mac vs pc type thing?
It's Find and Run Robot...what M$ character is famous for the job of not finding things all that well?
Rover! (think of XP's search)
So all we need is a guy to be FARR Man and a dog...a dumb dog.
Put them both on what looks like a windows desktop...and a 'user' that you don't see, but you hear his voice, asks both of them to find things for him.
FARR Man dashes away and comes back each time with what he asks for, no matter what it is.
Dog just lays there and does nothing...or just typical dog things....basically just being useless.
The real comedy is in what FARR Man is asked to find and bring back or do. The requests start out reasonable but get crazy as the user begins to see that FARR Man is actually a magical genie and starts to test FARR Man's abilities, and begins to feed him requests for stuff he wishes he had. But FARR Man succeeds each time....ending with FARR Man reading the user's mind and bringing back something the user didn't ask for, but did think about... or ending with FARR Man being psychic and predicting what the user will need.
(I am thinking that FARR Man may have provided him with cash, sports car, sexy girl friend, etc.. and the user might be in need of some condoms that FARR Man provides without being asked)
And the whole time, Rover the M$ search dog is totally useless.