The thing with the "years ago" thing is that years ago, there was no choice. Today there is. And it is all much easier now. For the thing with the "10 year olds", they aren't the purchasers. It's the dad (or mome) that makes the purchase there. Yeah - when I was 10 years old I guided my parents decisions in the computer sector because they knew nothing about computers then. It's a different world now. People my age are the parents now. Back when I was 10 years old, DOS wasn't a problem for me because I was 10 and I had lots of time to learn new things. My parents didn't have that time available. It's those people that we as software and IT professionals need to target - the people with the buying power that are very busy and don't have time to play around with this, that and the other thing. They just need to get a task done. They want to print their family photos, burn a DVD with a family video, blah blah blah. Things need to be easy to do for those people - the ones with the purchasing power.
Yes - I know - I'm skewing the direction towards commercial interests. But these are the interests that propel IT forward. Everything that has ever been done in OSS or FOSS has been done in commercial software first. (OK - maybe there's an exception somewhere, but not many.)
I remember the switch to Windows 95, and I thought that I was being raped of real power with DOS being a second class citizen there. I already had my PC set up to behave as much like UNIX as possible. I was just used to the UNIX way and liked it. (@gjehle - I'm far from a UNIX hater - I rely on UNIX daily.)
The thing is that clicking a button with a label is far easier for most people than typing some obscure command. We live in a world where people are lazy and expect instantaneous gratification. The command line just doesn't fit there. McDonalds is fast food that people love and buy. We need to make our software somewhat like that. (Please don't anyone go off on McDonalds sucks - yes - the food isn't the best, but it is fast.)
With many software packages for UNIX based systems (BTW - Windows NT systems [2000/2003/XP] are UNIX because they are POSIX compliant - I use UNIX in the common manner of "not Windows" though) we still encounter the core problem of the "DLL Hell" that used to plauge Windows (for non-.NET developers).
For the list of requirements, this is real problem whether or not the system takes care of it or not. That's a HUGE list for LiVes. For most people this is just scary.
When it comes to marketing power, OSS or FOSS rarely wins. They just don't have the people with the expertise to promote their products (usually). Those things cost money. People need to eat, have a place to live, have something to work for. Free just doesn't cut it. Most software is written on a 1-off basis for companies and nobody will ever see it outside the company. Firefox and the like are NOT the norm. They are the exception.
As technology progresses, the commercial applications become OSS/FOSS at some point, but they don't start there.
e.g. What do we have in the search sector? Lucene? Maybe a couple others. Search is still the domain of the commercial interests.
I'm not trying to come off as a Microsoft fan-boy here. I really don't care too much one way or the other. I make my living off of software and I also supplement my living with software. The platform isn't really all that important to me. What is important is that at the end of the day I pay the bills, have some money to spend, and some money to save. Pretty boring, isn't it?
The thing here is that Unbuntu isn't "Prime Time" for anyone (developers) in the commercial sector. We are the ones that write the software that people really use first.
For all it's worth, I'm a believer in BSD. That stuff is just plain solid. But it has a place and a purpose. That place isn't on the desktop, unless its OSX.
don't want it? don't use it.
nobody's forcing anybody.
but if you really prefer to be a hater, get some better arguments going.
You need to go back and read again. I'm very far from hating UNIX. I wish that I had some of the UNIX stuff on Windows.
It's not about "forcing", but more about making things easy for people. The UNIX world is still very much in the "just learn it" phase. That doesn't work for most people. Ubuntu may be God's gift to the planet, but if it's not easy people won't use it. I'm not being prescriptive. I'm being descriptive. If you really want to push this point... The number of people that use the software that I'm pushing is in the hundreds of millions (that's 100,000,000's). How many users do you have? I probably know a little bit about this or I'd be fired.
don't try to be a hater and brag about how much better your preference is over someone else's.
I'm not bragging about anything. Where did you read that? I'm pointing out that the software choices for Ubuntu are very sparse. They just aren't "Prime Time" yet. Windows and OSX are "Prime Time" right now.
If we really want to be complete jackasses about things and get down to brass tacks, then...
You want a server:
- Use BSD for DNS (and a few other things)
- Use Soliaris for anything else
- Use Linux for stuff that doesn't matter much
- Use Windows for development speed
You want a desktop:
- Use Windows
- Use OSX
- Use BSD
- Use some Linux distro
That's it. There really isn't much more. Nobody runs DNS off of Linux. Nobody runs DNS off of Windows. (When it matters.) BSD is far superior to any Linux distro there. But for the desktop, which is the topic of discussion, Ubuntu just doesn't have the developer support that Windows does. That's just a fact. Not an opinion.
It's not a matter of opinion. It's a matter of fact. BSD rules in some areas. Windows rules in developer support. Different OSes have different strengths.
Windows just happens to offer users more choices right now, and when the FSF gets a clue, maybe we'll be able to have a "GPL" that will allow developers to create software for Linux. Until then, Linux will remain a niche. Linux needs developer support on more than just a basic level. It needs real software that people can use commercially. Most offerings on Linux don't approach their commercial alternatives. That's where the GPL completely screws itself. The LGPL is much better and tolerable. (Ummm... Why is OSX based off of BSD???)
get a life. honestly.
Ummm... No comment. Read the above.
I'm going back to my beer now.
(Not that I ever left... God... typing at this point is a real chore!~)