FlashFolder and FARR2
« on: September 10, 2007, 04:54 AM »
Let's see if I am getting this right.

As I understand it, I could create a folder with the name FlashFolderFARR and in that folder I would put an alias-file that defines only the +fos alias. To do this I would just have to copy my current myaliases.alias to that folder and edit it so that it only contains the fos-alias. In the .alias file I would also have to change any mention of %FARRDIR%scripts\Joe to %ALIASDIR%. I would also change the current subdirectory "Joe" to the name of the folder in which I intend this alias to reside in when it is unpacked into the AliasGroups (in this case FlashFolderFARR). After this, I would also put the vbs and bat scripts into that folder after which I zip this folder. Once I have done that I could distribute the zip-file and tell people to unzip it into a folder with the name FlashFolderFARR in their AliasGroups folder.

I would also have to instruct them to download and place NirCmd and CMDOW Commandline Window Utility in the FlashFolderFARR-folder (or to make them accessible by modifying the environment variable PATH so that they are globally available).

Does this sound right?

Find And Run Robot / Dialog extension with FlashFolder and FARR2
« on: September 10, 2007, 03:55 AM »
This "release" has been updated according to the ideas that Mouser raised in this topic.

FlashFolder is a dialog extender; that is, it adds a new menu to the common file save/open dialog. It does so both for Word 2003 open/save dialogues and the standard ones. As you may know from a recent post, I wanted to have the possibility of sending the currently selected file or folder path to the currently open file open/save dialogue. By using FlashFolder and some scripts that I wrote you can now have this possibility. This is what you will have to do for this to work.

Download the file attached to this post and unpack it in the FindAndRunRobot\AliasGroups\Installed folder. This should create a folder with FARR-aliases with the name FlashFolder in the FindAndRunRobot\AliasGroups\Installed folder.

You will also have to download CMDOW Commandline Window Utility and unpack it into the FindAndRunRobot\AliasGroups\Installed\FlashFolder directory (or have it accessible through the path environment variable) that was created when you unpacked The aliases also depend on NirCmd which you will have to place in this directory too (or have it accessible through the path environment variable).

Then get and install FlashFolder (this script is tested to version 1.8.141). Once installed, you will have to configure FlashFolder. You gain access to FlashFolder and its options by first selecting to save or open a file in any application that uses the standard save/open file dialog. FlashFolder will now appear as a toolbar above the file open/save dialog. Click on the button directly to the left of FlashFolder's text-field and select "Options..." in the menu that drops down (shown in the image below).


In the options, you should set the keyboard shortcut for the "Focus path edit field" to CTRL + ALT + G as shown in the picture below.


Now, finally, we may test if this works as it should. To do this, start a file/open save dialog from your favorite application. Next, start FARR2 with your favorite keycombo and type in your search terms. Using the arrow keys, select the file of your choosing in FARR2's result box and press TAB. The topmost field of FARR will now become activated again and the path of the file just selected with TAB will have replaced the previously typed search terms. Now, to send the path to FlashFolder, you will have to type in +fos after the path and press RETURN. The following two images are meant to illustrate this process:


You may also send a path to a file save/open dialog by preceding your search terms in FARR with the keyword lfos whereafter you type your search terms. The file or folder-path that you select in the result box will now be automatically sent to the currently open FlashFolder-dialogue.

The scripts that I wrote will send the path to FlashFolder upon pressing return in FARR, which in turn updates the currently open file dialog to show that directory. If the selected path points to a file rather than a directory, the name of the file will be inserted into the file name field of the current file/save dialog. The dialog is then made to open the file by my script sending a {RETURN} to confirm the dialog automatically. Note that in the process of sending a path to FlashFolder your clipboard is used and whatever is in there therefore becomes discarded.

WOW! FlashFolder, how I have been waiting for you!!! This is great, I hope there's some way of donating!

Living Room / Re: How do you organise your 'My Documents' folder
« on: August 31, 2007, 03:52 AM »
I don't put my files in the My Documents folder but into another folder (in my case, a MyDocs folder on C:). The reasons for this is, as a lot of you have mentioned, that a lot of applications create subdirectories on their own among 'My Documents' (effectively diluting the whole concept of My Documents, which for me stands for something like: don't touch, these are my private belongings).

I have taken some care to choose descriptive icons for my folders as I think that icons helps me to navigate more effectively among folders. At the first level every folder has an icon but beyond this level I only have icons on those folders that I need to navigate to often. Since these "iconized" folders stand out against the much less used folders (which will have their normal icon), my gaze will be directed to look at these before the much less navigated to folders, which makes the visual search for folders somewhat more effective.

The image below shows my organization (which, perhaps, reflects the fact that I am a PhD student):


The first folder (named Organization & Classification) contains information regarding the organization of My Docs and the icons for my folders in the My Docs-folder. It also contains a tiny web server that I use for accessing research texts stored in My Docs (more on that later).

The second folder (named Application Data) contains files that are application specific, such as settings and templates.

The third folder (Miscellaneous) contains random stuff.

The fourth folder (Artes Liberales) contains articles and information regarding general topics such as math and language (grammar, linguistics etc), which are topics that by their nature cannot be tied to any specific kind of activity but permeates much of what one does.

The fifth folder (Personal) contains stuff that is linked more to private and personal matters, like hobbies, pictures, plans and so forth, than any professional undertakings.

The sixth folder (University) contains information regarding my place of employment and how to manage things there. Thus, it contains things such as standard forms we use, templates for external communications, information on the organizational structure and so forth.

The seventh folder (Computing) is divided into two folders, Software and Programming. In Software, I store information that ties to the use of specific software that I have. In Programming, I store information about programming languages (every language I use has a specific folder) and also information on general topics in software engineering. Within Programming, I have a folder for the specific software projects that I am working on (that folder is a big mess, which is, perhaps, a reflection of the fact that programming projects are difficult to manage).

The eight folder (Research) contains stuff that pertains to what I do as a PhD-student. In this folder I also store information that pertains to research in my field that has been published in articles, journals, reports (these are mostly in the form of PDFs). I have indexed these in RefWorks, which is a web service for indexing that kind of stuff. Everything indexed in my RefWorks database gets a reference-id, which I then use for naming the folder on my computer in which I put the corresponding PDF. I also run a webserver on localhost so that I can retrieve and display a PDF stored on my computer with a specific reference id in my web browser. I have also customized the RefWorks-service (with GreaseMonkey) so that I can see thumbnails of my PDFs and access the PDFs stored locally from RefWorks. Thus, my local storage and the webservice function together in a seamless way. The picture below is included to give you an idea of how that looks like.


The ninth folder (Teaching) contains stuff that has to do with my teaching duties at my university.

And that is pretty much all there is to my organization of files and folders.

General Software Discussion / Re: Mouse software
« on: August 28, 2007, 01:57 AM »
I use NiftyWindows, which allows you to control windows in all kinds of ways by using only your mouse. However, it does not have a nifty method of scrolling windows that aren't in focus.

Yes, perhaps one does not need to integrate FARR with the dialogs, a hot-key of some sort would most likely function as well or as good as any integration. Is it possible for such an implementation to function with office's open and save dialogs as well as the common open and save dialogs, or would the office dialogs require additional work? I guess that it is quite likely that the office open and save dialogs have a different window-class. I wonder if there are other differences that would affect the implementation more?

Find And Run Robot / [feature request] FARR2 as dialog extender?
« on: August 27, 2007, 04:43 AM »
Would it be possible to make a plug-in that allows FARR2 to be used in standard file save and open dialog for finding a specific file/folder?

DcUpdater / Re: Installed programs not recognized
« on: August 27, 2007, 04:34 AM »
I have kind of the same problem.

My problem is that DcUpdater shows some FARR2 plugins as not being installed when in fact they are (I can see them in FARR's plug-in manager).

Specifically, it shows FarrFox and FCalc as being "not installed" when in fact they are.

Also, DcUpdater is spelt wrongly in the taskbar (it says DcUppdater with two p:S).



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