VERY lengthy article, but it gives the subject the treatment it deserves. I've been living with Xubuntu solo for about 6 months now, and my wife is having no trouble
. I agree with almost everything in the article, basically:
1- Linux is stabler than you.
2- Ubuntu has all but beaten the package management nightmare.
3- You may have some problems with some hardware, notably printers and wi-fi. Do your homework first.
4- Unless you're playing Quake 4, hardcore gamers are going to be dissapointed.
5- Gimp is not Photoshop, but it's close enough for 95% of what most folks use photoshop for, and theres
GimpShop for those who don't use Gimp because they can't figure out the buttons.
I most fully and heartily disagree with this one:
For example, users of GarageBand or Sony’s ACID will regret the lack of a loop-based audio editor for Linux...
Holy Smokin' Sequencers, ain't he ever heard of
LMMS? yeesh... How's about a clue-by-four ->
...(though the Jokosher project is heading in that direction.)
I have tried Jokosher and I can say this; It is
pointed in that direction. Barely headed, really (but I'll admit it's a really nice looking start).
All in all, nice find Ken.